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MP3 Mark Cloutier - Stratattack

Blues-blues rock guitar instrumentals by one of the finest guitarists out there

15 MP3 Songs in this album (43:53) !
Related styles: BLUES: Blues-Rock, ROCK: Instrumental Rock

People who are interested in Jimi Hendrix Buddy Guy Albert King should consider this download.

mark cloutier has 18 years of experience playing blues in central new https://www.tradebit.com former guitar man of dirty pool has played many major blues fests in past years-----notably, the new york state blues fest,chenango blues fest,massena springs blues bash,iron block harley davidson 105th anniversary party,lake george blues blast, and blues in the bay-alex bay n.y.,https://www.tradebit.como mark''s former band dirty pool hosted the famous dinosaur BQQ blues jam from https://www.tradebit.comy won a SAMMY award for their work...mark has been recognized in central new york as best guitar player in central new york blues magazine 1997,and also was nominated 3 years for best blues band(dirty pool) by the syracuse sammy award https://www.tradebit.comk also recently had his picture on the front cover of "the vacationer" 1000 island magazine to promote 2008 blues in the bay!!! you can catch mark''s new band DOUBLE BARREL BLUES BAND performing all over new york--go to https://www.tradebit.com for the newest happenings!!!


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Viriele mannen met de gitaar omgord maken sowieso indruk en nog meer als zij hun krachten en talent bundelen Live of op plaat. Wat je op dit Whammy bluesalbum van de New Yorkse Double Barrel Bluesband hoort is zowel ‘rough and tough’ als bij wijlen delicaat. Centraal staat gitarist Mark Cloutier, door jan en alleman plus Pers gelauwerd om zijn magistraal gitaarspel. Drummer Garnet Grimm, met aanstekelijke beat, moet niet onderdoen voor de drie gitaarhelden want ook hij kan bogen op jarenlange drumexpertise in het New Yorks clubcircuit. Marc Cloutier met zijn vaardige gitaarvingers maakte in datzelfde circuit naam als quasi viersterren gitarist toen hij nog in de ‘Dirty Pool’ Band speelde. Zowel solo als nu in de Double Barrel Bluesband valt zijn gitaarsound op. In ‘Tin Pan Alley’ bijvoorbeeld hoor je hoe hij als vanzelfsprekend imponeert zonder het geluid op te drijven. Hetzelfde bij John Hart met zijn ‘slide’ gitaartechniek. De gitaristen zijn dermate bedreven alsof zij ooit in een ‘Masters’ Klas gezeten hebben waar B.B. King, Freddy King, Hubert Sumlin en Jimi Hendrix de professoren waren. Tussen de energieke blues van het enthousiaste soort plaatsen zij enkele rustpunten. Het intimistische instrumentale ‘So Beautiful’ zou je kunnen weerhouden voor de muzikale intrede van een eerste communicantje in de Kerkkapel. Behalve het geleende en bewerkte materiaal, combinatie van traditionele blues, bluesrock en rockabilly van het Wang Dang Doodle genre, brengt de band ook vier originele eigen nummers. Vooral ‘Flipping and Flapping’ is heel geslaagd door de combinatie van het fijner gitaarwerk en de basgitaar van Bill Satterly. En ‘If You Find I’m Gone’ huppelt aanstekelijk ritmisch als een nummer in een jogging pakje. De Double Barrel Blues Band is zo’n band die je Live moet bezig zien, wat gerust een avondlang mag duren. Door hun secure songselectie en de afwisseling in bluestempo’s zullen zij alleszins geen minuut vervelen, zoals ook dit Double Whammy album lekker swingt en ‘bluest’ van begin tot einde.

here is the link to roots time magazine!! https://www.tradebit.com

wim--wave roofer -- a friend from soundclick forum translated the review for us--thanx a ton!!

