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MP3 Andersen Viana - Orchestra Virtual

First album(1995) composed, directed and produced by Andersen Viana. Symphonic and program music. This CD contains six different pieces which uses the modalism as well as ancient instruments like a Genshorn and Krunhorns(The Priestesses of the Vestal Temp

6 MP3 Songs in this album (58:55) !
Related styles: CLASSICAL: Classical era, CLASSICAL: Orchestral

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we are presenting andersen viana, brazilian composer, cultural producer and professor. with eighteen awards for his work in brazil, italy, france, united states and belgium, he is a “multi-aesthetic” and “multi-cultural” composer. andersen has developing and creating, during more then two decades, new works and cultural projects, new artistic and musical concepts as: hybridismo, raikaismo, inclusive music, musical pictures, music games and much more… his projects goes beyond of the traditional. he has composed almost three hundred pieces from solos, electronic, vocal up to symphonic forces and opera.

andersen viana

this brazilian composer, arranger, conductor and music producer, was born in Belo Horizonte, into a family of musicians and artists. his father, sebastião vianna, was the reviser and assistant to brazil’s greatest classical composer heitor villa-lobos. maestro vianna taught him flute and many subjects in music. he has studied privately and took courses in several official institutions with: ennio morricone, oilliam lanna, radamés gnatalli, luca salvadori, arthur bosmans, david machado, max rostal, paulo bosísio, violeta hemsy de gainza, among others.

his first composition was of religious in nature and it was composed when he was between twelve and thirteen years. the guitar was his first instrument, soon exchanged for the piccolo and later for the flute under guidance of his own father. the family served as a superintensive course,when at mealtime many topics about the art were discussed and debated. together with the flute studies the compositions bloomed one after another always encouraged and counseled by his father.

At age seventeen he gathered a selected repertory of his music for flute, piano and cello, presenting recitals in his town. at this time, the virtuosity took a second chair. there was a greater need: string instruments.
A true composer should profoundly understand “gli archi”. he met one of the greatest professors in brazil, the violinist Paulo Bosísio(disciple of max rostal in europe),who taught him everything about strings, especially about viola and violin. after only two years of viola studies, he entered a contest in rio de janeiro and was accepted into the youth symphonic orchestra. five years he lived there. four years of work and experience in the brazilian musical theatre were special times, as performer, arranger and musical director working close to directors and authors such as luiz antônio martinez, manuel puig (the kiss of the spider woman - an Oscar Winner) and luis antonio barcos, among others.

In 1984 he won the first prize at the first national composition competition at rio de janeiro with the piece “fantasieta” for horn and piano, where one of the judges was radamés gnatalli, with whom he later had some private lessons. later on, he got mention in the international competition at vercelli-italy (1984), and won the funarte sidney miller hall project(1986) with his ecological music named “suite floral”. in 1988 he returned to belo horizonte, after a period of academic studies at the university, when he entered to the fundação clóvis salgado - palácio das artes.

in 1992, shortly before concluding his composing studies at the school of music of the federal universiy of minas gerais, he entered the summer festival in poços de caldas and won the competition. the prize was a trip to italy and the participation in the festival di anzio-italy(arts academy of rome -1993). the invitation to found and direct the brazilian embassy choir was made parallel to his course at the reale accademia filarmonica di bologna.

in June of 1993 he was candidate to the premio di studio of the italo-latin american institute of rome and faced off with artists from twenty three latin american countries he won this important prize (accademia chigiana di siena - ennio morricone). at the same Institution he took seminars about film and music with directors like as ettore scola and giussepe tornatore. as a composer, conductor and music producer he has performed his works in concerts in brazil and abroad, have been commissioned by several organizations, sponsors, national and international artists. in 1996, he won the first prize at the second national composition competition of the federal university of minas gerais. in 1998, he won the first prize at the first César guerra-peixe composition competition for symphonic band (Villa-lobos school of music-Rio de Janeiro) and got the second prize at the second camargo guarnieri composition prize (São Paulo). in 2001 he has awarded with the "best sound track" at the gramado film festival at special category (filhos de adão which has also awarded as the best film) and first and second prizes at funarte composition competition. in 2001 he has got the first prize at the "premiere concours de composition pour orchestre à vent" - lys music orchestra, among almost sixty professional composers from americas, europe an asia.

he has performed, organized and produced for more than two decades musical events and recordings. he has succeeded in creating and directing many vocal and instrumental ensembles such as: “experimental orchestra” (1983),“septheto fio” (1986),“Febem children choir” (1991), “brazilian embassy choir in Rome-CEB” (1993), “cultura inglesa choir B.H.” (1994),“trio barroco”(1994), “orchestra virtual” (1995),“stockholm nonet” (1996), the duo-sweden (1997), cmru choir, camerata primavera (2003), and the cicada and the orchestra (2006), are some examples of his talent to organize ensembles and compose an outstanding music for them.

