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MP3 ChordSlinger - Deliverance from Flames

Chordslinger is an artist whose music is alchemistic. He takes the deepest emotions from the blackest depths of his soul and transforms them into euphoric upbeat music. It gets under your skin and makes you want to jump for joy.

10 MP3 Songs in this album (25:25) !
Related styles: ELECTRONIC: Techno, NEW AGE: Contemporary Instrumental

People who are interested in Yanni Mike Oldfield Mannheim Steamroller should consider this download.

Chordslinger''s music is uplifting and and just plain makes you feel good. First, you’ll find yourself tapping your fingers. Then, you’ll want to start moving your feet. It is a mixture of styles that blend into a unique sound. It has techno and rock roots with a New Age feel to it.

The Chordslinger is from the Cincinnati, Ohio area. He has always played music and always been around it to some extent. A while back, he began recording his songs for others to hear and recently shared a couple of them with some friends and a couple of thousand customers on a commercial web site he runs. The response was overwhelming and took him very much by surprise. He received numerous requests for a CD. There were comparisons to Mike Oldfield and Mannheim Steamroller that he found very flattering as these are two of his all time favorites. So he decided to share some of the music he had written during a personal tragedy on his first CD which he has named “Deliverance from Flames”. Chordslinger played all of the instruments and did all of the writing and recording on the CD. What type of guitar did he play on "Breaking Free"? Email him and maybe he will let you know. He has lots of music that he has written and there will be more CDs to come.

Here is his whole story as told by him:

“I was recently convinced by friends that I should share my music. Up until now, it had always been a private endeavor. This project seemed to take on a life of its own when I put full length versions of the songs "Frenzy" and "Breaking Free" on a commercial web site that I run. The response was unexpectedly large with outcries for a CD. One of my friends took the liberty of passing them on to a scout for Blue Note Records who asked me to audition. I politely declined. Perhaps I am the only musician in the world to pass up such an opportunity, but I really don''t like performing in front of an audience. Besides that, they are a jazz label and I don''t play jazz. I have, however, decided to share my music through the Deliverance from Flames CD because the music on this CD saved me during a very dark period of time and perhaps it could help some other people too. I hear repeatedly that it has a positive upbeat energy that makes people feel very alive. They tell me that the energy level seems contagious.

Here''s a little background to help you understand how this all happened. I guess I''ve always been a little nontraditional to some extent. When I was twelve, I took piano lessons, but kept getting in trouble with the music teacher because I played everything by ear. I usually played back a version which was a little different than the one in the book. The teacher never did develop an appreciation for my versions of the songs. One day when no one was home I was very upset and drifted off into that pleasant place in my brain where music plays most of the time. Sometimes I feel like I have a jukebox in there that keeps spinning out tunes from another planet. On that day, I decided to try to play one of those songs that were reverberating in my head on our piano. It was substantially more complex than what my piano teacher had ever assigned me and so I played it over and over again until I had it down cold. My family came home as I was finishing it up and overheard it. They thought I was playing a classical piece, and were quite impressed. I was very embarrassed by all the attention. So, I quit the lessons after eighth months.

In high School, I got up a little more nerve and played with some of the local bands. The battle of the bands competitions were fun, but I really didn''t enjoy playing music written by other people over and over again. So, life went on.

At the beginning of my eighteenth year, I left home and survived by buying and selling junk at antique shows. I was actually able to survive quite well doing this and enjoyed it very much, but I needed more steady work which I could also do in bad weather too. So, by the end of my eighteenth year, I found work as a Respiratory Therapist. I managed to test out of the schooling and saved myself a little money as I couldn''t afford much at that time, and found that I really like the work.

In my spare time, I played music and partied like everyone else my age, but I also got a wild hair idea that maybe I should do something a little more traditional. So, I went out and qualified for and joined Mensa, got a couple of fancy degrees (Magna Cum Laude) and found myself working in a big corporation where I designed and implemented large scale market research projects. I don''t know why I went down that road, but I''ve got to say that it was extremely boring and not for me.

After a few of years of learning how businesses worked, I went on my own and built one myself. It was a mail order catalog that wholesaled antiques to antique dealers all over the world. After just 5 years in business, we had over 3,000 customers worldwide. I kept all of the most valuable antiques and other inventory that I would find and stored it in a 10,000 square foot warehouse. I would run the catalog for about half of the year and take the other half off. Life was grand. There was enough inventory in the building to retire off of, perhaps several times. Then, disaster struck.

The warehouse burned and I did not have it insured properly. It was devastating. I got to the fire after most of the building was gone, and just stood there and stared. My brain retreated into that place where the jukebox played the tunes from outer space, and it got loud. Really loud. That was the only place that felt real. Everything else felt numb. There was a lot of positive energy in there and playing and recording those songs during that most difficult period of my life was uplifting and saved my sanity. They have an energy that resurrected my spirit over the following year.

After a lot of thought, I decided that the three things that I had really enjoyed in my life had been Treasure Hunting which helped me to survive when I was 18 and also helped me to build the business that burned, working as a Respiratory Therapist to help heal the sick, and playing the music in my head. So, I went back and retook my Respiratory Therapy exams to get recredentialed so I would have some work, and have slowly been resurrecting the antique business (this time on the internet) while writing the music that was created during that very difficult time of the fire. In the context of my biography, perhaps you will have a better understanding of “The Story of the ChordSlinger” which is written on the inside cover of the CD and tells the story of how the songs were written during that time period. It explains the origins of each song on the CD and how they were related to the fire. You will also find it on the homepage of my website.”
Here is a smattering of the mails Chordslinger received when the songs "Frenzy" and "Breaking Free" were played on the commercial website he runs:

Frenzy is very uplifting and carries a hopeful/positive message. This stuff energizes the spirit and relaxes at the same time…………..verrrrry good! - David E.

Way to go Chordslinger. Thanks for sharing your gift with all of us. "Breaking Free" made me want to get up and move... Thanks - Larry

Wow!! "Frenzy" had me tappin'' my feet. A really good sound. The passion of your music is really out there for all to enjoy! - Carol

Good job! Reminded me a bit of Mannheim Steam Roller......not a bad comparison, huh? - Nancy Buchan

I love your stuff, keep it up. - Thanks, Kathy

Your cuts are very very good indeed. Keep up the good work. - Bob

Boy, are you talented!! The songs are nice to listen to, and must have been a joy to play and record. - Ben Harris.

I think the music is great! - Angie

I really liked Frenzy. It had a nice sound. - Diana & Ross

I just listened to your songs. They''re REALLY good. I particularly like "Frenzy" a lot and it reminds me of Mannheim Steamroller, but with a techno beat. - Kim Howes

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