Potent and viral Men with guitars strapped around their neck are always somehow impressive, even more when they act like a cohence act in a recording enviroment ! What you hear at this album of the DBBB from New York is rough edged and delicate in a row ! The band is build around Mark Cloutier, who''s getting wide recoqnition for his fabulous guitar work amongst as well listeners and press ! When he still played in the Dirt Pool Band he made name as a 4 star guitarist ! Drummer Garnet Grimm has a long history in the New York club circuit and is solid as a rock !
In the DBBB Band his guitar is central point ! In "Tin Pan Alley" for example, he knows to impress with a driving dynamic performance without going over the top ! Same with John Harts slide playing, great feel in it ! The guitarists are that good, that it seems if they we''re had class with B.B. King, Freddy King, Hubert Sumlin and Jimy Hendrix as teachers cq professors ! On the album It is mostly energetic potent blues, but there are a few laidback ones to !
The intimate instrumental "So Beautifull" would suit a baptization procedure in Church perfectly !

Except for all the borrowed and rearanged stuff, merely a combination of Traditional Blues, Blues Rock and Rockabilly,
which evolves in a typical ''Wang Dang Doodle" sound of the better side, there are 4 own compositions aboard !
Especially "Flippin & Flapping" is most enjoyable through the combination of neat guitars and the supportive bass of "Bolly Satterly" ! And "If You find I''m gone" has a "Lets go Jogging" vibe ! The DBBB is that kind of a band that you have to see on stage ! Satisfaction quaranteed....Same with the album....the cohence in song selection has a nice and neat swing and there''s a great bluesy vibe from first to last song !


(And Wave Roofer.....haha)

link https://www.tradebit.com

Mark of Cloutier is bluesrock guitarist from New York. He works already 18 years in the New York blues scène. Initially as a gitarist with the Dirty poool, later as a solo artist and recently with with Double Barrel Blues band. `6 Strings or Passion'' are its second album under own name. The cd contains 13 instrumental numbers, all of own produce. Outside some numbers 4 minutes the most of numbers have been loved very compact with an average expensive 2min30. This makes whole more digestible, because no note is sung on this album. One has tried bring variation in the numbers. Sometimes he goes hard time like a roaring jet and sometimes prefers the subtle work. By using distortion on some numbers, they remain in the same consonance colour, also with the quiet passages. his guitar sound-style have been clearly influenced by Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan. mark Cloutier can play with intensity and it is clear. He was exclaimed in 1997, to best guitarist in The Central New York Blues connection. In the meantime we are 11 years further and are skills have still improved. `6 Strings or Passion'' can be considered as a steel card of what has the man in house. But it is no easy lustre fodder for the most of music devotees. It is firm costs for bluesrock followers who do not shun the harder work. if He had appealed to a vocalist he certainly reached an even wider audience with this album. the music is technically really soulful and good, it stands convex of high-minded solo and tempo rotations. With this cd mark expresses his passion for the Fender Strat. In this he has certainly succeeded. For me it a cool side project that has become a link to his work with the Double Barrel Blues Band . Bootsy more lester

Website CDBaby
Label : Blues Lion Records

Mark Cloutier is een bluesrock gitarist uit New York. Hij draait al 18 jaar mee in het New Yorkse bluesscène. Oorspronkelijk als gitarist bij de band Dirty Pool, later met zijn eigen band en recent ook met Double Barrel Blues Band. ‘6 Strings Of Passion’ is zijn tweede album onder eigen naam. De cd bevat 13 instrumentale nummers, allemaal van eigen makelij. Buiten enkele nummers van 4 minuten zijn de meeste nummers zeer compact gehouden met een gemiddelde duur van 2min30. Dit maakt het geheel verteerbaarder, want er wordt geen noot gezongen op dit album. Men heeft geprobeerd om variatie in de nummers te brengen. Soms gaat hij hard te keer op zijn gitaar en soms verkiest hij het subtielere werk. Door bij alle nummers distortion te gebruiken, blijven ze in dezelfde klankkleur, ook bij de rustige passages. Zijn gitaarsound is duidelijk beïnvloed door Jimi Hendrix en Stevie Ray Vaughan. Dat Mark Cloutier gitaar kan spelen is duidelijk. Hij werd in 1997 uitgeroepen tot beste gitarist in The Central New York Blues Magazine. Ondertussen zijn wij 11 jaar verder en zijn skills zijn nog verbeterd. ‘6 Strings Of Passion’ kan beschouwd worden als een staalkaart van wat de man in huis heeft. Maar het is geen gemakkelijk luistervoer voor de meeste muziekliefhebbers. Het is stevige kost voor bluesrock adepten die het hardere werk niet schuwen. Had hij beroep gedaan op een zanger dan had hij zeker nog een ruimer publiek kunnen bereiken met dit album. Technisch zit zijn muziek knap in elkaar, ze staat bol van hoogstaande solo’s en tempowisselingen. Met deze cd wilde Mark zijn passie voor zijn Fender Strat uitdrukken. Daarin is hij zeker geslaagd. Voor mij is het een visitekaartje geworden om ook zijn werk in band met een zanger, zoals in Double Barrel Blues Band, te willen ontdekken.
Bootsy Lester