in 2001 his musical work were the theme for a master degree dissertation at the universidade do rio de janeiro developed by professor marcelo cunha. at the present, he has almost three hundred music works, composed in almost all the music styles and for various instrumental and vocal ensembles: electronic, acoustic or both. andersen has trying to develop which his call as a "multi-aesthetic and multi-cultural" music based on a pre-definite project. in 2001 he got the “best sound track” - special category at gramado film festival and four prizes at the funarte national composition competition: string quartet(first prize), string orchestra(second prize),symphonic orchestra(second prize) and “audience prize “. in the same year, he got the first prize at “premiere concours de composition pour orchestre d’harmonie” - lys music orchestra" in comines -belgium, among almost sixty composers from all the americas, europe and asia.

in 2001 his project “bH international year I” was approved by the city town hall. for the first time, a brazilian composer has conducted, produced and recorded original music with the top european orchestra in czech republic: moravian philharmonic orchestra. he has also composing, conducting and producing music for the following films: the fortuneteller, 3:00:AM, burning hearts, the adam children, the next step, gun’s speech, lost in abbey road, vivalma, manuelzão e bananeira, ofelia, playing for tomorrow, ghost train, the man of paper’s head, convict,retalhos do taquaril and minas portuguesa. his creative works include also film arguments. in 2002, his music was selected among five hundred candidates from all over the world, to participate at mova arts festival in Alabama - united states.

in 2004, he won the first prize at the second gilberto mendes composition competition (santos symphonic orchestra) and was selected as a one of the five finalists among two hundred candidates from fourty countries, at premiere concours de composition musicale coups de cents in lille-france, cultural capital of europe. in 2006 he has won the second prize at federal university of bahia composition prize and won the first prize and the public prize at lambersart composition competition – france. Andersen is a professor at palácio das artes and escola livre de cinema in belo horizonte - brazil, pursuing his doctoral degree in music composition at the federal university of bahia. he has developing works and cultural projects in these following countries: brasil, usa, italy, france, sweden, russia, czech republic, honduras, united kingdom, portugal, greece and belgium.

academic curriculum
*phd in music composition by federal university of bahia
*ba in music composition by the federal university of minas gerais
*methodology in music education with violeta hemsy de gainza
*piano interpretation extension course with Jacques Klein
*international pro-art viola course with paulo bosísio
*curitiba cultural music workshop
*international course of high-level Interpretation of the violin and viola
with max rostal
*poços de caldas international summer music course in composition with luca salvadori
*specialisation course at the reale accademia filarmonica di bologna” in composition of film music
* specialisation course at the “arts academy of rome” in composition with luca salvadori
* specialisation course at the “accademia chigiana di siena” in composition of film music with ennio morricone
*"guest student” at the royal college university of music in stockholm - sweden
*workshops of screen writing, texts and cinema with paulo halm, cláudio macDowell and ana miranda.


*1984 - first prize at the national composition competition of rio de janeiro
*1986 - funarte sidney miller hall
*1989 - scholarship award, berklee college of music, boston -usa
*1992 - anzio music festival
*1993 - italo-latin american institute prize
*1996 - first prize at the second national composition competition for double bass (ufmg-abc)
*1998 - first prize at the first guerra-peixe composition competition (villa-lobos school of music)
*1998- second prize at the second camargo guarnieri composition prize
*2001 - "best sound track" at the gramado film festival at especial category
- first prize at the funarte composition competition(string quartet)
- second prize at the funarte composition competition(string orchestra)
- second prize at the funarte composition competition (symphonic orchestra)
- public prize at the funarte composition competition
- first prize at "premiere concours de composition pour orchestre à vent" lys music orchestra - comines- belgium
*2004 - first prize at the second gilberto mendes composition competition
*2006 - first prize at "concours de composition pour orchestre d’harmonie" lambersart – france.
- “prix du public” at "concours de composition pour orchestre d’harmonie" lambersart – france.

