MP3 Jane X - I Told A Tale
80s New Wave style; upbeat, imaginative, catchy songs interlacing guitars and synthesizers with a blend of ethereal and/or aggressive female vocals. Think Blondie, The Bangles, Siouxsie, Missing Persons.
12 MP3 Songs in this album (43:46) !
Related styles: POP: New Wave, POP: Dream Pop
People who are interested in The Bangles Blondie Missing Persons should consider this download.
With clever lyrics and lush arrangements of guitars, synthesizers and layered vocal, Jane X creates a fanciful musical dreamscape on which tales are told of lost loves, drowning weather reporters, Chinatown buses, boys on cell phones, jaded shut-ins, bohemian mansions, super-eight heroes, sleeping princes and mischievous ladies.
The Mystery of Jane X
Little is known about Jane X. Her identity is closely guarded by her family for reasons discussed below. We do know she lives a very private and reclusive life at her old family home in rural New England. There, alone in her small home recording studio, over the course of many years, she wrote and recorded hundreds of songs, playing all the guitar, bass, and keyboard parts herself.
We know that Jane X attended college and played in a rock band in New York City in the mid-1990s but suffered a nervous breakdown. After assorted treatments in various institutions Jane X returned to the house she grew up in and has not left since. Despite her depressive psychological problems (or maybe because of them), many of her songs are upbeat and humorous, with witty lyrics and quirky arrangements, although even these often betray dark undercurrents.
A few years ago, Jerry Mills, a young repairman, working for Jane X''s family, discovered her music and got her permission to send it to his friend, Dana Scott in LA who was thinking of starting a record label. Both Jerry and Dana, being fans of early 80s New Wave, became instant fans and after some discussion with Jane X and her family, were given permission to release this CD on the following conditions 1) they would be released as is, just the way Jane X recorded and mixed them despite varying qualities in production value and that 2) her real name not be used nor her identity be revealed.
This particular collection constitute some of the highlights from Jane X’s New Wave years.