MP3 Katray - ROCK: Psychedelic
"Lou Reed meets Margo Timmins." - Vue Weekly - Edmonton, AB
13 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Psychedelic, ROCK: Americana
KATRAY - Remade Live
Full Length Album
November 15 2005
Our latest CD Reviews
for KATRAY - Katray >>> and >>>> Katray - Burn It I
Katray - Self-Titled
Haiku Quick Spins - By Whitney and TB Player
Vue Weekly - Edmonton Alberta
May 29/05
Young warblin'' hippies
Lou Reed meets Margo Timmins
Hits? Nope! Bong Hits? Yup!
Burn It I
Genre: rock,pop,
By Erica Leduc - EXCLAIM!
May 05, 2005
The new EP from Katray features three distinct songs that both add to and separate from the songs of their previous release. Their music has so much sound for only two musicians, and both of them seem to be working on different levels. The songs sound like two separate songs coming together. Mixing strained vocals with light airy music adds more tension than if there was more of a flow to them. The second track "Let''s Get Stoned" is extremely slow and atmospheric; it could almost give the listener the feeling of being stoned, in a nice legal way. The repetition is paired with a slowness making it very soothing and more effective than any of children''s lullabies taking you to that special place. The album closer "Road to Halifax" is one of the most haunting songs that have been released in a while. So much anguish seeps out of lead vocalist Ray''s voice and a few simple chords. When backup vocalist Kathryn''s warbling vocals emerge, they just cut into you.
When you buy Katray s/t
You will also get the "BURN IT I" EP direct from CD Baby at no extra cost!!
Track One: Almost Haunting
Alternate Version - 4:07
(Original version on KATRAY - ST mmm3555)
This was the way that Almost Haunting was to appear
on the KATRAY album. However, in the midst of our MixDown session, which began as a scheduled week and turned into an extended month, the muse reappeared and we recorded over these vocals. There is something edgier about this version...
Track Two: Let''s Get Stoned
Universe Mix - 8:19
Written and recorded at Mink Lake - where we recorded and mixed most of KATRAY - ST ... we were high on the tail wind of our first tour. One night we set up to jam and the radio began to broadcast through my amp ... this song is the result.
Track Three: Road to Halifax - 5:16
Captured live in Halifax - this is the lead off track
for KATRAY - Crawl a Little Slower - Due out this Spring.
Total Running time: 17:47
Kathryn Jane and Ray Jamaica
From classical theory
Set free by Rock N''Roll
They joined up in Montreal in 2000
KATRAY s/t was Recorded in Montreal, Mink Lake, and Cornwall Ontario ...
on KATRAY''s mobile recording studio.
Written and produced by KATRAY.
FOR a more complete bio/ photos/ lyrics etc... go to
Katray (self-titled)
By Richard Tronson
oMega Contributor - Kamloops BC - April 2005
Katray are A-OK. Katray, Kathryn Jane and Ray Jamaica hail from somewhere in Canada. Their self-titled LP was mastered on the west coast and recorded in Mink Lake, Cornwall Ont., and Montreal Que. While your guess is as good as mine as to where they are from, there is no question as to where their music comes from: it comes straight from the heart. The 13 tracks on this album are all equally amazing.
The tracks from Katray''s album are folky, lonesome, lovesick and casually epic. Each song tends to be six or seven minutes in length, and each song makes great use of Jamaica and Jane''s electric and acoustic guitar playing. They sing about love, doing drugs and about finding that one special person to share all that fun stuff with. Their sound is very reminiscent of early ''90''s psychedelic, acoustic rock bands like Jesus and Mary Chain and the Meat Puppets. This is not a bad thing.
The best tracks on this album are, coincidentally, the first three tracks on this album, Two People, Country Man, and One Good Woman. Two People is about two people who like Lou Reed, smoking cigarettes, drinking strange liquids out of paper sacks, oh, and falling in love and making out. Country Man has Ray Jamaica sounding a lot like Frank Black of the Pixies, singing about seeing the light for once in his goddamn life, about living his life by a simple code of honor and about the trials and tribulations that entails. One Good Woman is a duet about one good woman waiting for her one good man; that would be Kathryn Jane waiting for her beau, Ray Jamaica. Country Man is the best song on the album by far. If you want to hear that song or other tracks from the album, you can find Katray online, at your local record store or on 92,5 the X.