Mark Cloutier and Friends - MAKING THAT GUITAR TALK: I''ve been listening to Mark on MIXPOSURE for 2 or 3 years now, & asked him to send me a CD for our "reincarnation" issue (this one). He sent it out right away... & it includes some of my (other) favorite players on MIX... Loren Risker, Robert Grant & Pete Muzakmen, just to name a few! Mark''s guitar work is splendid, much of it in a "pure blues" mode... & if you love blues guitar, yer'' gonna'' REALLY love his songs! There weren''t any credits on the album, other than player names (you can correct that on the next cover, eh, Mark?), so I can''t be sure who was playin'' that grand ol'' bluesy organ down under th'' wailing riffs.... suffice it to say that it will GRAB yer'' heart & make ya'' FEEL ''dem azures, to be sure! There are 17 tracks on this, which Mark thought might be a "little much" for one sitting... not at ALL... this is perfect for slammin'' in th'' car player & trekkin'' on down that phroggin'' RO-ad, especially cuts like track 2, "I''m Taking Off"... ya'' don''t know if it''s a SPACE-SHIP he''s talkin'' about, or leavin'' his love, but ya'' sure know he''s SCREAMIN'' those good old blooz with th'' strings. Another favorite track is "Strolling"... walkin'' blues, great stride bass lines, make ya'' get on up & DANCE those blues - just KICK-azz stuph! The electronics & keyboards on "Smoothe" are just that.. mighty mellow, no doubt. If it''s raw talent yer'' after, & you''ve got an hour or two to relax - DO it with this! My only advice for the next ''round would be to put some credits on th'' cover sheet, & maybe get the track titles to show up on the CD itself. Well produced otherwise, but it''s th'' ENERGY that counts (for me), & this one gets a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from us! Send any more that you produce, brother! Rotcod Zzaj

Hot blues lineup Sunday at 1st Bike, Blues & BBQ in Adams Center
Posted by Mark Bialczak October 09, 2008 10:46AM
Categories: Upcoming Shows
Courtesy of Mark CloutierSyracuse''s Double Barrel Blues Band plays in Lake George on Sunday. "A bit cool but really great people," says guitarist Mark Cloutier.
Mark Cloutier, guitar standout for Syracuse''s Double Barrel Blues Band, writes with a reminder of the cool lineup that will perform from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday at the first edition of Bike, Blues & BBQ at Iron Block Harley Davidson in Adams Center.

On stage will be the Ron Spencer Band, Tas Cru and Double Barrel.

Admission is five bucks.

Cloutier added a note about how much he and the band enjoyed playing the Lake George Blues Bash.

"What a beauty of a fest we had," he says. "Phil Petroff and Chuck Dean were there as well ... some outstanding talent all weekend. There will be a live CD to come as well!!"

Cloutier says he''ll upload some video to https://www.tradebit.com when he gets a moment. He adds that Double Barrel has been invited back next year.

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some nice words by tony dellario--mark cloutier-double barrel blues band


Syracuse, New York

Saturday July 12 th and Sunday July 13th, 2008

Things don''t always go as planned, but everything always works out. That was the story for us on the weekend of the 17 th Annual NY State Blues Festival in Syracuse New York. Bernie Clark, the rest of the Festival Board, and all the dedicated Volunteers who seem to return again and again for some reason pulled off another successful event. According to the local press, attendance of up to 8,000 plus on Saturday, and even with an almost washout due to heavy afternoon rains, a 5,000 plus crowd on Sunday!

