MP3 Jeffrey Trambley - Soar
The latest classical crossover sensation cuts across musical boundaries with a unique fusion of pop and classical styles in soaring ballads and catchy feel good tracks.
6 MP3 Songs in this album (25:46) !
Related styles: POP: Today''s Top 40, EASY LISTENING: Classical Pop
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FROM classical opera to popular commercial songs heard on TV, Jeffrey Trambley thrills music lovers in Japan and abroad with his vocal versatility.
BORN and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA), Jeffrey ventured abroad to the Czech Republic to begin his operatic training. Taking first prize in the Czech National Music School Vocal Competition in 1995, he completed three years of operatic training under vocal coach, Hana Keferova. In 1998, Jeffrey headed to Asia and stayed on to continue his vocal studies at the graduate school of the Tokyo College of Music. There, he completed a graduate degree in Vocal Performance studying under Professors Keizo Takahashi, Yoko Nomura and Echiko Narita as well as taking part in Master Classes by Elio Battaglia from the Turino Academy of Music and Jonathan Alder from the Berlin Hochschule.
NOW based in Tokyo, Japan, Jeffrey''s repertoire has grown with concert engagements singing everything from Mozart''s "Magic Flute" and "Don Giovanni" to musical roles in "The Phantom of the Opera" and lieder recitals of Schubert''s "Winterreise" and Dvorak''s "Biblical Songs." In September, 2008 he presented a solo recital featuring an all-English program of works by composers ranging from Purcell and Handel to Aaron Copland and Cole Porter.
JEFFREY currently resides in Tokyo and in addition to a busy concert schedule, is active as a freelance narrator and voice artist for TV and corporate promotional videos. His voice has been featured in commercial campaign songs for major corporations such as Honda, Bridgestone and Yamaha .
クラシックオペラから人気コマーシャルソングまでジェフリートランブリーは日本の、そして海外の聴衆を多才な声で楽しませております。あなたはテレビを通して彼の声を聴いたことがあるはずでしょう!?ジェフリーはアメリカ合衆国ミネソタ州ミネアポリスに生まれ育つ。1995年にチェコ共和国、ジェロティン音楽院にて声楽を学び、音楽院代表としてチェコ共和国音楽コンクールに出場。外国人として初めて第一位を獲得した。 声楽監督であるハナ ケフェロヴァ氏にて三年間の歌劇養成を終える。1998年には、ジェフリーの長い人生の夢であった日本訪問という夢を叶えるために来日をする。そして声楽を学び続けるために東京音楽大学大学院にて学び始める。本大学大学院音楽研究科声楽専攻修士の過程を高橋啓三、野村陽子、成田えちこ先生方の元で修学をする。大学院以外の活動においては、イタリア国トリノのエリオ バッターリア氏のマスタークラスへの参加、ベルリン音楽大学のジョナサン アルダー氏のマスタークラスへも参加をした。