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MP3 DP Da Reapa - Sinista Minista: Still Sinista in '04

Old school hip-hop that will blow your mind.

17 MP3 Songs

Greetings 2 all our peeps. Dat''s https://www.tradebit.com''ll out dere. Black, brown, white, yellow, red, and whatever U look like. Male or female. Conservative or liberal. Democratic or republican. Jew, Muslim, or Christian. Upper class wannabee or Down N D hoodz and barrios. We drop mad shots 4 U right now. Representin'' as always 4 D real. ''Cause D real is D life as D people live it and dat''s what ReapALife represents...''cause ultimately on dis here plane what happens is dat we either manifest D positive tip or D negative tip. Either way, we gotz 2 survive.

Either way, we ReapALife. What kind of life we reap is D kind of life we sow. D negative and D positive is both parts of life and both parts of D real. Dere R no absolutes, no perfections, just hard work tryin'' 2 git th''u''. And we B doing all up in the mix with D system dat''s tryin'' 2 tell me and U how to live while marching us 2 D altars of death. What we know...we know by D life. Dis is a hip-hop reality here. D hip is bein'' N D know. dat''s what consciousness https://www.tradebit.com some esoteric, mystical crap, but knowin'' D ledge, D edge, so U don''t fall off. D hop is mobility, ''cause U gotz 2 keep movin''. Either move or U git moved on. We tryin'' 2 move, we tryin'' 2 help U move. Listen N. We hit U wit'' D lyric, we hit U wit'' D visual, we hit U wit'' D lessons, we hit U wit'' D wordz. But every lick is 1 2 grow on. Dis yo birfday site, U bin rebo''n. Welcome 2 D home of ReapALife, web and worldwide, all over dem bustas, frauds, and fakes. DP Da Reapa N here, yo war correspondent. Stay alive! https://www.tradebit.compa

DP Da Reapa (Rev. Dr. Nikitah Imani) is Pres. and CEO of Reapalife Records in Harrisonburg, VA. He is from the ATL and holds a BSFS, 2 masters degrees and a Ph.D. He is assoc. prof. of sociology at James Madison Univ and adjunct associate professor of sociology at Blue Ridge Community College.. He is also an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church and has pastored in Afrikan orthodox and Southern Baptist religious contexts. He was the co-author of The Agony of Education (1996) on Routledge press. his new book Head Games drops in 2004.

Sinista Minista was the follow-up thematically to Bad Daddy, hence the title. I am an ordained minister, so that explains the second word. Sinista normally refers to something menacing and hip-hop is certainly that, especially to bible-toting righteous type, wanna be superior religious dogmatists. But for me, sin is from the ancient Afrikan term which means balance or equilibrium. Thus, sin is the downside of good , suggesting the existence of the law of karma (in contradistinction to the Eurocentric concept of sin as evil and evil being the opposite, as if one can choose one or the other without consequences in the opposing direction).
All Ya''ll Hataz (U got Beef) was written again for those in the Burg hip-hop community who continue to attempt to wrongly play this brother from the hood ''cause he gots degrees and is a minister. I can git grimy, too folks, and the god I pray to if you cross my son, my money, or my life wrong is the one that will give me the power to transmute you back to the cosmic dimension with my nine. Don''t forget it.
Whiplash was written about my relationship history which involves an endless list of disasters in which I''m in love, the other person appears to be, later abandons me, only to recapitulate later when I''m so alienated I could care less (hence the term "whiplash").
Vex'' Song (Needle on the Record) was written for fellow rapper and friend Vex Bliss from Indigenous Womb who was going through an equally trying relationship turmoil. I tried to put to words the advice I felt I could give.
Cell Black H is my shout out to the almost 2 million Afrikan men locked down. Just want o let them know we ain''t forgit''em and let everybody else know that the real prison is the prisons of the minds out here!
I Hear Voices is my tribute to those characterized as the mentally ill who often get that way because they are more sane than the rest of us here in the national loony bin.
Worker Man is a tribute to the working class, you know, the majority of the people who bust they ass everyday making money for the uncaring elites...like my pops who worked 40 years pushing wealthy elite cancer patients around and fought in Korea for a democracy he didn''t have in segregationalist Ga. Trent Lott can still kiss my ass, I ain''t going back!
Cyanide Lisa is for my girl Lisa (U knows who you are) who still can''t decide whether to play kings or jokers in the deck. U know?
Blowin'' Up is my antidrug and addiction https://www.tradebit.comt is for the drugs that should be so characterized...Hint, hint! Check it out and holla back!

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