We (my daughter Angela and I) had a late departure on Friday and didn''t get into town until about 10:30 PM on Friday evening. After making a decision to not go out, we got a good nights sleep, got up early on Saturday AM, and got to visit a while with my old friend and guitar slinger Mark Cloutier ( Double Barrel Blues Band ). We arrived down at Clinton Square and were backstage greeting some of our old friends by 1:30, and got to catch the end of the Ron Spencer Band''s set at the Dinosaur Barbeque Stage. Liverpool, NY guitarist Ron Spencer and high-octane energy singer Mark Gibson got the early afternoon crowd up with a blend of various covers and originals. With the rhythm of Jay Gould on bass and Ross Moe on drums, the band dug deep for Alvin Cash and the Crawler''s 1965 goodie " Twine Time ," and got my head going up and down (traditional blues groove head bob) with their original " Rollercoaster Blues ."

The Toni Lynn Washington Band kicked things off at the Budweiser Main Stage.

Guitarist Rick Russell , keyboardist Bruce Bears , saxophone player Mario Cerra , bassist Bob Worthington , and 15 year old drummer Daniel Banks played two cool songs before Toni Lynn took the stage. Washington covered straight blues, funky blues, and soulful blues and looked fantastic in her white skirt suit. She definitely had me hooked covering tunes like " I Don''t Need No Doctor " and " Down the Drain" . Following the set it was back over to the Dinosaur Barbeque Stage to check out Jeremy Wallace . His trio featured an upright bass player, a percussionist, and Wallace on dobro and vocals. The late Dave Van Ronk influence was obvious! A few good jokes were mixed in with songs like " Gotta Get Back " and " Nobody Hears Me When I Scream ." Wallace sported a very unique style, and he was definitely able to turn some heads.

Next stop was over at the Hanover Square Stage to check out a workshop featuring local Syracuse Harp player Tom Townsley and guitarist Seth Rochford . There was a lot of semi-technical talk about scales, phrasing, and other things, so as a drummer I had to cut this a little short not really able to really pay attention! This could make another good drummer joke.

Back at the Budweiser Main Stage around 4:00 John Nemeth took it up a notch. After the opener, a West Coast swing titled " Blue Broadway ", Nemeth took the opportunity to greet the Syracuse locals. "When I was a little kid growing up in Boise, Idaho, there was not much to do. I used to watch a lot of Syracuse basketball games. The Orangemen!".

Guitarist, Bobby Welch , helped keep the mood hot, backing Nemeth''s booming voice on the loads-of-fun title track from Nemeth''s latest CD, "The Magic Touch." Nemeth''s harmonica came through loud and beautiful on "Late Night Owls," and his message was delivered and received happily on the closing song, "Old Folks Boogie." "You ain''t too old," Nemeth sang, and the blues fans of all ages believed him. We got to spend a little time some time speaking with John''s drummer Marty Dodson later in the afternoon. Marty spent nine years playing with Mark Hummel, and has recently joined John on tour. I hope our paths cross again Marty!

After John''s set it was back over to the Hanover Square Stage for a Q&A session with Kim Wilson accompanied by Texas Guitar Virtuoso Johnny Moeller . The crowd that gathered was definitely there to get feedback from Kim, and some great feedback was delivered. Although I think Johnny was wondering why he was accompanying Kim for the session, it looked like he was getting a lot of warming up in while Kim was speaking!

We jumped over to the Dino stage for a brief encounter with Syracuse''s Los Blancos . Los Blancos'' local fans weren''t shy about shouting out song requests. Guitarist Colin Aberdeen was definitely on, and Mark Nanni''s honky-tonk style keys spiced things up. As always, drummer Mark Tiffault and Steven Winston were their usual "super pocket" rhythm selves!

Next up came one of the bigger highlights of the Festival for me. The Double Barrel Blues Band took to the Hanover Square Stage and Mark Cloutier (guitar) and the boys tore it up. Opening up with Albert Collin''s " Frosty ", it was only uphill from there. These guys have been hard at work on the local scene, and based on the musicianship it would appear they all have been honing their skills! Keep up the great work guys, and thanks for keeping it real!

