MP3 Jim Drew - Someone's Mona Lisa
The Pizza is to eat while discussing some of the lyrics. Basically, thought provoking Rock with an Acoustic guitar core.
14 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Folk Rock, ROCK: Acoustic
I have had the priviledge of playing Rock, Folk, Classical, and even some jazz. I have enjoyed many of the variations and changes through the years and in many ways have borrowed from the past, present, and hopefully the future. My main strength is with an acoustic guitar but lots of energy.
Enjoying a full auditorium of hearts or sitting in a coffee house, I absolutely love playing and engaging with people who come. My style is less a "style" and more of a letting it all out from what has been being put in. I could not play any of this music unless it had been first poured into me.
A concert for me is a loosing of a flood and a chance to meet new friends, connect with hearts, brief as that moment may seem, and see if we can all walk forward a few steps together.
Artists tend to poke their hearts into places where folks would run from a preacher or some other speaker.
My job is to do what any artist does and that is reveal things in a way that is emotional, thought provoking and available to all, hopfully having some real fun while doing it.
The artisic thought goes to a different part of the soul than other communication can do. Coffee Houses and clubs and concert auditoriums become safe places when an artist is doing what He/She does and is gifted to do.
Out on the streets I share my songs to tell stories and questions and thoughts I am working through by using music and an atmosphere we can all relate to and laugh with and think about.
I love touring.
It''s hard and tiring at times but I love meeting people and have enjoyed meeting folks across the US and Canada. Over the last while I have enjoyed some great radio airplay overseas as well as regionally. Some cool interviews were done with UCB radio and Crossrhythms Magazine out of London, England.
Over time I have also been priviledged to lead off for some real cool folks like Rick Cua, Novella, Michael Peace, etc.
Believe it or not, though I love to be loud at times and bang on my guitars, I also trained classically at Roberts Wesleyan College, just outside of Rochester, New York. It was strictly a classical school at the time so I didn''t always feel like I fit in, but "whew!", I learned a lot. I use that training all the time to keep my voice from rotting during a concert.
Over the years I have had the fun of learning and working with many artists in recording. Vocal and acoustic rhythm guitar were what folks asked me in for, (plus a few of the songs I wrote for them). I never kept a record for discography of the projects I have been on and should probably look that up for posterities sake.
At home I got the "Recording bug" and started with a Fostex four track and brought roughs to band members and studios of things I was thinking about. Somwhere along the way it became an 8-track setting and then eventually became what it is now. At this point I have a twenty four track at once digital studio with unlimited tracks and plugins and, well, lots of stuff to create a very solid recording project.
Lately I have also been able to share this equipment and experience with other folks who have wanted to do some recording on a more professional level.
It''s great to watch folks light up as they see a project come together and are comfortable and enjoy the time and energy we put in.
Change is in the air.
Change back to what I was built to do.
Originally I toured through the late eighties and early nineties but I have worked in various parts of the local music Industry since 1993. I am leaving my local position on December 19th, 2004 to pursue some great opportunities I''ve been getting.
At home I enjoy the company of an awesome wife, Carol. She has been a strength to me and helped keep things together when the music did not pay much. (This is the norm, ask any musician. Starving a little while is part of the "paying your dues") She has put up with my bad jokes for too many years now, as well as a home studio for the longest time and really deserves a hazard medal.
I have three really cool kids. Ariane is a real wit and a writer, Daniel is a Drummer (working on guitar now too), and Samuel, well, he may end up a sculptor. He loves to create things with his hands. They do tons of other cool stuff but I''ll leave it at that for now. I get to hang with them and it is a wonderful thing God has done for me.
Thanks for listening