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From the desk of {Your Name}
Date: Friday, April 25, 2008

Hello Visitor,

Isn't it amazing that such a wonderful piece of free software such as OpenOffice Writer lacks in an extremely important area. . . .

You know, like, um, offering at least ONE ebook template?!?

I'll tell ya, I was in the same boat you probably find yourself in right now. Searching high and low just to find one reliable source for a quality OpenOffice Writer Ebook Template. Even if it cost me something, I didn't care, I just knew I needed one to cut down on my workload.

I mean, c'mon. It's tough enough coming up with new ebook ideas to write about, let alone compiling them too!

Imagine how much easier it would be to simply open up a pre-formatted .ODT file inside OpenOffice Writer, replace some example text with your content, and hit the "Make PDF" button.

Even just one Ooo Writer ebook template would be appreciated, wouldn't it?

What if you could have 8?

8? Can that be true? You can hardly even find one decent ebook template for OpenOffice Writer, how can you give me 8 different templates to use???!

I can. I have them. And now I'm letting you have them too.

Right here. Right now.

But first, let me give you a little example of what your ebooks could look like if you used just one of these stunning Ooo Writer templates for your next project. . . .

Here's what a normal, non formatted PDF ebook made in OpenOffice Writer looks like:

Now, Here's what a pre-formatted PDF ebook made using one of the 6 OpenOffice Writer templates inside this incredible package looks like:

See the difference?! Amazing, right?

But, that's not the only thing that changed with this template. How about a table of contents that links directly to the actual chapters in the ebook? Okay, how about this. . .

Now, how about a screen capture showing you all the graphical detail? All right, here ya go. . .

Of course, the actual ebook template graphic looks much clearer as you have to account for the screen capture tool pixelization.

But . . .

Isn't that 100 times better than a plain old, boring ebook layout?

Of course it is!

But, the best part about each of the 8 included templates is that you can change them completely to fit your own style, and the style of your ebook content! Plus, it's pretty easy to do when you have a format to work with.

If you picked up the First EZ Ebook Template Package, you will have noticed that there were a lot of things going on with those designs.

And, maybe you needed something a bit more simple while keeping a cutting edge design.

Well, with EZ Ebook Template Package 2, that's precisely what you'll get.

The EZ Ebook Template Package 2
Is The One Product You Need To
Start Stylizing Your Drab & Dreary
Ebooks Into Beautiful Works Of Art. . .
Without All The Hard Work!

EZ Ebook Template Package 2 Can Help You. . .
Create Colorful PDF Ebooks In Less Time And With Less Work

Include Actual Linked Table of Contents Menus Within Your Ebooks

Have Pre-Formatted Templates You Can Utilize To Generate Your Own Unique Works
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File Size 1 megabytes
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