- second prize at composition competition of federal university of bahia


*1986 - motion for the excellent quality of music in the city of rio de janeiro given by the city town chamber.
*1993- acknowledgment diploma by the honduras government for the musical improvement of that country.
*1989 - enters at the minas gerais symphonic orchestra.
*1995 - project “orchestra virtual” was approved by the city town hall.
*1999 - project “sinfonia 2” was approved by the city town hall and by the state of minas gerais.
*2000 - "diploma" at the competition "best writers" from minas gerais - litteris edition
*2001 - project “bh international year I" was approved by the city town hall
*2001 - project “bh international year I" was approved by the state government
*2001/2002 - composer resident and professor at the iesp symphonic orchestra
*2002 - composer selected for the mova arts festival al-usa.
*2003 - project “minas International" was approved by the state government
*2004 - invited as a composer-conductor of contagem youth symphony orchestra
*2004 - Invited as a composer-conductor of smru choir at city town hall
*2004 - finalist composer at "premiere concours de composition musicale coups de vents", lille-france, cultural capital of europe.
*2004 - project “the ciccada and the orchestra” was approved by the city town hall
*2005 - project “minas internacional” was approved by the state government
*2006 - project “the cicada and the orchestra” was approved by the state government
*2007 - project “the ciccada and the orchestra” was approved by the city town hall


professional references

town hall
belo horizonte – november of 2006
fernando damata pimentel- Major

“dear andersen viana,

my accomplishments by the premiere of the cicada and the orchestra, extended to all the musicians. I hope this work can enchant the public and be a great success. respectfully,”

philadelphia pa – november of 2006
robert moran – composer-conductor

“i am so happy to get your CD and know your wonderful music. i am so pleased to hear “brazil” in your music, via textures, rhythmic ideas and the lush colors. many thanks for the wonderful CD of yours. it is a treasure.”

são paulo – february of 2004
josé sette - film director

“my dear andersen viana,

i’ve just finished listening your CD and I can tell you the following: you are a great musician, composer and arranger. you control your art as few people in this country. i would like to work with you in some film! we will talk later.”

brasilnoar – international festival of new brazilian art
barcelona – february of 2004
roberio pitanga - manager

“as I could observe, we are dealing with an artist of extended curriculum and a remarkable artistic production.”

new england string ensemble – wakefield – july of 2003
peter stickel - Executive Director

dear andersen,

thanks for sending us you work named “three pieces for string orchestra”… your music has impressed…

hopkinton, nh – july of 2002
paul schick – phd, opera director

“to whom it may concern:

…over the course of his career, andersen has collaborated with both private and public organizations, both in brazil and internationally. his compositions have received awards at home and abroad, and I am certain that his professional experience, commitment to expanding musical language, and seriousness of purpose would bear wonderful fruits, should he be given the opportunity to work under your auspices.”


Milwaukee - wi – july of 2002
Marion verhaalen - edd

“…andersen is an established brazilian composer with fine credentials for his efforts to use his music to further both aesthetic and social awarenesses. he has a broad vision of how music can be used to foster mutual understanding among peoples and the abilities necessary to carry out his vision. i strongly urge that you provide hi, the opportunity to spend some creative time doing this is his proposed project.”

federal university of minas gerais – school of music
belo horizonte - october of 2002
II international meeting of symphonic bands

to andersen viana

“through this letter, I confirm your participation as a lecturer at the II international meeting of symphonic bands, having as a theme: the challenge of the symphonic bands in brazil: end or beginning? to be realized at the 15 of october of 2002 at the auditorium of the school of music.”

InsideSessions- universal music group - us
11/ 27/2002
mike nardone – director of ar


what can I tell you? It was an absolute joy to listen to your music. maturidade is an excellent composition combining both technical proficiency and soulful melody. as for my opinion, you song is fantastic. there is nothing I can tell you about your song and music that you don’t already know… you should be making records… this critique was easy and fun. two words I don’t usually associate with my work. keep on doing it. wonderful job.


c.f. peters

frankfurt-main 01/17/2001
cristoph brehler

“dear mr. viana,

thanks for sending some scores to mr. stefan conradi. after long discussion in our house we found the decision that your works are very impressive.”

universal edition
wien – 03/21/2001
dr. otto tomek

“dear mr. andersen,

the quality of your composition techniques is beyond any doubt.”

durand-amphion-eschig – edition musicales
paris – 10/2/2001
bernard brossollet – directeur général

dear sir,

“our board of lecturers and myself, had the pleasure to know with interest the different music pieces sent. the quality of these works is incontestable!”

state of minas gerais
secretary of culture
belo horizonte 06/19/2000
angelo oswaldo de araujo santos

“we have the pleasure to present and recommend the composer-conductor and cultural producer andersen viana. he has developing his activities more than two decades in the following states: minas gerais, rio de janeiro, são paulo and paraná and also in england, italy, sweden, portugal and honduras, trough the invitations of foreign musical institutions and from the brazilian diplomatic representations. he has exceed in organization and direction of many music groups, both vocal and instrumental; at the development of cultural projects directed to the specific public beyond of make lectures and workshops about music, production, artistic creation in many schools, universities in brazil and abroad. the many national and international awards received by andersen viana during the period of 1984 to 1998, prove his abilities and his knowledge. his music is being used as a theme for a dissertation at the rio de janeiro university this year.

for these reasons, we invite enterprises and institutions to offer their support to andersen’s work, both institutional and financial, by the quality of his production and by the importance of his performance in the cultural field.”


