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MP3 David Shepherd Grossman - Stumbling Off 6th Street

Multimedia CD that is rich on music and includes video footage, a full leangth novel, slide shows,and more - plays like regular CD and extras are viewable with any PC computer.

9 MP3 Songs in this album (33:51) !
Related styles: ROCK: Acoustic, POP: Delicate

People who are interested in James Taylor Paul Simon Ralph McTell should consider this download.

I am a working class musician. It is my job. I love playing music. I have been fortunate enough to not only play music but also write and record music as well. At the present time I am not signed to a record company - there bad and good sides to that - the bad side is that I don''t always get to record all the music I write and I promote my CDs myself - like I am doing here. I have been doing it this way for many albums. I sell CDs at my local gigs - and more recently - on the web. The good side is that the recordings I am able to create are as honest and un-compromised as I can make them. I try to make CDs that can be listened to over and over and are worth the money spent - for example the CD STUMBLING OFF 6TH STREET contains a full length 60,000 word novel as well as video footage, a game, slide shows as well as the music.

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This CD was recorded and built over a 3 year period. The CD has 9 songs, two slide shows, a live video performance, a game called ''Guess Which Car Dave Is Sleeping In,'' and a full leangth 60,000 word novel. The novel was written by David Grossman as were most of the songs.

This CD was picked by Kerry Lengel of the Arizona Republic as one of the best releases for the year 2000.

Very stong performances and sparse prodution are attributed to this CD''s listenable quality. One of the most common things brought up by reviewers of this CD is that it can be listened to over and over again. The Arizona Republic rated it as ''classic'' and Songwriter''s Monthly calls it ''more inovative than anything the major labels are putting out.'' This music is acoustic based. Songs are presented with acoustic guitar, piano, vocals and with minimalist band backrounds. Music was recorded live with very few over-dubs.
By David Gofstein for Phoenix New Times
David Shepherd Grossman''s Stumbling Off 6th Street.

David Shepherd Grossman''s Stumbling Off 6th Street is, like the previous dozen or so collections from the Valley''s own troubadour, a strong and often stirring song cycle. Grossman, who performs on New Year''s Eve at Michael''s at the Citadel in Scottsdale, has a fondness for musical melancholia, but he never comes off as self-indulgent. He balances downbeat lyrics with a sly wit and an observant eye for detail. Musically, this album ranges from folky earnestness to laid-back, almost Dire Straits-ish groove. Mix in just a hint of country with the addition of Tommy Bleu''s pedal steel playing and this is a graceful and rewarding listen.

The title track is a vivid recitation of a day in the life of a homeless person just trying to get by. Its narrator sings in a matter-of-fact tone that never descends to self-pity. After moving from doorway to doorway just waiting for the sunrise comes this simple observation, "There are too many nights in this town."

This album also showcases DSG''s strengths as an interpreter of other writers'' material. The version of Ralph McTell''s "Jesus Wept" is a straightforward reading which allows the song to speak for itself. A spare guitar and vocal arrangement never calls attention to itself, thereby focusing the listener on McTell''s indictment of man''s many misdeeds in the name of religion.

Yet fine as the songs are, they aren''t the whole story on Stumbling Off 6th Street. This release is a "CD Plus" with enough goodies -- or, as digital aficionados call them, "bells and whistles" -- to fill a DVD.

Slap Stumbling . . . into your computer and enjoy Grossman''s wacky, playful innovations: To begin with, there''s a live video version of this album''s "Branding Farm" recorded at Joe''s Grotto. There are slide shows with dozens of pictures from throughout Grossman''s career.

But these are conventional extras compared with the flourishes that follow, like the new interactive game craze that is sweeping the nation, "Which Car Is Dave Sleeping In?". Click on pictures of a variety of junkyard-worthy old beaters. If you click wrong, you get a glimpse of some other disreputable type who''s crashing there instead. And when you finally click right, it gains you access to Stumbling Off 6th Street''s most audacious feature -- get this -- the entire text of Grossman''s autobiographical novel Six Months.

The book is an entertaining, funny and occasionally disturbing read. Grossman pulls no punches as he details the ups and downs of a fascinating career that has seen our boy on the road since his young teens. His (often unfortunately self-inflicted) misfortunes include prison time and institutionalization. It''s a serious story, told here with a lot of self-aware humor.


Thursday, August 31, 2000
Section: The Rep

Kerry Lengel

Stumbling Off 6th Street
David Shepherd Grossman

The human-jukebox act that Grossman plies to perfection at live shows extends in many ways to his original work. While his spare, sweet voice can''t help but recall James Taylor, there are moments in Stumbling Off 6th Street - melodic turns, vocal phrasings - that also echo Lyle Lovett, Randy Newman, Tom Waits, Paul Simon and Nanci Griffith.

That''s not to say Grossman lacks an artistic voice of his own, but instead of innovating, he prefers to work within the finest traditions of the folk troubadour.

Stumbling finds the prolific songwriter in a somber mood. On the title track, gentle piano backs a humble ode to the down and out, while wistful country-folk sets the mood for Annie Don''t Know (''''She don''t know what it''s like to cry / ''Cause she''s crying all the time'''').

The arrangements are consistently restrained but evocative. On Leaves, Paul Bedford''s crisp blues lead on electric guitar perfectly complements Grossman''s insistent acoustic riffing, while Tommy Blue''s pedal steel on Annie and Darkness drifts hauntingly in the background. On this carefully polished album, less is definitely more - more subtlety, more depth, more beauty


MUSE ON-LINE MAG. https://www.tradebit.com

David Shepherd Grossman

Stumbling Off 6th St.

This cd''s a long time coming, if some of the copyright dates are anything to go by. An a-typical slightly-country, lite-feelin'' song here would be ''Annie Don''t Know'', and it''s one of my favorites. Consider it the Ringo song of this Beatles pop album, though David doesn''t sing through his big nose. His voice is a pleasant boy next door type, esp. on the opening ''Tonight'', like the last piano song of the party at 4am once the drinks have started to wear off. Then there''s the next chapter, ''Leaves'', coming up at 5am before the sunlight''s had a chance to yawn and feel the headache. David''s on acoustic guitar and throat, while Paul Bedford handles the keyboard and everything else. Simple but spirited night song, with the pace of a stalker who''s forgotten his address in a middle-class neighborhood. I don''t know why I get the feeling this guy DSG is like Billy Joel, with piano removed and acoustic string thing implanted, but it could be his softened sense of pop, his specific choice of stories upon which he builds vague memories you thought you may''ve experienced before. Yet the songs seem almost too short to me; once you''re hooked into the melody and the mellow way he''s living, the song ends, and the journey begins anew. Since the cd''s only a little over half an hour, I hope David blesses us with a load more before long.


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