MP3 JC - The Truth - A Hamilton & Hope
New York City underground veteran JC - The Truth, shines a very much needed light onto the genre of hip-hop with his unique perspective on life through poetic storytelling.
18 MP3 Songs in this album (63:00) !
Related styles: HIP-HOP/RAP: Hip Hop, HIP-HOP/RAP: Underground Rap
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Born and raised in Penns Grove, New Jersey, Jeff Clark a.k.a. JC-THE TRUTH made his way into the underground hip-hop scene roughly 3 years ago. Influenced by the streets and his neighborhood, JC started writing poetry, and stories about the relationships he had with his friends & family members at the age of 14.
In 2000, after hardships at home, JC left Penns Grove to find his destiny. "The day I left, I had a ten dollar bill in my pocket, and the clothes on my back. I went to my boy''s crib and asked for a ride to (at that time) my girl''s house in Clarksboro, New Jersey." After leaving his girlfriend''s house several months later... JC struggled on and off the streets... homeless at some points... taking showers at truck stops... sleeping from one person''s sofa to the next... living on his grandmother''s floor... and even at one point living out of his 1983 Volvo. "I just remember laying in the back seat of my car (bought by my Uncle Joe) thinking to myself... Jesus... it''s got to get better than this. I lost a bunch of weight, it was the middle of December and the heater was broke, so I was freezing my ass off. My girlfriend at the time gave me blankets to keep warm that I still keep to remind me of what I''ve been through. Back then... I never thought I''d be able to make it out of that situation, because I didn''t think anyone cared. I was just ready to say... fuck it." JC''s godmother found him one day at his friend Bubba''s house looking for a place to stay. That same day... JC moved in with his godparents... located in Woodstown, New Jersey. Slowly, he was able to put his life on track, with a healthy environment, and positive relatives who supported him.
In 2001, after being pointed in the right direction, JC decided to move across the Delaware River to the city of Philadelphia. There... he would pursue his career in entertainment through The Art Institute. "At first I didn''t know how I was going to pay for college. I wanted to stay off the streets and get my education... but I didn''t know how to do anything, you know? So... I put together this plan... I had like... three credit cards maxed out, just from car repairs, so I went ahead and payed two of them off. Lucky for me... my Uncle Paul and good friend Richard offered to pay off the third one. In doing that... I earned pretty good credit while holding a steady job and was qualified to get loans from Sallie Mae. I applied... got approved... and enrolled myself into the summer quarter."
While at AIPH, JC would begin his journey into the realm of music. "I taught myself how to produce music. I could always write music, but I didn''t realize it. My poetry was music. I knew how to use audio and video equipment from classes at AIPH... like Pro Tools and Adobe Premiere, but I wanted to produce hip-hop music. I''ve always been a fan of hip-hop, way before I could even write it. My Pop was actually a musician. He taught himself how to play the guitar and write music. He had his own band when I was growing up, so I was always around music. So anyway... I did my research and came across this program. After about... three months of trial and error... I figured it out and made my first instrumental; which is actually one of my tracks... "Collar Popper." Before that I was just rapping to other people''s beats, or beat-boxing. But you know... I had to take it to the next level. I felt like something was there, and I wanted to see where I could go with it. So I did."
In 2004, after graduating with a Bachelor Of Science, in Media Arts & Animation, JC moved to NYC. "I knew that if I went back to my hometown I''d get caught up in the bullshit again. Right back where I started. There was nothing left for me in New Jersey but trouble, and memories I wanted to put behind me... I knew it was time to move on. So... I asked my Uncle Paul if I could move in with him on Staten Island till'' I got on my feet. The day of graduation... I became a New Yorker."
JC went to acting school for a year at a conservatory called The Neighborhood Playhouse School Of The Theatre. While in acting school, JC was producing music out of his uncle''s attic. "Music kept me sane during acting school. (Rubbing chin). It was a different experience for me, you know? There was a lot of petty drama going around, and I wasn''t use to that scene... but overall... it wasn''t that bad I guess. I learned a lot about myself... took from it what I thought I could use, and on top of that I met a lot of good people. I''d say it was worth the time and money."
Now... JC has built his own home studio on Staten Island where he produces all of his music. From the lyrics... to the instrumentals... to the final product... JC does it all. And with his background in Media Arts & Animation he cuts costs in half when it comes to promotional graphics and advertising. "You know... when it''s all said and done... I just want to give people hope, 4 real. I''m not here to be a mainstream rapper... that''s not me. I want to give people the vision to see through my lyrics... that there''s a light at the end of the tunnel, and things can get better. It''s crazy what someone can accomplish when they just... live from their heart. And forget about it... when it''s mind over matter... ANYONE can change their life around. All you need is confidence to fight for what you believe in, and a little bit of a ''push''. Being homeless was my push... and music... it''s what I love to create. It''s my God given therapy."