MP3 Ray Solis - Christmas Magic
All songs are original compositions, a few instrumental like Kenny G and some nice vocals a la Sinatra. This CD gives me great satisfaction because I used only my Yamaha PSR-630 and Cakewalk Pro to produce it. Hope you enjoy the results.
12 MP3 Songs
Musician/songwriter, Born and raised in Port Arthur, TX, my unexpected musical career started in 1958. My Brother Louis said, "Go on! You can do it!" when Johnny Preston asked me to join the "The Shades" as piano player. And it''s been my labor of love and career, even to this date. In 1959 as Preston''s ''Running Bear'' hit the charts, I joined Jivin'' Gene Bourgeois and ''The Jokers,'' playing along with my brother, Louis, already a member.
In early 1960 I began vocalizing and I formed my own band ''Ray & The Royals.'' We have performed in and around Southeast Texas, mostly in private clubs, but doing many worthwhile benefits and playing at any venue. We are now Ray Solis & Spectrum, professing many genre. ''The Pompano Club'' in Port Neches, TX, has been my bandstand for the last thirty years, five nights per week.
In the early sixties I composed and recorded a couple of singles; one was ''Baby, Please Don''t Go,'' a local favorite. One of my favorite memories is making a duet commercial with my friend, Janis Joplin, in 1961 for Nacogdoches State Bank. While working at Gulf /Chevron Refinery and performing I let composing slide for several years, until I retired in 1992 after thirty years of service. Since retirement I''ve had more time for my hobby, composing. While becoming a BMI writer in 2000, I composed all of the songs on my first CD production Spectrum Magic. It is multi-genre, mostly for my friends and customers at the club.
Christmas Magic which contains my twelve new compositions was released on September 27, 2001.