Sold by rogdov on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,278,568 satisfied buyers
3D Animated Sale and Order Graphics with MRR
Have you been getting tired of the same old graphics for your salespage?
I know I have, so it gave me a great idea. I decided that it was time for a change of scenery so I created my own graphics.
This is a work in progress, but I thought I should give you a sample of what I\'m doing. Of course I\'d love to be able to just give this set to you, but due to the length of time it takes to create the animated graphics, I have to charge a little for my time.
What you\'re going to receive is just a small portion of what I\'m creating.
I\'ve packaged a set of 20 animations with 8 different fonts, in both Sale and Order graphics.
These graphics loop so your customer will see the emphasis on what you\'re trying to get across to them.
This package has 320 Graphics in total.
Tags: mrr
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This file is sold by rogdov, an independent seller on Tradebit.