Backstage at the Budweiser Stage we ran into Sean Carney getting ready for his set. Sean and his band were called in with short notice on a few gigs to fill the slot for the still ailing (hopefully recovering) Nappy Brown . Sean and drummer Eric Blume were just returning from a few weeks of touring in California and had a whirlwind travel experience 24-hours prior in order to get to the gig. This included a red-eye flight from California to Ohio where they picked up Bass Player Mookie Brill , and drove their van to Syracuse! Ouch! It was great to see Sean back at the Festival again for the second year in a row. The band performed originals like " Why Do You Lie?" and covers, including " Willie and the Hand Jive ." At one point in the set Sean tipped his guitar in the direction of veteran bluesman Nappy Brown , and asked everybody in the crowd send their prayers and best wishes Brown''s way. Later Sean invited Brown''s great friend and upright bass player, Mookie Brill , to sing a couple of Brown''s songs. Brill did justice to " You Were a Long Time Coming, But You Finally Made It Home ." Carney also got fest director Bernie Clarke up to blow some harp on a few. Clarke went into a cool tribute to Robert Lockwood Junior. This was followed immediately by another special guest joining the jam (Syracuse guitarist Seth Rochford ), who gave us some great jump blues playing " Kidney Stew ."

We caught some of the Syracuse-All Stars I jam going on at the Dinosaur Barbeque Stage, as we spent a little time after Sean''s set getting a pod cast for Drummers Corner with Eric Blume . Thanks for the interview Eric! At the JAM, Seth Rochford was on guitar, joined by Gary Lavancher on bass, Dan "Cato" Eaton on sax and keyboards, and Dan Morrison on drums. Toni Lynn Washington''s standout guitarist, Rick Russell , played a little as well as fest director Bernie Clarke .

So finally it was 9:30 and although a lot of great Blues had already gone on, more was to come with the Fabulous Thunderbirds taking the Budweiser Stage. This was a totally new crew for me, as Kim Wilson''s latest hand-picked back-up team included guitarist Johnny Moeller , guitarist Mike Keller , bassist Randy Bermudes , and drummer Jay Moeller. These guys are all young and talented, and were dead on with all the T-Bird ensemble of historical material. Kim gave the classic several minute Harp solo (or maybe it was eleven?), but most noted in my book was the flamboyant guitar playing of Johnny Moeller . Moeller reminded me of Ginger Baker as far as his wild stage presence goes (maybe it was the hair?), and his guitar playing attack was exceptional. Some one told me they played for an hour and forty minutes but I really wasn''t keeping track. It was all good but over before I knew it!

So that was Day One!

Well Day Two was a very, very, short story for us. Arriving downtown at Clinton Square in the middle of some pouring rain we found a crowd of about 100 or so die-hard Blues Fans out in front of the Budweiser Stage. The Organiks , featuring keyboard player Bruce Katz , looked out onto this group of drenched fans playing as if it was a crowd of thousands and played their hearts out! Sax man Jay Collins , drummer Randy Ciarlante , and guitarist Chris Vitarello cooked up a nice blend of covers and originals.

So after a super drenching experience trying to get some more photos, we made the executive decision to hit the highway and return home to dry land. The radar maps didn''t show too much of a sign that things might dry up any time soon. Unfortunately the executive decision was way off in terms of the weather forecast. Damn those weather Forecasters!

Thanks to our good friend James Owens who graciously provided us with photos we were able to provide some visuals for the remaining Budweiser Stage performers later that Sunday.


Other Sunday Performers

Anson Funderburgh with James Harmon

Rebirth Brass Band

Jimmy Vaughan with Lou Ann Barton

Until Next Time Blues Fans!


Tony ļ

© 2008, Tony Dellaria


J.C. Carroll to play with Syracuse''s Double Barrel Blues Band on Nov. 22 in Adams Center
Posted by Mark Bialczak September 26, 2008 1:27PM
Categories: Upcoming Shows, Vendors wanted
Syracuse guitarist Mark Cloutier and British blues-rocker J.C. Carroll struck up a friendship by swapping song files over the Internet.

I detailed how Cloutier came to appear on Carroll''s latest CD in a Post-Standard story in May.

Cloutier just sent along the good news that Carroll''s coming to New York and will perform with Cloutier and the Double Barrel Blues Band at Nov. 22, at the Iron Block Harley Davidson Shop in Adams Center.

