MP3 Joseph's Coat - Tapping Into The Power
An out-of-the-box and progressive Southern alternative pop rock blues fusion.
12 MP3 Songs
GOSPEL: Contemporary Gospel, BLUES: Rockin'' Blues
The Hebrew meaning of the word "Joseph" is: let him add; to augment or change. And the meaning of the word "Coat" is: to cover; a cloak; in the sense of covering; robe; a mantle. Isaiah 61:10 says: "He has clothed me with a garment of salvation. He has covered me with a robe of righteousness..." This is the true coat Joseph wore-a coat of deliverance, healing and ultimate restoration. The same "spiritual coat" that was given to Joseph is available today to all who place their trust in God.
Joseph''s Coat believes that the healing given to Joseph is readily available today to all who have faith in Jesus as our savior, for each member is living proof of such. The band feels lead to expand His kingdom, and seeks opportunities to minister to the lost and those who are searching. The Lord has certainly blessed us in this mission and we continually try to be obedient in His plan for us.
Among other events, Joseph''s Coat has played at Soulstock and for Biker Sunday at an area church. These were fabulous opportunities to offer hope and show the way to those who are lost. We have been blessed with original music and are excited about the release of our first full length CD, Tapping Into The Power.
Our sound has been described as an out-of-the-box and progressive Southern alternative pop rock blues fusion. We are genuine and enthusiastic about spreading the word of God and the love of Jesus Christ through our music. Joseph''s Coat is excited to expand our territory, sharing with those who are in the dark how very easy it is and how good it feels to walk into the light...His light. We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to minister to others through our music and would like to thank you for purchasing Tapping Into The Power. God Bless!
James Emens - (Lead Guitar) James joined his church praise and worship band a couple of years ago and is very excited by the idea to use music to praise God. James found salvation through Jesus and experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in 1991 when he realized worldly ways were not providing solutions to life''s problems. James is an engineer at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant and has 5 children from the ages of 2 to 22. He is originally from Memphis, TN.
Steve Armstrong - (Bass, Guitar, Vocals) Steve grew up in Chattanooga, TN. in the 70''s. He was active in the church during his youth but moved away from his roots. "I gave up on God because he didn''t always give me the results I wanted. It took along time to sink in, but I finally figured out that I had the whole picture backwards. I thought it was all about me. I messed my life up to the point where I had to admit that without God''s help, I could do nothing. I''ve learned to ''Let Go and Let God'' and to trust him to provide me direction. ''I have finally found a way to live in the presence of the Lord...''
Lloyd Cuskaden - (Praise and Worship leader, Vocals) Lloyd "The Cus-man" Cuskaden is a native Texan, but praises the Lord for the state of Alabama every day. He accepted Christ as his savior at the tender age of 16. He is married to the lovely Ms. Linda, has two adult children, Brooke and Neil, and a daughter-in-law, Carrie. In addition to the love of his family and friends, Lloyd enjoys photography, his work as a union lawyer, his cat, Chris, and praising the Lord through his music.
Raeph Hargrove - (Drums, Vocals) Raeph was born in Belle Mina, AL. in 1964 and grew up with music all around him. His mother was a pianist and drummer; his father a lover of 50''s rock & roll. Raeph cut his teeth on the albums of his older brother and sister
in the early 70''s. Raeph began drumming in high school garage bands at age 13. He put down the stix at age 17 to take the lead vocal position in a local hard rock band. He spent the next 20 years on the road with various rock bands. In 1998, after a final tour, he retired from the rigors of life on the road to spend some time with his wife. After meeting the members of J.C. at church, he was asked to once again get behind the drums.
Michelle Elliott - (Lead Vocals) Michelle grew up in Indiana, where she caught the passion for music from her family and grew up singing in area churches. She moved to Alabama in 1988, married her husband, Joe, in 1990 and has two beautiful children, Olivia and Lucas. Michelle teaches a 4-5 year old pre-school class and receives great pleasure from watching children learn and grow. ~At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children." - Matthew 11:25