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*NEW* AdSpy Pro Easily Track Monitor And Profit From All Of

Feel Like Manhandling PPC And Having Your Way With It?

\\\Walk Into Any Niche You Choose And Dominate Instantly Because You\\\ll Already Know Where The Money Is At Every Single Time... Before You Ever Even Spend A Dime Of Your Own!!!\\\

Finally A Software Program Powerful Enough To Predict The Winners And Losers So It\\\s Always A Sure Bet For You.
Dec 25 2008

From pureprofits.

As an affiliate there\\\s probably been a time in your career where you have felt like there just has to be an easier way to do all of this...

There simply must be an easy way to track and identify profitable ads and affiliate programs without all the painstaking and mind numbing research, blood sweat and tears, and money wasted.

A program so powerful, yet simple enough to use, that it tells you exactly when to get in and make money hand over fist, or when to get out and save your butt.

Well for thousands of people, affiliates just like you, your competition, those prayers were answered with...

X-Ray Domination

And then...

Undercover Profits

Or were they?

No doubt about it... these two programs were very good... no arguments here.

Affiliates had never seen anything like it before. With these two programs in their arsenal they were able to easily determine which of their campaigns were profitable and which were not...

The bottom line being that they could ditch the losers, put more money into the winners, thereby easily and significantly increasing their profits...

All without the heartache and hassle that goes with all the testing and tweaking they had been forced to do for years.

But there was one little problem...

Ok. One big problem... They were far too expensive for most.

X-Ray Domination was $1500 with only 1000 licenses to be sold, and Undercover Profits is going for a steep $300 per month, a car payment in and of itself.

Is there an answer with us in mind?

Let me step back for just one second...

My name is JP Schoeffel and I am an affiliate marketer, and Internet marketer, and an advocate for those that are looking to find their way online.

In fact, I have dedicated myself to putting ultra powered big ticket programs in the hands of my customers, affordably, so they could \\\play\\\ too.

After years of watching good people get raked over the coals with one big ticket item after the next, I decided that it was high time that somebody did something about it.

High time that someone level the playing field and allow marketers like you and me, to profit, without having to give up an arm, a leg, and our firstborn.

Frankly, it all boils down to this...

You deserve a chance to make more money than sin... you deserve the ability to dominate whatever niche you want, without worrying about whether the \\\Big Guns\\\ and \\\Power Players\\\ say or do...

And if I have anything to say about it, you WILL.

Point and click cash, right?

Let me ask you something...

Have you been told that affiliate marketing is easy money? Maybe that PPC is \\\point and click\\\ cash?

Surely you\\\ve heard that it is the easiest way to create cash on demand, whenever and wherever you want... right?

I mean, you don\\\t need to worry about the months of hard work it takes to create your own products. You don\\\t have to concern yourself with those customer complaints...

And customer service... what\\\s that? Right? Or a list? Bah, who needs one? Because as an affiliate you just write a tiny little ad, click a button and \\\poof\\\, the money comes flowing in.

Except it never really seems to work as easily as they tell you it will, does it?

Because the reality is that finding quality high converting affiliate products to promote is like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack.

Sure everyone wants you to believe that their program is converting at 10%, but given that conversions are deemed good at 1+%, these are few and far between.

Then there\\\s keyword research which is a life sucking process of try fail, try fail, try fail, and maybe, just maybe... profit.

Yep. Needle in a haystack for sure.

Look out needle, I found ya!

So, if it\\\s not as easy as they say it is... if it\\\s not just a matter of slapping together an ad and going out to buy your mansion and Bentley, then what does that mean?

I\\\ll tell you EXACTLY what it means...

It means that you automate the entire research process, so that you find out what\\\s hot and what\\\s not without doing any of the tedious, monotonous, hard work yourself...

And all of it at mach speed!

If you\\\re thinking that this sounds like some wild fantasy, I can assure you it is not.

Yeah, the stuff under the hood is powerful and complex, but at the most basic level, it\\\s all about querying affiliate programs and PPC campaigns, based on criteria you select.

You see what Google does, right? Well, just think of this as \\\googling\\\ for very specific money making information.

And this is how YOU find that needle in the haystack.

This is how YOU find those quality high converting affiliate products to promote so that you can make yourself a fortune... quickly, and easily.

Green with envy...

