MP3 Juan Luis Dammert - Como te Vaca
Canciones para niños en español, with peruvian and world music, one author, various singers. Songs about animals and imagination.
17 MP3 Songs
KIDS/FAMILY: General Children''s Music, WORLD: World Traditions
Born in Lima, Peru, Juan Luis Dammert is a well known song writer in his country. His songs from "Como te Vaca" tell stories about different animals. The cultural worlds they represent come from the Andean regions, the Amazonic rainforest, and from modern global societies. The rhythms and melodies of these songs belong to traditional, danceable genres and their themes are rooted in popular stories and tales. His "Como te vaca" workshop invites the public to participate by singing, playing rhythms, listening to stories, and joining in the dialogue.
The songs also introduces the musical instruments that belong to the cultural traditions that the songs represent.
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