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MP3 Kristine Pettersen - We Are More

Music to end war and environmental destruction with beauty and wisdom.

9 MP3 Songs
FOLK: like Ani, FOLK: Political


Kristine or "Thistle" as she likes to be called, began making music as a two-year-old riding on the back of her father''s bicycle as he took her to pre-school. Her dad recalls that "...it was like having a little a bird on the back of my bike." She was influenced by her father''s choice of transportation and now lives her life from the seat of a bicycle pedaling her music across the country. Her music and her lifestyle choice intertwine to create a performance that moves from talking about her experiences on the road to songs that are inspired by the steady movement of the bicycle wheels beneath her as she rides.

My musical story:

I began playing the guitar in high school and started writing songs right away.I was trained as a singer in college where I sang for four years in the Augsburg choir, traveling to California, Colorado and Europe to perform in churches and at colleges. After college, I got a Master''s degree in Spanish from the University of Michigan where I became inspired by the work of the Graduate Employees Organization, a union for graduate student instructors.I left graduate school and teaching Spanish at U of M shortly after receiving my degree in 1997, and dedicated myself to activism and writing songs full-time. I have worked to organize a union at a grocery store, in youth programs at Centro Hispano of Dane County for three years, and for the Madison Area Peace Coalition as a folk singer.

My work is a reflection of what many of us experience on a daily basis as we struggle to understand and overcome the devastatingly large problems our society faces in these times of war, environmental destruction and political corruption. Through conversation and song, I hope to spark discussion about how we can help one another create sustainable communities. The messages in the songs point to the necessity for urgent action in order to transform our fossil fuels based economy into one based on mutual interest and shared need.



July 19th, Bellingham, Washington with Anna Roland, https://www.tradebit.com on our GAS FAST tour. We will go over 1,000 miles car-free on a bicycle music tour of the west coast. Details about this show are pending.

Long Beach, WA with Anna Roland, August 3rd. This will be a beach party. Details coming soon.

August 7th, Manzanita, Oregon at Mother Nature''s Natural Foods.

August 19th, Salem, Oergon at the Dragonfly Coffee Co.

August 21st, my birthday! Corvallis, OR

September 4th, Medford/Ashland,OR


October 5th at Mokabe''s coffeehouse in St. Louis Missouri to benefit the Catholic Action Network and the Interfaith Committee on Latin America. Contact Elizabeth at tel. 314-721-2977 for more information.

October 16th at Bob Polack''s house for the Southeast Missouri Coalition for Peace and https://www.tradebit.comtact Dr. Bob at 573-986-6882 for more information.

October 21 at Southeast Missouri State University.

October 30th at One Love Organic Juice Bar in Memphis, Tennessee. Contact Nijeri at 901-722-7878 for more information. One Love is located at 2160 Central Avenue and serves the most yummy vegan organic soul food ever to be tasted.

November 15th at the Rainbow Whole Foods co-op in Jackson, Mississippi. Contact Tritta at peacethatwelove@https://www.tradebit.com for more information about this concert sponsored by the greens.

November 20th, Hinds Community College, Utica campus in the Holtzclaw library, Utica, Mississippi.

November 21st, Hinds Community College, Raymond campus in the Honors Center, Raymond, Mississippi.

November 21st, The Dog Trot Coffee House, 7:00 p.m. Raymond,Mississippi.

The Baton Rouge Coalition for Alternatives to War will be hosting us the first weekend of December. The main show will be on December 6th at the International Cultural Center on the LSU campus. Contact Irvin at ipeckh1@https://www.tradebit.com for more information.

December 4th, Louisiana State University (LSU), Baton Rouge

December 6th, International Cultural Center, Baton Rouge

December 7th, University United Methodist Church, Baton Rouge

The New Orleans Greens will be hosting us the second weekend of December and the show will be at Cafe Brasil on December 14th. Helen Gillet, spectacular cellist, will be joining me for this show. Contact Sam at samatPC@https://www.tradebit.com for information.

December 31st, Fair Grinds Coffeehouse, New Orleans.


January 8th, Lafayette, Louisiana in the living room of a natural resources professor to an audience of about 25 people. Beautiful potluck.

January 15th, Lake Charles, LA in the living room of a friend of someone from the last gig.

January 24, Coffee Station, College Station, TX

March 3, The Hideout coffeehouse, 617 Congress Austin, TX 8-10 p.m. call Greg for more information at 512-476 0473.

March 20, Crawford, TX Global Day of Action against the continued occupation of Iraq. David Rovics (https://www.tradebit.com), is the featured folk singer for the event. For information go to https://www.tradebit.com

March 22, Waco, TX for Friends of Peace, for more info. email Robert at wesleyfound@https://www.tradebit.com

In May and June we will volunteer at the Kerrville Folk Festival

June 25 I will go to the east coast to participate in gatherings there and to ride from mid-coast maine to Boston and to march from Boston to NYC. For more information on the democratic national convention protests planned and the march to the republican national convention, go to https://www.tradebit.com. My biking companion Casey and I, will be out east the whole summer until the beginning of september. Then it''s back to austin!

If you would like to book a show, please contact me (thistle@https://www.tradebit.com or cell# 512-569-3092) and I will ride to your area. I plan to be in Austin, Texas for some time.

Here is what critics and fans say:

"Pettersen''s faith in human qualities rings extremely clear and true, loud enough to realize that peace might be just beyond chaos."

-Mark Ziemba Current Ann Arbor, Michigan

"Thistle''s songs move not only your heart, but your feet... to stand up."

-Douglas Schwaab, Madison, Wisconsin

"Thistle''s voice is so genuine and true, I love to put on her CDs when I am home alone because her voice soothes, but also challenges me to be stronger."