"We are going to advertise the gig as a CD party, free-for-all jam. ... perform a few off the album and J.C. will do a solo set as well," Cloutier says.

After that, Carroll will perform in New York City on Nov. 28 and 30, for a big working trip on this side of the pond.

Here is a youtube clip of Double Barrel Blues Band at Iron Block in August.

Press Release View all Collaterals of Robert Johnson

Title: NEW ENGLISH BLUES... How did a Handyman From Upstate New York and a Heating engineer from Maryland end up on a Classic English Rock Album...
Status: Published
Release Date: Apr 04, 2008
File(s): 1007_1124_https://www.tradebit.com

Logo: No Logo available
Notes to Reporters: Dear [First Name] theres a Great human interest angle to this story imagine these guys sitting in thier dens with their wives giving them a hard time for spending too much time on the computer actually ending up playing on a classic rock album I think [Organization] would love to have this in the next [Beat Title]
Tags: classic rock, mark cloutier, pink floyd, the kinks, the members, working girl, sound of the suburbs, nigel potter, punk legends, collabing, collabs,

Release Text:
Through The Magic of the Internet thats How. Mark Cloutier a very talented Semi professional Guitarist From Upstate New York, and Rob Grant a Heating engineer from Maryland logged onto the SoundClick Musicians board last year they did not Know they would end up playing on a classic English Concept Album.

For a limited time the Album is Being Streamed from this press release site here

NEW ENGLISH BLUES had its Worldwide iTunes Release on 1st April 2008 and is already picking up amazing reviews round the Globe.

"In the Tradition of the Who''s "Tommy" and Floyds Seminal "Dark Side of the Moon", This magnificent album explores the melacholy and outrage that is at the Heart of the English Psyche" London Music review

This is How it Happened, JC Carroll a London (England) Based composer musician and Songwriter was looking for people to play on his New Rock Opera when he heard Marks Guitar playing. "I was blown away as soon as I heard him I wanted him on the album, even though I already had two really brilliant guitarists . I wanted to bring Marks Unique feel for guitar into the mix." Rob Grant coincidently had also worked with Cloutier had a piece of unfinished music that he thought might appeal to JC. That piece of music went on to become Caveman TV one of the most outstanding Tracks on the Album.

Legendary Post Punk Songwriter and Performer JC Carroll last had a hit in the US with a Song Called Working Girl (with The Members) in the early eighties. JC may only be known for Working Girl in the States but in the UK, JC''s Sound of the Suburbs is a modern classic as is the Members first Album "At the Chelsea Nightclub" JC has over the Years worked with many US and and UK legends from Johnny Thunders (New York Dolls) Dee Dee Ramone, Glen Matlock (Sex Pistols) has recently specialised in writing for Film and TV.

NEW ENGLISH BLUES (which has has a stunning 12,143 plays in One Month and topped the charts in 5 separate Genres on the influential SoundClick music Board) is a return to his English Rock Roots,

If you are the type of person that mourns the death of the Classic ROCK album this piece of work is for you, tracks seemlessly melt into each other as the concept emerges. The way musicians from round the Globe have been working together over the internet is called Collabbing, people with a regular PC can suddenly find thier musicianship is in demand on the other side of the world. Its thanks to Sites like https://www.tradebit.com and https://www.tradebit.com that this revolution in music is taking place.

NEW ENGLISH BLUES mixes Prog/Punk and Classic Rock Styles to concoct a heady brew that is absolutely irresistible.

For more information contact Robert Johnson at Stoppress PR on stoppress@https://www.tradebit.com or call +447730832977

Online Harmony

Thursday, May 15, 2008
By Mark Bialczak
Staff writer
Guitarist Mark Cloutier smiles about his part on the CD "New English Blues" by British veteran J.C. Carroll.

He thinks it''s cool that his work is getting radio play on the BBC.

Reviews in the United Kingdom have been hot. "In the tradition of the Who''s ''Tommy'' and Pink Floyd''s ''Dark Side of the Moon,'' this magnificent album explores the melancholy and outrage that is at the heart of the English psyche," wrote a reviewer in the newspaper London Music.




