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MP3 Vinnie and the Stardusters - The Baroque Wind Sessions
"Lounge music for geriatrics unafraid to boogie-A Bugs Bunny soundtrack on speed," according to Alternative Press. Stardusters parody everything from Bossa Nova to Beatles to Beethoven with drums, bass and a fuzz box.
18 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Progressive Rock, CLASSICAL: Orchestral
Reviews of Vinnie''s CD "Novelty Music for Casual Sex"
"fucking brilliant"
"OK, fuckit, it''s funny as hell."
Ink 19
"five stars"
"pure heaven"
Lick Magazine
"Husker Doo Doo"
Memphis Flyer
"Let us all stand united behind the Stardusters!"
Utne Reader
"Head directly to your neighborhood store and catapult the Stardusters to their rightful status as the kingdom''s jesters of pop."
St. Paul Pioneer Press
Advance Raves for the Baroque Wind Sessions:
"Lounge music for geriatrics unafriad to boogiea Bugs Bunny soundtrack on speed."
Alternative Press
"The Baroque Wind Sessions has the fresh vitality of a young Itzak Perlman back when he was shootin'' smack with Bernstein and the other classical badboys."
Mac Weekly
"this is getting sent out to friends on ''hey check out all the cool bands I know that you don''t!'' tapes."
Lollipop Magazine
The Orchestra:
Nick Hook moved his body in such a way to make percussive sounds.
Eric Dregni transposed full orchestral scores to show John how to play classics.
John Perkins can play bass as shown in La Toreador solo.
Produced, Recorded and Criticized by Mike Wisti.
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This file is sold by music, an independent seller on Tradebit.