-Susan Sandhill, Madison, WIsconsin

"Thistle''s music gets right to the heart of matters and makes the soul move"

-Tritta Neveleff, Raymond, Mississippi

"The music is original and she sings the truth. Her talent shines out in every song and the words go straight to the heart"

-Stephanie Hill, Houston, TX (13 years old)

"I find the beauty of Kristine''s voice and rich guitar playing calming while her ingenious lyrics challenge me to see the world from a new perspective and to start pedaling to save it"

-Jamie Wichman, Madison, WI (23 years old)

"Kristine''s music changes the world through her punchy lyrics and soulful melodies"

-Mikael Elsila, pianist and editor of the New York Musicians'' Union newspaper, NY, NY


Kristine''s melodies are catchy without being annoying and the lyrics make you think and change. She is anti-war, anti-domination and full of passion for experiencing life through nature and the mind. We Are More, her latest CD, includes songs that describe a future transformed by global climate change and continued, out-of-control US aggression. The melodies and arrangements are poignant expressions of someone who will no longer participate in the destructive forces keeping us from knowing our higher potentials.

Listening to her voice singing clearly about what ails us, one walks away inspired to join efforts with other activists to continue our grass roots movements for peace and justice. Though she is a political singer songwriter, her style goes beyond the traditional 1960s folk genre to expand into new rhythms, arrangements and song structures. Check her out! Support non-corporate, home-grown music.


Hi, this is Thistle writing here...

I would like to give a big shout out to the Catholic Worker Community in St. Louis who hosted a benefit show at Mokabe''s coffeehouse. Also, to Joy and Bob in Cape Girardeau for their amazing kitchen and for hosting a show, and to the Southeast Missouri Coalition for Peace and Justice. Also to Tritta and Hamp in Raymond, Mississippi for all of the connections they made for me while visiting. And a shout out to CAWI (Coalition to End War and Injustice)
in Baton Rouge who made really awesome peace cookies for the show. And plus, the folks in Lafayette, especially Marie Isabelle and Chap, two very nice people and helpful hosts.

PERSONAL STATEMENT written end of October, 2003

I want to be part of the revolution in commercial and personal transportation that needs to occur if we are going to stop wars for oil and stop environmental destruction. Part of our empowerment as a movement comes from making our own decisions about how we get around and how fast we go.

It is estimated that we have 25 to 35 years left of a fossil fuels based economy if we continue at our current rates of consumption. The use of fossil fuels is complex and problematic, but I will highlight a few reasons why I think we should make a collective, supportive effort to stop using them.

Here are a few reasons to stop the rampant use of fossil fuels:

1. The food we eat is grown using fossil fuels, transported to us using fossil fuels and dependent upon fossil fuels for its continued abundance. Once fossil fuels are gone, our supply will shrink and then what? Who will eat?

2. We shouldn''t be burning oil in the first place because it contributes to global climate change. Plants and animals need a stable climate in order to provide us with the food we need to live. Go to https://www.tradebit.com to learn more about what you can do to stop global warming.

3. Not only that, oil extraction causes severe damage to precious eco-systems that are not able to recover fast enough to balance out the destruction done.

4. The men in power are determined to fight an endless war to access fossil fuels until they run out. Millions of innocent lives are lost in the wars fought for oil.

I am amazed that we can know this and still keep driving, pretending that someone on the planet will come up with a solution or at least viable alternatives that will allow us to keep flying, cooking, eating, drinking, etc. What we really need to do is SLOW DOWN. If even half of the activists we know committed to only riding their bikes or using their bodies to get around, think about the real difference that would make in the way that we organize. We would learn so much as a movement and grow stronger together in solidarity.

What about the SOA protest coming up in Fort Benning, Georgia? Should we pile into buses from all around the country to go there to protest and demonstrate our dissent? YES! Piling into buses that burn fossil fuels is a very efficient use of resources to do the protesting to close down the school, which is necessary in to our struggle. But I also know that a lot more of us could be on our bicycles. Twenty people from a Sierra Club chapter in Canada just rode their bikes down to Mexico for the WTO protests, staying at organic farms the whole ride down. Ride on! We need to see more of that. Since we left Madison on September 11, 2003, we have not seen one other individual or group out on bikes. In fact, people look at us like we are freaks half the time and wonder where our car is stashed.

We rode our bikes up to the rainbow gathering in Michigan two summers ago with three weeks of vacation time, no athletic training and a few dollars in our pockets. We had arranged for a friend to drive us back but decided, after communing in the woods for a week, that we would skip the "reward" of going back in his truck and just keep on pedaling. It was a great trip.

People give us tomatoes, apples and squash from their gardens that would just rot otherwise. The more I ride, the more I find that nature will take care of me, and that meeting people face to face creates more learning and understanding than whizzing by them in a car.

Imagine the roadside lined with camps for cyclists to stop and stay at as they ride. We could have first aid stations set up every 50 miles or so, and soup kitchens and people occupying the land now used to grow excessive amounts of soy beans and corn. Monocrop culture has got to go. Let''s gain our wisdom, inspiration and strength from the peasant land movements of Brazil. People there are literally occupying big agribusiness lands and refusing to go, creating sustainable farms as they do it. Create the vision! We have to.

Finally, if you have read all of this, I want to say that some activists, who are doing important work SHOULD be getting on those planes (that are gonna fly anyway) or in those cars to visit our camps to spark and support our grassroots movements. It''s not about ALL of us ALL at once getting on our bikes, it''s about enough of us doing it to build what we need for the transitions to come. It is exciting, challenging and expansive for me. And who knows, maybe famous people such as Michael Moore and Amy Goodman will surprise us and ride to their next speaking engagement. They can, you can, we can. Oh, and check out the music on this CD, it''s good.

Contact me at:
cell# 512 569 3092

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