MP3 Molly Venter - FOLK: Modern Folk
This young singer-songwriter''s got a powerful voice, strong melodies and thoughtful lyrics. Listen to the CLIPS..
13 MP3 Songs
FOLK: Modern Folk, FOLK: like Ani
Born and raised in New Haven CT, Molly has performed her songs at a number of open mics and small bars in NYC, Berkeley CA, and Williamstown MA where she attended college. She spent most of her time competing on the atheletic field and playing impromptu concerts for her friends and teamates. As an international relations major she became interested in travel, diplomacy and overseas volunteering - but ultimately decided to pursue her passions by writing and playing music, and hopes to eventually see the world through touring. She moved to Ketchum ID after graduation to live out West, enjoy the mountains, and serve prime rib and potatoes at the Pioneer Saloon. Here she recorded and produced her debut album with Amos Galpin, Empty Beach Records, and is now moving to Austin Texas to pursue a career as a singer-songwriter.
In this album, Molly showcases her compelling vocals and thoughtful lyrics. Most of the songs are done accousticly with Molly accompanying herself on guitar. Some collaberation for a fuller sound on a few tracks.