And to think that the Central New York bluesman did it all without leaving the simple home studio - which cost $200 - he set up in his home in East Syracuse.

The only way Cloutier and Carroll have ever met is online.

"We developed a mutual friendship through musicians'' Web sites," Cloutier says.

They''ve traded music back and forth with MP3 files, a computer format that allows music to be sent online.

As soon as Carroll heard Cloutier''s distinctive guitar sound, he wanted to include him on his album.

"The Internet is rammed full of guys in their bedrooms uploading their shredding on guitar," Carroll writes, appropriately enough, in an e-mail from London. "Although Mark mainly plays the blues, he has something about his sound that is unique, and you can tell it is him straight away."

Carroll used Cloutier''s guitar work on three of the dozen songs on the CD.

That put Cloutier, 42, and a full-time handyman in the WSYR-TV offices for 10 years, in interesting company.

Last year, Carroll released "Strangers and Fiction." His musicians included an Internet marketer from Russia, a railroad worker from France, a roofer from Holland, a graphic artist from England, a paramedic from Detroit and a surveyor from Florida.

"I had never spoken to or even been in the same room as the people," Carroll writes.




Could it happen to you? The Internet is full of musicians of all talent levels discovering satisfaction by sharing words and notes around the world.

Here''s how Cloutier fashioned his success story.

Finding music sites online

Three years ago, Cloutier knew he wanted to expand the scope of the CD "Bar Room Blues," released with his then-band Dirty Pool on the local label Nadeau Music.

So he sat at his home computer and

began searching music sites.

"I wanted to upload MP3s," Cloutier says, "so more people could hear them."

Cloutier started at www. https://www.tradebit.com. He enjoyed interacting with others through the online community, reading comments posted about his band''s music and adding his thoughts about other folks'' music.

Musicians there pointed Cloutier to other sites, including a site called mixposure, which is no longer online.

That''s where he started corresponding with British guitarist Nigel Potter, who commented on Cloutier''s work with Dirty Pool.




"There was something about how he played the blues that set him apart for me from the countless other blues guitarists I''d heard," Potter writes in an e-mail. "It was something you cannot teach ... it''s either there or it''s not. The mysterious X factor, if you will.

"One day I said to him that he has the same spirit in his playing as Jimi Hendrix," Potter writes. "Those who know me would tell you that is not something I would say lightly."

Carroll already was one of Potter''s online musical friends.

Potter introduced them. By e-mail, of course. Carroll told Cloutier he should check out https://www.tradebit.com.

The right equipment

Visiting that site convinced Cloutier that he needed to take the next step.

"I had a guitar and a Vox amp," Cloutier says. "I said, ''How do I get this guitar into that computer?'' "

Technicians at WSYR pointed him toward a Lexicon Lamba USB interface studio, which came with Qbase software, which would allow him to record his guitar work and post it online.

It cost about $200, Cloutier says, and was easy to hook up and operate.

Worldwide connections




Now Cloutier was ready to collaborate with musicians anywhere.

Carroll sends an MP3 from England.

Cloutier loads it onto his software, puts on his headphones and records a guitar part on Qbase as he listens.

"I''ll do two or three takes, with different twists," Cloutier says.

He''ll send those to Carroll, who can mix them whole or add parts of each to the overall song.

Cloutier loves collaborating online.

"It''s exciting," he says. "You get to use other people''s skills and ability to create what you might not be able to do by yourself. I''m playing so many different styles.

"For 15 years I was a blues guy. It''s so nice to be in demand for other styles," he says. "I''m having a blast interacting with people around the world."

What''s next?

Cloutier says he doesn''t expect to make any money from playing on Carroll''s CD.




He says he''s in it for the exposure, and figures Internet recognition will increase the popularity and productivity of his current Central New York outfit, The Double Barrel Blues Band.

Cloutier thinks a touring combination of Double Barrel and Gunslinger, Potter''s English band, would be a natural in the United States and in the United Kingdom.

"Anything''s possible," Cloutier says.

Carroll, for his part, already is writing songs for "New English Blues, Volume II."

"I will, of course, use Mark," he says.

Mark Bialczak can be reached at mbialczak@https://www.tradebit.com or 470-2175. His blog "Listen Up" is at https://www.tradebit.com

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