MP3 jaQ Andrews - Stars or Streetlamps
Progressive, thoughtful acoustic folk music with words that matter. A cohesive first album exploring despair, friendship and hope.
8 MP3 Songs
FOLK: Modern Folk, FOLK: Folk Pop
The music of acoustic singer/songwriter jaQ Andrews is at times simple, at times devilishly complex. His songs expose the microscopic pits and landings of human emotion, getting to the core of what makes one feeling different from another. He has been performing and writing music since grade school, cutting his teeth on the likes of Creedence Clearwater Revival and John Mellencamp. Other influences include Counting Crows, Jackson Browne, Yes and Tears for Fears.
He has played at open mikes all around New England, including the legendary Club Passim in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He spent weekends in the summer and fall of 2001 playing on the streets of Harvard Square. The organizer of the New England Student Activism Conference at MIT in 1999 said, "jaQ Andrews amazes and entertains us all with his guitar pickery."
In his spare time from working as a technical content editor at an online computer reseller, he recorded and produced his first CD, Stars or Streetlamps, in his apartment. The CD was released in August of 2002.
Originally from Pennsylvania, jaQ left high school after 11th grade to attend Simon''s Rock College in Massachusetts. He now resides in Nashua, NH with his roommate and cat. In addition to his music, he also has published a short story, is working on a novel, is a certified computer technician and occasionally cooks a casserole.