Allow yourself to imagine rolling out of bed at the crack of \\\whenever you feel like it\\\, and strolling casually over to your home office, a mere 20 feet away.

You turn on your computer and check your affiliate stats, grab a peak at your ClickBank account, and see that you have generated thousands of dollars since you went to sleep.

You stretch, yawn, and decide that you don\\\t feel like working (if you could call it that;) just yet... no you\\\d rather get outside and do something else for a while.

Maybe some golf, maybe a stroll, or maybe a ride around town.

And hey... money is no object for you... you\\\re pulling in hundreds, sometimes thousands per day... and your life is the life dreams are made of.

Neighbors and friends envy you, your family thinks you hit the lottery or joined the mob, and you simply don\\\t care...

You do what you want, when you want, wherever you want, because you can.

All thanks to a sweet little program you use that predicts with no uncertain terms, which affiliate programs and which PPC campaigns will make you money.

All thanks to...
AdProSpyŽ is everything mentioned above and MORE.

It is competitive intelligence that puts you in complete control of your business.

It doesn\\\t allow for mistakes, and lays out profitable affiliate programs and PPC campaigns quickly and easily, every single time.

And forget about the headaches of fleshing out your own profitable ads, because this baby tells you exactly what to do in order to replicate their success.

That\\\s right. You can clone those ads that are making the most money, so that you don\\\t even have to break a sweat.

Review your results with AdSpyPro... set up your own campaigns based on those results and then get ready for an explosion of profits.

And while AdSpyPro is powerful enough to generate floods of cash for you, it is so simple to use that you\\\ll have it mastered in no time.

Here\\\s how it works in a nutshell...

You log into your copy of AdSpyProŽ to create a campaign of the keywords that you\\\d like to track and spy on.

AdSpyProŽ proceeds to scour the Internet and collect PPC ads, identifying the affiliate ads vs.. the non-affiliate ads.

AdSpyProŽ then tracks those ads for the length of time that you\\\ve told it to, and gathers up all kinds of juicy competitive information for you.

Reports are generated and provide you with the \\\profit signals\\\. Yep, those are your go-ahead campaigns, the one\\\s that will stuff your pockets with cash.

Powerful. Simple. Affordable.

It works with all of the popular programs...

Now, just in case you\\\re concerned that this is some \\\one trick pony\\\, or cheap knock off of those high priced programs I mentioned earlier...

Rest assured that nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, AdSpyPro works with all the major popular programs, including some those other 2 don\\\t;)

Programs such as:
google adwords, commision junktion, click bank, link share

And many many many more (Traffic Synergy, ShareResults, Share A Sale, Revenue Pilot, ModernClick, ClixGalore, Max Bounty... 15 affiiate networks are currently tracked, and you can add more with the click of a button!)

Coming soon :

Ok JP, but how much for all of this?!?

Now you may excited about the opportunity that lays ahead of you... your shot at finally making the kind of income you deserve.

Your chance at living the life of your dreams...

But there may be a small part of you wondering just how much this is going to cost. You may be ready for the brass tacks. Hey, I can understand that. I\\\m much the same way.

Now, it\\\s no secret that X-Ray Domination went for $1500. It\\\s a good program and well worth it. It\\\s also widely known that Undercover Profits runs for $300 per month.

Again, a good program and well worth the money. But, you may recall that I have dedicated myself to putting ultra powered big ticket programs in the hands of my customers, affordably, so they could \\\play\\\ too.

And that\\\s why I could never ever consider asking that kind of investment from you. Worth it or not, I want you to be able to enter this marketplace without a 2nd mortgage just to get started.

So, I\\\m not going to ask you $300 per month. In fact I\\\m not going to ask you for any ongoing monthly commitment or a whopping $1500. In fact, I won\\\t even $750, or $500...

You may just want to sit down for this, because otherwise you may faint. When you make the wise decision to act right now, you\\\re getting all of this, everything mentioned above for only... $147, $97, $27.

That\\\s not a misprint and I did not intend to type $470. For a very limited time, you get AdSpyPro for the price of just $67 $27. no for a limted time its cost only $17
you will get step by step video after your purchase so you never have to worry how to use this so go ahead and grab this powerfull toll at a low price just $17.
Tags: track ads, ads tracker, affiliate ads softwares, track cb ads, track google adwords
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