MP3 Hugworks - Best I Can Be
Songs for young children that boost self-esteem, celebrate acceptance & diversity & encourage a spirit of cooperation.
16 MP3 Songs
KIDS/FAMILY: Children''s Pop, KIDS/FAMILY: General Children''s Music
Hugworks (formerly Celebration Shop, Inc) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, founded in Texas in 1981 by a group of concerned persons committed to providing support for ''alternative'' methods of emotional healing through music and singing. Jim Newton, founding staff member, began by providing programs in a wide variety of settings with youth and young adults.
In 1983, Jim was impressed by the tremendous response of children, families and staff at Children''s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. He had never sung for hospitalized children before, but immediately recognized that music could have a powerful healing impact with children suffering from severe, chronic and life-threatening illness.
Since 1983, with the help of corporate and foundation grants, individual donations and public sales of recordings, Hugworks artists have toured children''s hospitals and rehabilitation centers throughout North America and a number of foreign countries, performing their songs of healing for children and families with special medical and emotional challenges. In addition, over 122,000 audio cassettes, CDs and songbooks have been produced and distributed to supplement the live programs. Hugworks'' healing impact is multiplied through Music Therapists, Child Life Specialists, Music Teachers and other healthcare/education professionals who make use of these resources in their work to ease the pain and fear of their clients/patients/students every day.
Hugwork''s musical resources are used daily in classrooms to teach young children important life skills - fostering healthy expression of feelings, celebrating acceptance and diversity, encouraging the spirit of cooperation and boosting self-esteem - all while having fun!
Hugworks musicians include Jim Newton, President and Founder, Paul G. Hill, Composer and Executive Producer, and Noel Paul Stookey (of Peter, Paul and Mary), Producer.
The crossover and blending of the fields of emotional and psychological support, education, physical healing and spiritual sustenance will continue and there will be a growing need for organizations like Hugworks which can and will provide guidance in this new and exciting territory.