MP3 Hello Industry - MaryAnn
Modern melodic rock
11 MP3 Songs in this album (42:55) !
Related styles: ROCK: Modern Rock, ROCK: Adult Alternative Pop/Rock
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Who were you in 1999?
Hello Industry, with the album Mary Ann, sets out on the assembly line journey we all take. The venture of a nameless band with a song to sing. The long, meandering path of discovering good fortune is not as quick as they make it appear. The experience is never as easy as the ineffective commentary those inspirational slogans would lead us to believe. So what choices are left?
Why not approach the difficult questions in life straight on? If something as simple as a song can renew honesty and hope in a listener’s heart, Hello Industry manufactures its name and produces these songs.
Made up with the fabric of a homespun utilitarian, a methodical salsa dancer, a compulsive perfectionist, and a bossy enthusiast, Hello Industry is exactly what you would imagine – a production of musical amazement. But not soulless automatons that have forgotten who they were, where they have been and how far they have left to go.
The first enterprise of the Band With An Identity Crisis debuted as the Nathan Peterson Band with the album “Fooled.” Conceived in 1999 and released in January of 2006, their initial exertion is available on iTunes and on this website. Like all the best stories, come experience the first moves of adventure. Hello Industry.