MP3 Rich Co - Train Of Thought
Hip-Hop music delivered from the mind of a Chicagoan, using Chicago and everyday life as motivation and inspiration.
14 MP3 Songs in this album (40:39) !
Related styles: HIP-HOP/RAP: Hip Hop, HIP-HOP/RAP: Underground Rap
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Being born and raised in Chicago contributed most, if not all, to Rich Co.’s style, message, and sound. Coming from Chicago’s North Side, Rich Co. grew up listening to a wide array of music, from Marvin Gaye to Portishead and everything in between. His sound resembles at times Underground Hip-Hop, but grabs both sounds and inspirations from all styles of music. Whether it be a smooth and sensual Film Director point of view, confessing the complexities of drunken escapades, or proclaiming his love for his hometown, Rich Co. gives the listener and all passerby’s a ride into his own personal Train of Thought.