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MP3 Steve Pountney - Angels Disagree

A collection of ten songs in varying moods, each one unfolding a poetic landscape of personal experience.

10 MP3 Songs in this album (51:24) !
Related styles: POP: British Pop, EASY LISTENING: Ballads

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“Angels Disagree” by Steve Pountney


A thoughtful and thought-provoking song collection. A singer / songwriter album packed with inspired and original ideas, both lyrically and musically. A wide-ranging, though stylistically compact collection of ten songs in varying moods, sometimes light-hearted and uplifting, sometimes deeply moving, each one unfolding a poetic landscape of personal experience.

They take the listener on journeys through time along the pathways in life, down the misty river of our dreams and hopes or down south over the European Alps, where sunshine refills the emptiness of a temporarily lost soul. They tell of how it feels when the first moments of love return like an echo from the past. They tell of love moving through seasons. Of how it’s often hard but occasionally imperative to say goodbye, despite feeling the need to hang on to things that we somehow can’t let go. Of the feeling of finding oneself in the doldrums and wanting to break out right now and have some fun. The album’s title “Angels Disagree” was lifted from the lyrics of one of the songs and refers to times when our love seems to lose its way.

Two songs ("Many Miles Away" and "Echo Calling") are played acoustically (guitars and vocal). The rest are arranged with a full band line-up and include additional strings, brass, woodwind and accordion.

All tracks written, composed and produced by Steve Pountney. All instruments played or programmed by Steve Pountney, except "Echo Calling", solo: Ago Totaro. Total playing time: 51''30

The album comes in a shiny gatefold Digipac® case, including a booklet with photos, comments and all the lyrics. Design by Inez Zindel Meier. The music was recorded in Steve’s private studio (with the exception of one guitar solo) and mixed at the sunhill project studio by Patrik Schwitter.

Project History:

The “Angels Disagree” project grew out of a lull in Steve’s musical activities. But in 2003 he was asked to play keyboards in a band for a charity concert in October of that year. Since it was to be a variety presentation he was also asked to perform a solo number on guitar. Contrary to his previously fruitless songwriting experiences he surprised himself (and others) by coming up with the song “Living in a Different World”, which he then successfully performed at the concert. To prove to himself (and others) that it wasn’t a one-off, he had a go at another one. Further surprise...and so on until he had eleven songs. Well, like paintings need to be framed and exhibited, these songs needed to be properly recorded and presented. So with the help and encouragement of the people mentioned in the credits on the back page of the booklet, the CD came to life.


Steve was born in Stockport in England''s northwest and grew up in the 60''s hearing the sounds of the time (Beatles, Sinatra, Tom Jones, T Rex etc.) from the radio, TV and his parents’ parties. At school he took piano and clarinet lessons, played in the orchestra, preferred chamber music, sang in various choirs, went to opera and classical concerts and played keyboards in the school rock band. Later on Steve played keyboards in a Punk / New Wave band, which made it onto local TV and once played support for visiting Adam Ant and his band. Steve moved abroad in the 80’s, where at first family life took precedence, confining his artistic activities to playing at numerous private occasions, busking on the street from time to time and performing solo at an open air festival. In the 90’s while also involving himself in theatre, acting on stage and writing music for a theatre production, he joined a Rock-Blues-Funk-Soul band playing concerts locally.

From the mid-90’s to the beginning of the 00’s his musical activities were interrupted, mostly by professional commitments in other areas, until in 2003 when he participated in the aforementioned charity concert that kick-started his songwriting and resulted in the collection of recordings that now appear on his newly released 2008 Album “Angels Disagree”.

Reviews & Comments:

Nigel House - Rough Trade Records, London:
Nice one – get it all started virally and it could grow...

Brandon Wirth - Adcom Productions AG, Neuenhof, Switzerland:
The tracks are fantastic, especially Living in a different World and River Through My Town!

Philo, at https://www.tradebit.com / Review, Living in a Different World:
...der erste selbstgeschriebene song des in solothurn lebenden songwriters mit englischen wurzeln, endlich konnte er seine zahlreichen zuhörer mit einer selbstgeschriebenen nummer verwöhnen...nun ist sein erstes album erschienen, "Angels Disagree" benannt...schon längere zeit hat sich dieser smoothe song als bootleg in meinen musikalischen erinnerungen festgesetzt und ist demnach einer meiner favoriten auf dem album...schnörkelloses und geradliniges songwriting wie ich es mag...

Philo, at https://www.tradebit.com / Review, River Through My Town:
ungewöhnlich dramatische klänge mit r&b-lastigem beat...die träge atmosphäre des dahinfliessenden gewässers wurde hier in einem klangfüllenden aber keineswegs überladenen sound-teppich eingefasst...alle facetten sind möglich, kalte nebelschwaden, an der wange kitzelnd beim überqueren einer brücke gleichermassen wie mückenschwärme in der heissen sonntag-nachmittags-sonne faul am ufer liegend beobachtend...

Dülü Dubach, musician, Switzerland:
Ich habe Deine letzten Aufnahmen (…) gehört & finde Deine Lieder, wie immer, wahnsinnig schön.

Lee Bohnenblust, musician, Switzerland:
Ich (…) finde die Songs sehr melodiös und stimmungsvoll. Auch die Arrangements finde ich sehr gelungen, inklusive Bläsersätze.

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