Katray: Art in Music Form
By Tanya Alvarez
Staff Writer - Edge Magazine - March 30/05
Katray is what you should listen to when you want to experience Picasso and Jack Kerouac in music form. Their sound is a mixture of all different kinds of music, from classic to alternative rock to trance. It is worldy, while being underground, making it very unique.
Almost Haunting is great for dancing and has great lyrics to it. Ray Jamaica may not have a voice as deep as Leonard Cohen''s, but it still has the same effect of turning ordinary phrases into lyrics with extraordinary meaning. Let''s Get Stoned mixes instrumental sounds with everyday noises like radio static. Road to Halifax is beautiful in the images the lyrics describe, keeping the music subtle in the background. Kathryn Jane''s voice is haunting.
I don''t think anyone could call their music anything else but art.
HAIKU QUICK SPINS - By Whitey and TB Player
Vue Weekly - Edmonton Alberta - March 2005
Katray - Burn It 1
Young stoners in love
Good start! Now, put down bong and
Write more than three tunes
Label: Burn It Records Genre: blues, country, rock, folk
By Erica Leduc - EXCLAIM! Magazine
December 06, 2004
Isn''t it great when those classically trained kids discover rock? The result in this instance is extremely haunting. The songs are all quite low. There is an evocative, almost unsettling quality about them, but it''s very subtle. It might even make good lullaby music if it weren''t for the unsettling quality. Their music is composed basically of guitars and piano. There is nothing that hits you, but it virtually trickles in and slowly grabs you. The music is also very slow, and very human. Everything sort of melds together, into one mellow rebellion of sounds. What this all comes down to is bluesy folk music, with a bit of a country tinge. And while this doesn''t seem like their purpose, there seem to be ethereal, gothic undertones. Many of the songs seem to be about this duo''s love for each other, but still this CD sounds very lonely.
I listened to KATRAY the other night and was really impressed. So much of today''s current so-called "rock" releases are pretty mundane to me, as I grew up in Toronto in the 60''s and experienced the "musical revolution" first-hand. It was an exciting time, checking out albums by then unheard of artists and witnessing hundreds of great live shows - everyone from the Beatles to Frank Zappa to Jefferson Airplane. Anyway, I found Katray''s music to be fresh and exciting - a far cry from most of the new music I hear nowadays. If I had to come up with a description, it would be "Neil Young and Crazy Horse meet the Jesus and Mary Chain". I think Katray has a bright future; I base that statement on the fact that I''ve been heavily involved with the music scene (and industry) for several years.
Ron Spizziri
Manager - CFCR 90.5 FM Saskatoon
Owner - Rockin'' Rod''s Record Label
These two multitasking artists have created
a sound that has been somewhat hard to
describe by most members of the office.
The general consensus is that the music is
good to listen to if you are in the mood to
relax, although it is slightly depressing; best
handled in small quantities. One student
suggested enjoying it with a beer! It''s quite
enjoyable if you like experimental low-fi pop.
B -
Maggie Gilbert
Editor Over-The-Edge Prince George BC
Late October saw the release of KATRAY''s self-titled album, a melodic trip pushing the limits of the alt-rock ballad with scenery as much about being at home with the one you love as it is about being alone along the way. Katray''s music longs for that which, in the world today, seems to be just out of reach: love, togetherness, community, purity, spirit and their unification. The album begins with an introduction of sorts with Two People and slowly screams through a journey of discontent with the status quo and of hope for an end to the creative corruption ever so obvious in mainstream art. Lead vocal of Ray Jamaica and the backing of Kathryn Jane work in perfect tandem and are wrapped around music that is explained as "classic theory set free by rock and roll."
This album, with it''s haunting harmonies, yearning melodies and longing lyrics will have you wanting that which escapes you, whether it be freedom, peace, love, passion, or, as it was in my case, a fourteenth song.
4 stars of a possible 5.
Charlie Trademark - CHSR 97.9 FM - Fredericton NB
"It wasn''t a quick fix
It was a slow ride
Walk on the dark side
We were into it for our lives"
Katray have toured their country in a Blue Bird Bus as far West as The coastal islands of B.C., as far East as Halifax, Nova Scotia. The North brought them to Flin Flon Manitoba, so watch out all you Southeners (heh heh heh).
Upcoming Releases:
KATRAY "Remade Live" - Full Length Album
Nov 15 2005