MP3 Aurora Juliana Ariel - Renaissance of Grace
“The exotic vocals of Aurora with Bruce BecVar weave a mystical blend that is both uplifting and inspiring, transporting us into a brilliant world of transcendence and light.”
9 MP3 Songs in this album (52:28) !
Related styles: WORLD: Gypsy, NEW AGE: Ambient
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Aurora Juliana Ariel
Mystic, Poet, Healer
Whether she''s writing books, leading personal growth
workshops, raising money for worthy causes or expressing her musical talents, Aurora Juliana Ariel possesses the proverbial Midas touch. Her brand of alchemy is the sacred sort, yielding a gold one can only discover within. Author and musician, entrepreneur and producer, mystic and healer, Aurora is a Renaissance woman for the New Millennium.
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life, which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. --Thoreau
Sacred Alchemist
No matter what the project, Aurora''s goal is the same: To transform the life of herself and others. "I''ve had this unquenchable fire within me since I was a teen that inspired a life long quest for truth. Tapping into the immense suffering in our world, I was compelled to discover what was at the heart of humanity''s distress and to find a cure.” A scientist in the laboratory of the soul, this quest took her into the uncharted realms of the psyche where she did her most landmark research and work, developing a revolutionary breakthrough Counseling Theory and Practice she calls ''TheQuest™.''
Her discoveries are extensive and far-reaching, and all revolve around the concept that our subconscious patterns create the challenging conditions in our lives. “I’ve traced every painful condition in my clients to its cause in the subconscious and found that to completely change these conditions they must be addressed from within.”
To help facilitate this deep healing, Aurora developed a seven-step process she is training others in. She founded the Institute of Advanced Healing to bring out this work, and created a model chapter that graduates of TheQuest™ trainings can set up around the world, providing counseling, classes, weekly support groups, and healing forums.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us. --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mystic and Healer
As is often the case, Aurora''s foray into healing was spurred by her own illness. Always in perfect health, the stress from painful circumstances caused her to have two heart attacks in six months. Soon after, she was told she had an incurable heart virus that could debilitate her quickly to death.
Unwilling to resign herself to her fate, she embarked on a search for a cure. She met and studied under pioneering doctors in the fields of alternative medicine and holistic health, and through these modalities, kept herself from debilitating, but soon realized she had to go deeper. This led her into the subconscious where she was able to trace the causes behind her illness and find a cure.
It was Grand Master Kimo Pang, a Hawaiian Kahuna and mystic, who first took her deep into the psyche and trained her in ancient Hawaiian Healing Arts. He had visions of the future where she was helping people all over the world and realized she was meant to be his successor, even though the lineage is normally passed to someone in the family. On her birthday in 1993, he passed his Mana to her in a Sacred Ceremony initiating her as a Kahuna.
She then entered her formal education in psychology. Through this quest, she had trained in both cutting-edge and ancient healing arts receiving over 35 certificates and degrees. She formalized her vast education under a B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology, mastering many of the cutting edge counseling theories and practices from the last century.
Finally, after seven years on this extraordinary life journey, she was completely cured. The discoveries she''s made through her research and work, and by integrating advanced healing arts with ancient traditions can be found in her healing work, writing, and way of life.
Each one of us has an Innate Wisdom where we must look for guidance, assistance, knowledge, and understanding. There is no other way to fulfill our highest destiny potential but by listening absolutely to the Inner Self and following its wisdom unfailingly. --Aurora Juliana Ariel
As a writer, Aurora is prolific. Her first book, Earth 2012: The Ultimate Quest, How to Find Peace in a World of Chaos represents her extraordinary vision and landmark discoveries. It is an in depth psychological study of this historic time on earth written in the voice of the research psychologist, humanitarian, futurist, visionary, and mystic.
She has written a host of other books including children''s picture books that are planned for animated features, all of which are scheduled for release in the coming years. Writing is one of many ways Aurora has found to pay heed to her own inner voice. The wisdom, which comes through in these writings, is woven through future books in the Earth 2012 series.
Writing numerous articles from her vast storehouse of knowledge, Aurora has also held seminars on inspired topics since her twenties. Her great love is in bringing higher awareness to the public and this she has accomplished in many forms.
Creation is only the projection into form of that which already exists. --Shrimad Bhagavatam
Entrepreneur, Visionary, Futurist
There is a misconception that mystics are hermits needing to remove themselves from this world for the higher pursuit of meditation and prayer. Nothing could be further from the truth. It''s not that the mystic ceases to act, but that she and the act become one. Exemplifying the interplay of Yin and Yang, the active and passive principles of the Universe, Aurora has balanced a life of mystic exploration with a life of achievement. Being a producer and creator is her great joy, allowing her to make manifest the truths she discovers in quieter hours.
One such project was the weekly one-hour television series she produced called Quest for Truth. The seven-year long Hawaii-based series explored numerous topics relevant to the expansion of human consciousness. Her concern about world conditions inspired Aurora to found the Earth Vision Foundation in 1994 to sponsor the Earth Vision Center Project, a vast humanitarian endeavor. ( Presently she is bringing forth the knowledge gained through her extensive research around this project in one of the next books in the Earth 2012 series, with the hope that it will inspire humanity to take positive steps to create a harmonious future.
In 2003, Aurora formed a multimedia company, AEOS, to bring out inspired music, books, and films. She is the author and main producer of the Company’s productions. Born into a lineage of entrepreneurs, she has headed her own companies since her twenties, and shares her father’s global vision and pioneering spirit. He became one of the top producer/distributors of seafood in the world with businesses in five countries, and was a pioneer in shrimp farming who helped set up shrimp farms in 15 countries.
Music at its highest, as in Bach or Mozart, is pure play. Such playfulness is the very nature of Divine Wisdom. --Alan Watts
Musician and Producer
Aurora loved to sing and dance as a little girl. When she was 12 she produced her “weekly TV show’ in a friend’s garage with her ‘troupe’ of friends, performing for neighbors. By 13, she picked up a guitar and began writing songs. At 19, while strolling in the hills of North Carolina, Aurora found herself spontaneously singing in what seemed like an Angelic tongue, a profound experience that was destined to reoccur many years later in a way that would change her life. This experience was a natural precursor to Aurora''s first professional musical endeavor. In 1994 inspired by the Angels, Aurora began producing the album, Rivers of Life, Music of the Angels under the banner of her own production company, AngelFire Music.
She became Vice President and Marketing Director of Shining Star Music from 1998 to 2002, a company owned by multi-instrumentalist, Bruce BecVar. Inspired by their collaboration, the inspired songs returned in early 1997, giving birth to performances in Greece, Colorado, Sedona, and Hawaii. In 1998, they released River of Gold, their first album together, on which Aurora holds production, composing and vocal credits. Steve Ryals of New Age Retailer calls the album''s songs "Light-filled paeans to love and the transcendent power of Spirit accented by Aurora''s lovely voice," while Bette Timm of the Napra Review describes it as "deeply passionate, exotic and simply unforgettable." In 2008, Aurora released her first solo music CD, Renaissance of Grace, under AEOS.
Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level, expect to grow spiritually. --Eileen Caddy
A powerful manifester at a young age, the word "impossible" has never been in Aurora''s vocabulary. Her experiences have taught her the power of being in tune with a Higher Will. She believes, "The Highest Intention for our lives is abundance. This our Inner Self holds for us. The more we allow it to manifest its vision in the world, the more we will live in peace, experiencing an Abundant." Joyfully and reverently, Aurora continues to do just that.