Affiliate Video Brander
Your Video Powered Commissions
Are Waiting!
Are you ready to stake your claim in the lucrative growing market of online video?
But wait a minute...
Maybe you already know how time-consuming it is to create your own videos, and the product vendors who create videos only show them for their own use (not for their affiliates!).
Up to now you were correct in thinking just that, and your only choices were to invest a lot of time and money in learning to run expensive video tools...
OR just plain lose out on this monumental opportunity all together...
But with Affiliate Video Brander, huge video powered commissions await you... and you DONT even have to create your own videos or mess with difficult Flash files or HTML programs, BECAUSE all you have to do is click a few buttons and our software does the rest.
Unlike other peoples attempts to incorporate videos into marketing, theres NO distractions to the viewer when you use our video strategy. There are no unwanted outside links or running text, which tend to distract the visitor, and leech away from your sales.
Instead, our targeted pages provide only the video, active links of your choice, and an optional automatic redirect that leads directly to the sales letter or order form. Our results have shown that THIS strategy is extremely effective!
So, if youre going to send visitors to a video page, then why not use a super focused video page with a built-in call to action. A page that not only Tells but also Pre-Sells, leading viewers exactly to where you want them to go.
In other words, instead of merely sending visitors to a presentation, youre sending them to a sales-driving, commission earning machine!
With Affiliate Video Brander, affiliate marketing meets video dead-on and puts this new powerful method directly into YOUR hands.
Now YOU can use online video for REAL profit!