MP3 United By Grace - Estad Quieto
Musica Cristiana - Latin Christian music
11 MP3 Songs in this album (53:18) !
Related styles: SPIRITUAL: Contemporary Christian, LATIN: General
People who are interested in Salvador should consider this download.
United by Grace
VAS Records 718 673-3931 or Jose Morales (347) 678-5247 Email:Info@,unitedbygrace@
United by Grace was formed and started in 1999 in a small Spanish Church in Brooklyn, New York. This group of guys started out with a simple and humble music ministry that consisted of a piano player, drummer and two singers. Later on they began to minister in local neighborhood churches then all over Brooklyn. Soon thereafter, as they continued ministering, they were blessed in a special way.
Two years later to their surprise their band expanded. Now they were not a band of FOUR but a band of SEVEN members. As they continued they began to participate in large scaled events when a special blessing came upon them. They stumbled upon a new concept of Praise and Worship and later decided to incorporate this smooth style technique by applying contemporary and funk sound.
The Lord has blessed United by Grace in many special ways. Mostly, by allowing them to participate in events with other ministry artists such as, Rene Gonzales, Samuel Hernandez, the duo David & Abraham, Ricardo Rodriguez, Jose Flores, Moises and Israel and Sara Sanabria among others.
United by Grace has humbly accepted the calling of God, and their mission is to take people in every ends of life to a new dimension of worship, where they can open their hearts and reach God and their souls can rejoice in the grace of our lord Jesus Christ. Even though we are from different congregations we share the same vision. To DELIVER a strong Christ centered message.
Today, United by Grace as they approach their 8th year, they are humbly striving to deliver their first Christian CD, for the Honor and Glory of God, to minister to people and reach souls, and help reach new heights in Christian Music.
Deliverance: May we all experience the presence of God through worship and praise, and may we understand that we all are “United By Grace.”
El grupo Unidos Por Gracia empezo en 1999 en una humilde iglesia en Brooklyn, New York. Este grupo de muchachos empezo un ministerio sencillo consistiendo de un pianista, un baterista y dos cantantes. Empezaron a ministrar primero en las iglesias de vecindario y luego por todo Brooklyn. Mientras ministraban fueron bendecido de manera especial.
Dos anos despues, a su sorpresa, la banda crecio. Ahora no eran un grupo de cuatro sino de siete. Mientras crecian en numero tambien empezaron a participar en eventos mas grande y descendio una bendicion sobre ellos. Aprendieron de la Adoracion y Alabanza y incorporaron ese estilo suave con un sonido contemporanio y el estilo de “funk” tambien.
Dios ha bendecido a UBG en muchas maneras especiales. Han podido minstrar juntos a Adoradores como Rene’Gonzalez, Samuel Hernandez, Ricardo Rodriguez, Danny Berrios, el duo David y Abraham, Tru Destiny, Jose Flores, el duo Israel y Moises y muchos mas.
UBG ha humildemente aceptado el llamdo de Dios, y su mision es de llevar a personas de toda raza y caminar de vida a una nueva dimension en adoracion, donde pueden abrir sus corazones, donde se puedan regocijar en la gracia de nuestro Senor Jesucristo. Aunque somos de diferentes congregaciones, compartimos la misma vision. A llevar un mensaje Cristocentrico.
Hoy UBG entra en su ano octavo y llegamos a producir nuestro primero CD para la honra y gloria de Dios. Esperamos a llegar a nuevas alturas en la Musica Sacra.
Que todos podamos experimental la presencia de Dios atravez de la Adoracion y la Alabanza y podamos entender que todos somos Unidos Por su Gracia.