MP3 Marvelle Cook and Voices of Worship - Make a VOW
This single debut album is a stunningly assured blend of urban contemporary soul gospel, with an upbeat convention style of fusion Praise; while keeping the listeners ear and allowing them to relax into a sense of tranquil Worship.
7 MP3 Songs
GOSPEL: Contemporary Gospel, SPOKEN WORD: With Music
Marvelle Cook, a spirit filled Worship Artist, has personally experienced the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ, and a clear calling from God to music ministry.
He possesses an understanding and appreciation for the use of traditional hymns of the Church and other traditional music, such as choral arrangements, in the context of Contemporary Christian Worship. Marvelle has exceptional gifts and graces in incorporating and leading Contemporary Christian Praise and Worship music in the perspective of a blended worship experience.
Marvelle continues to be committed to the Christian faith as he expresses through ministry in the local church and community. He has been in full time worship ministry since 1999. Marvelle, his wife Valerie, and their daughter Tiffayne, reside in Jacksonville, Fl.
Marvelle also serves as CEO of Ministering Through Music Production/Records (MTM). MTM Record Label is committed to promoting gospel music to the fullness. Marvelle is a professional Bass Guitar musician with experience in performing with internationally known gospel recording artists across the world.
As far as leading worship (which is his passion and calling), Marvelle now realizes that there have been demands placed on his life since the beginning. Thus, he is very sensitive, accepting, and culturally aware of the diversity in praise and worship. During worship, there is a high level of devotion. Consequently, Marvelle and the Voices of Worship have made a VOW to be God’s Voices of Worship in bringing praise, adoration, and exhortation to His name as they minister in every worship experience.
The Voices of Worship is a Worship Ministry with a divine obligation to worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth!!
Marvelle enjoys providing musical services to promote gospel music and encourage music ministries. Moreover, he takes pleasure and considers it an honor in hosting and speaking at music seminars and workshops, and providing basic music lessons to the youths in the community.