Sold by softwareresellrights on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,277,804 satisfied buyers
Article Marketing Video Crash Course
Inside these lessons you'll learn:
Video 1 - The answer to the question "What is Article
Marketing and how can it help my business?"
Video 2 - The Anatomy of an Article - in this lesson you
learn the basic makeup of a successful article.
Video 3 - Creating Your Article from Scratch - this lesson teaches you some important aspects of choosing
your subject that your readers will be interested in.
Video 4 - Choosing the Perfect Title for Your Article -this lesson teaches you how to pick the perfect title for your article, and why it is so important!
Video 5 - Composing the Body of Your Article - this lesson
teaches you how to construct your article to achieve maximum effectiveness.
Tags: im, plr, mrr
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