MP3 Jeff Hunter - Fourteen Strings
A simple three piece Folk Fusion acoustic band with all original songs that will take your breath away, these three friends love there music and it shows as they challenge each other improvising, jamming and making the most of each and every note.
11 MP3 Songs
FOLK: Modern Folk, ROCK: Folk Rock
They call their music Folk Fusion. It has been said that seeing this band is like going to church. The lyrics to their original songs are outstanding and speak not only of the times but of what is going on deep down in your heart, on your mind or in your dreams, going way beyond just story telling. These three good friends love playing music together and bring background influences from Bluegrass to Beatles and the Grateful Dead. Song writer Jeff Hunter has been called and mix of Jackson Brown and Bob Dylan with a little John Lennon and Peter Gabriel. A simple three piece acoustic treat ripping out one great song after another, captivated audiences say this band is more than a treat for the ears and mind but is also alot of fun to watch as the band will dance around stage swapping leads and playing with the dynamics of each song, bringing the music from silence to sound, often improvising, fast songs lead to dancing, slow songs lead to smiles and sometimes tears but always the music will take your breath away. They go with the feel of the song and the moment creating what they call Folk Fusion. Guitarist, singer songwriter Jeff Hunter has produced five albums of original music solo and with his other band, the Previously Lost Dogs see: for more info. Bass player Jack Grosse has recorded on numerous albums as guest Bass player for bands and song writers throughout the years and is best known for writing the song Smoke Two Joints with the Toys in the late 70''s. Violinist Dennis English plays with world class skill and taste and is on literally hundreds of albums and a guest violinist for bands and songwriters alike.
Some Reviews:
John Barr Make a Star Artist review board:
"Jeff has a good sense of melody and composition. His songs have an honesty that is refreshing, reminiscent of Bob Dylan. He obviously writes from personal experience and performing with Fourteen Strings shows he knows how to keep an audience captivated and in the palm of his hand".
Paul Richardson, Austin Song Writers Group:
"Firmly rooted in folk singer songwriter territory, Jeff''Hunter''s songs have good structure and his chord progressions are solid. Fourteen Strings performance is very honest and engaging and the melodies work nicely. Jeff reminded me of John Lennon and that''s never a bad thing".
Don Watts,
"Fourteen Strings influences are apparent and in a good way. They have chosen the best elements they have to offer. If Peter Gabriel was ever to sit at a fireplace and sing a Pink Floyd tune while at America''s house, these are the songs he''d sing. The band''s songs complement your sense of what''s real and true".