MP3 William Taylor Prichard - Presence...
Progressive instrumental, a cerebral mix of jazz fusion guitar and modern electronica.
11 MP3 Songs
JAZZ: Acid Jazz, ELECTRONIC: Trance
Guitarist William Taylor Prichard, plays 11 new original soundscapes. Dreamlike, Bizarre and Beautiful. You WILL believe in Alien Abduction after just one listening!
Fusing the worlds of techno and ambient sounds with an unusual symphony of guitars that range from delicate classical motifs to visceral electric screams and wails.
Ethereal textures invisibly morph out of trance-inducing bass and drums. This record is also the first to document his slide guitar playing which sounds like it came from India much more than the Mississippi delta. Unexpected turns in melody, harmony and rhythm abound, but always maintain a type of bizarre beauty. If Salvador DalĂ could have painted music, some of it may have sounded like these cinematic soundscapes.
Credits: William Taylor Prichard
Electric and acoustic guitars, electric sitar, guitar synthesizers, keyboards, bass, electronic percussion.