tonos musikverlags gmbh
darmstadt – 11/07/2000
jonathan irons

“dear maestro viana,

thank you very much for the material, which you sent us concerning your compositions. we were very impressed by your biography and the substantial list of your works and the various prizes which you have received.”

são paulo symphonic jazz orchestra
nelson ayres – conductor-composer
são paulo may of 1998

“during many years I have been competing with a lot of good people the presidency of fan club of andersen viana… It is a relief to know that still exist young musicians dedicating the best of his time to dominate this métier. andersen not only knows the profound secrets of composition, instrumentation as he puts all of this to a service of a personal language, absolutely consistent.”

uakti – instrumental workshop
belo horizonte – may of 1998
décio ramos

“i think the work of andersen very nice. i have recorded two pieces with him. the combination that he makes using traditional instruments and electronic keyboards results a contemporary treatment to the orchestra. his harmony is very well done. it is not romantic and not totally classical and also, he is not the contemporary that sometimes is boring and selective. at last, it is very nice. his CD we put on the player and listen it peacefully.

belo horizonte – may of 1998
carlos eduardo prattes - conductor

“at the beginning of the first piece of his first cd – orchestra virtual -, andersen viana walks around the russian steppes, and after middle age europe until to arrive to amazonia, everything with an enormous spontaneity and joy. he is a talent for the music composition that should be followed with interest, because it can bring results of which we could be very proud of it.


royall college university of music in Stockholm - sweden
stockholm – 11/26/1996
lars-erik rosell – composer and professor

“official statement concerned andersen viana

… mr. andersen viana, during his first period since september, has made excellent progress. he has working at the music computer field and in a short space of time, has acquired abilities to a professional level. an amazing performance, indeed! It is a great pleasure to me to recommend mr. andersen viana.”

secretary of state – culture
honduras, c.a.
tegucigalpa – 02/0/1993
Lic. david vides – executive director

“dear Mr. Andersen Viana,

as an executive director of the national symphonic orchestra of honduras, I would like to express in a very special way, my gratefulness for your cooperation with this institution during your stay in our country. The work developed by you, offering courses to the musicians of our orchestra and for the students of various music schools, was excellent. thanks to identify your self with this cultural inheritance of our people.”

brazilian embassy – ceb
rome – 03/18/1993
maria lúcia verdi - director

“dear maestro viana,

i have the pleasure to communicate the interest of this centre of studies to organize a popular choir, and in this main idea, your name was remembered with unanimity to occupy the direction of this group. the concert made by the arte quatro quartet at the palestrina hall at this embassy was very much appreciated and, over all, the performance of your composition named “amazônicas nº1”. this project is an innovation and very stimulating not only for the public of this centre but also for the italian community, because there is no one vocal group in europe that has the repertory based on brazilian music. with my best greetings.”

rome 06/02/1993

mauro bortolotti - composer

dear ennio,

“… i have met the composer andersen viana; I have read and listened his music with great interest. he is a composer of good knowledge and of excellent compositional abilities.”

(extract of m. bortolotti letter to ennio moriconne)

italo-latin American institute of rome
rome – 08/6/1993
Julio macera – head office of the youth

“dear maestro andersen viana,

the accademia musicale chigiana di siena, has sent me the documentation related to yours participation at the film music course with the maestro ennio moriconne. I wish express my joy with you for the results obtained in quality of holder of an award of this institute, to have specialised in one course of high level under the guidance of the most important Italian composer of film music.”

paris 11/24/1992
leslie e Nadine wright - pianists

“dear friend andersen,

… we did many performances and the time to write is short. We would be very happy if we know the prelude for four hands, which you have composed. we have been played here many times your brazilian suite for four hands, which is always has been received by the public with a lot of success.”

rio de Janeiro1/7/1988
david machado - conductor

“ the young composer andersen viana imposes him self immediately by his talent, fantasy and capacity.”

belo horizonte 01/15/1988
Arthur bosmans - Composer and Conductor (prix césar franck)

“in his recent music works, the young andersen viana shows an spontaneous and creative imagination, as well as an interesting tendency to research at the harmonic and rhythmic fields. these attributes, along with a good technical knowledge of the instruments, authorize us to classify him as one of the most promising talents among the young brazilian musicians.”

são paulo municipal theatre
são paulo mozarteum faculty
túlio colacioppo - conductor
são paulo - 08/12/1988

i declare to whom it may concern, that I have examined profoundly the music of andersen viana, composer and musician, and I have verified to be an extremely serious musician which came to produce works of real artistic value which should be analyzed profoundly by the musicians, musicologists and by psychologists, interested to the sensitive effects produced by these works at the human being when in contact with these pieces.”

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