Sold by timmmiller on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,278,714 satisfied buyers
The Ultimate Recipe Collection - 28 Products To Resell Containg 5000+ Recipes!!!
Dear Reseller,
If you're looking for a collection of Hot Selling - Niche Market - Master Resell Rights products that you can quickly get online and start selling then you've come to the right place. . . .
You've just discovered one of the biggest collections of 'Niche Themed' products that's ever been put together. . .
. . . . There's 28 individual products, most with their own ready made web sites.
And here's the exciting part . . . many of the individual products contain both ready to sell PDF books and the original source material so if you want to you can re-edit and create as many 'new' books or collections as you want.
All With Full Master Resell Rights - Take this collection and set up the individual sites, create new collections or add them to membership sites - the choice is yours and you're free to market them any way you choose
You'll even receive a copy of this exact same web site so you can resell the entire collection for instant profits if you want to!
So How Popular Is This Niche?
Glad you asked . . . Recipes and cookery collections are BIG news, One Million and Eighty Three Thousand, One Hundred and Sixty Six yahoo searches in 1 month alone!
Now compare that with one or two of the products you're currently promoting and see for yourself just how popular 'Recipes' are.
Here's what's included in the collection . . .
1000 Atkins Diet Recipes
101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes
101 Recipes For The Deep Fryer
111 Egg Recipes
120 Lip-Smacking Good Jam Recipes
300 Chicken Recipes
470 Crock Pot Recipes
65 Tried And True Traditional Amish Recipes
Cat Head Biscuits And Garlic Fried Chicken
Cheesecake Recipes
Chocolate Recipes For Chocolate Lovers
Delicious Diabetic Recipes
Delicious Italian Dishes
Delicious Puddings
Great Gifts In A Jar
Ice Cream Recipes
Kids Fun Recipes
Mouth Watering Apple Recipes
Recipes From South Of The Border
Salad Recipes
Smoothies For Athletes
The Appetizer Collection
The Big Book Of Cookies
The Bread And Biscuit Baker's And Sugar-Boiler's Assistant
The Complete Library Of Cooking!
The Ultimate Bread Machine Cookbook
The Ultimate Salad Recipe Collection
Ultimate Chicken Wing Cookbook
That's Twenty Eight individual products, some also come with bonuses, nearly all have their own ready made web sites and don't forget the ones with the original source code too.
Order The Collection Now
Now here's the thing . . . depending on where and how you promote these products each book could be selling between $7.95 and $19.95 - if we take an average of say $12.95 and multiply that by 28 it means that just one sale of each title would net you a healthy $362.60
AND - That's retail. . . .
Don't forget you'll own the rights to this collection too.
You can resell / master resell rights to just one book . . .
. . . or to ten books . . .
. . or sell the entire collection with your copy of this web site . .
. . . it's up to you.
Can you imagine how profitable this collection can be for you.
Here's Another Sellers Tip: You could set up a membership site and offer your members two new books a month for a $10 subscription - you'll certainly have enough products to last you twelve months and for every member that stays for the year you'll earn $120.00 - now multiply that by even just a hundred members and there's a potential $12,000 residual income here.
You can own this entire collection of 28 products, including the ready made web sites, the original source files and an exclusive copy of this Master Reseller's sales page for just $2.75
My Special Bonus For You:
You'll Also Receive A Copy Of 'Fast Editor'
Fast Editor is a html editor which does a bit more then most - Built in wizards to add in images, text links, images with text links (you don't even need to know the html code to do it).
When you open an html document it will list all the other html documents in that folder so you can quickly jump between more than one document. Makes editing reseller sites a breeze.
(Master Rights Included Too)
Just $2.75 - Instant Download - Secure Server - 24 Hours Access.
File Data
This file is sold by timmmiller, an independent seller on Tradebit.