MP3 Steven Belaus - Cruising the Loop
Cruising the Loop is social commentary on the state of the union in 2007/2008 setting with common themes of Freedom and Change with departing shots at Bush and Cheney, and hope in Obama.
11 MP3 Songs in this album (59:41) !
Related styles: ROCK: Rock & Roll, ROCK: Adult Alternative Pop/Rock
People who are interested in Yes America Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young should consider this download.
About Bright Path Music and the Artist:
Bright Path Music is home to singer/songwriter, Steven Belaus, residing in the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. Steven began seriously composing songs after the national tragedies on 9/11/01 and the country''s change in policy direction. His debut project, “Songs from The Middle Way”, released in 2007, targets the hypocrisy of political and religious leadership and general attitudes of indifferent people.
Steven released his second project, “Cruising the Loop”, in 2008. This follow-up CD packs a greater punch with more rock and stronger lyrics with departing shots at Bush Jr. and Cheney in the songs, Somewhere Someone, and Freedom "is" Free. Cuising the Loop also contains songs of hope in Time To Change and In Our Time Let''s Change the World, both inspired by Barack Obama.
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