MP3 Truth Cell - Hurajan
"This band rages like a wounded rhinoceros" Metal Edge Mag.
8 MP3 Songs
METAL: Metalcore, METAL: Heavy Metal
********** BRAND NEW WEB-SITE *********** has previews of new music from Truth Cell. You will find these songs on their new CD coming out later this year. has the latest info. on this CD plus Merchandise and more...
NEW CD COMING SOON listen to samples @
Truth Cell Debut Album, "Hurajan" (mastered by Pantera''s studio wizard Sterling Winfield.) From the CD HURAJAN, the song An Enemy to the world was nominated for Metal song of the year by Just Plain Folks.
"This band rages like a wounded rhinoceros" Metal Edge Mag.
To read reviews from Metal Edge and Metal Maniacs go to, full articles and pictures available for viewing.
The following bands Truth Cell has played in Support of:
Hatebreed, Chimaira, God Forbid, Machine Head, Dead to Fall, A Life Once Lost, Gwar, Disturbed, Pro Pain, Seven Dust, Ultra Spank, S.O.D, Relative Ash, Pissing Razors, Spitfire, Nothingface, Godhead,Skin Lab, Morbid Angel, Crowbar, Dumpster Juice, Buried Alive,American Headcharge, Andrew W.K
2004 - Truth Cell. The name has been synonymous with volume
brutality, cutting hooks, and unrelenting raw power. For years TRUTH CELL has pummeled the underbelly of Society with musicalpropaganda in back-ally clubs and mainstream venues across the Mid-West. In August of 2002, TRUTH CELL was internationally unveiled onMTV2''s HEAVY MUSIC HEADLINES with Ian Robinson. This entrenchedTRUTH CELL in the regional metal scene. The buzz has grown, developed and expanded into the juggernaut it is today. TRUTH CELL''s
presence is beginning to be felt nationally. See attached https://www.tradebit.comTH CELL is based in Lawrence, KS. This location has enabled TRUTH CELL to quickly infiltrate surrounding states and plant the seeds of a Kansas CRUSH CORE revolution. Currently TRUTH CELL has
a following of zealots in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin and Texas. Although their sonic propaganda has been spotted world wide do to the internet.
... and scores more
This organization will not be stopped. Now regrouping after near tragicsabotage, TRUTH CELL is set to unleash another round of furry. TRUTH CELL has endured every tribulation, conquered it, continues to strivefor success and devour masses.
email: truthcellx@
Splinter Cell
Lawrence''s revamped Truth Cell serves conscious metal with a stoic smile.
A metal band is sitting here talking about subtlety. About understatement. About holding back. A metal band.
Restraint has never been among metal''s most celebrated virtues, and Truth Cell is not immune to the allure of a good lyrical hard-on. But the resurrected Lawrence band imbues its "crushcore" music with a poise rarely found among the violent thrashers of its genre.
"There''s not a lot of flash," says lead guitarist Jordan Tucker. "We just go out there and play."
Well, that''s not completely true. The many incarnations of Truth Cell have become notorious for their politics, even if that activist bent doesn''t blanket the music so much as bubble beneath its surface.
The band''s performances are straightforward and gimmick-free. The members revel in self-deprecating humor yet reserve smiles for the moments between songs. Even the band''s infrequent show dates are booked with an eye to the power of minimalism.
Recently that unadulterated style earned the band''s "A Friend of the World Is an Enemy of God" a Just Plain Folks nomination for Best Metal Song, an honor that online vendor bestowed on just 20 of 144,000 submitted tracks.
It''s a welcome accolade in a particularly trying year for a band that has seen 14 members in 6 years -- years spent with the band wearing a libertarian doctrine on its guitar straps as it opened for the likes of Sevendust, GWAR and Disturbed. But a falling out sent three members packing last year, just as the industry -- from MTV2''s Ian Robinson to national booking outfit Radio Takeover -- was taking notice.
Since that ill-timed shakedown, the band''s music has re-examined the inadequacies of not just the state but also the individual. New songs written by vocalist James Savage point a finger at sulky types ("9-Millimeter Lie Detector" tells a woman contemplating suicide to get over herself), the kind of citizens who bitch about the status quo but don''t vote.
"It''s about breaking out of apathy," bassist R.A. Brice says. "Believe in something rather than anything. Rather than nothing."
Guitarist Shane Murray, 32, the band''s lone original member, says Truth Cell doesn''t separate the public from the private.
"The band has always been a vehicle to speak our minds," Murray says. "But by politics, we also mean personal politics. How to conduct yourself."
Onstage, the band conducts itself candidly enough without needing sweat-tracked makeup, red jumpsuits or pump-action jiz bazookas. While Savage arches his back to release his wolfman growl and drummer Jay Tovar-Ballagh -- just 16 years old -- maintains a stoic face behind a flurry of double-bass kicks, the band''s fans swirl, bob, scream and raise their two-pronged hand signs. The music, it would seem, speaks for itself.
"It sounds like a machine gun," Tucker says. "You can talk about having a message in your lyrics, but the music should set an image as well. You can go out there and just wail and flail. But instead I try to set a picture. People can hear it and immediately think, ''hectic.'' Or ''gloomy.'' Or ''antiquated.''"
The recent addition of sample wizard Don "the Butcher" Akerstrom has added another mind-fuck dimension to the band''s music. Truth Cell has long used spoken-word samples to further its damn-the-man message; the 2002 debut, Hurajan -- mastered by Pantera-mixing demigod Sterling Winfield -- kicks off with the simple, spoken statement You just better wake up and start fighting for your rights.
"The samples are a window into the political ideologies of the collective," Murray explains.
But beyond his mixing, Akerstrom''s stage presence provides an intriguing contrast to the rest of the group''s collective composure. He hovers and hops around the sampler like a mad scientist who has guzzled a beaker of frothing rock and roll. His samples are cryptic, creepy and dark but always apt.
"Being subliminal means striking at the subconscious level," Brice says. "Truth Cell''s music is really frontal. It''s really abrasive. But we''ll hear ''I can''t get with the music. I can''t get with the lyrics. But something got to me.''"
"Damn it, Ray," Tucker interjects. "Now someone''s gonna kill themselves, and we''re gonna get sued."
The band laughs.
Savage: "We don''t take ourselves too seriously."
Brice: "Yeah, there''s no competition to see who''s the most evil."
Savage: "We hold a lot of the jokes back, but it''s all smiles between songs. I''ve never seen a metal band smile so much in my life."
Tucker: "And we''re mostly sober."
That''s the humor and rapport Savage says were missing within the band''s previous lineup. It''s a new strength that fans have responded to, already having formed a sardonic community around the new message board at the band''s Web site,
Lawrence-based 213 Records, the band''s label for nearly 2 years, also has greeted the new lineup with enthusiasm, sending the band on a 7-city Midwest tour last month. Truth Cell is tracking for a 6-song EP -- 2 songs of which will be recorded live, along with DVD footage, at Saturday''s show at the Bottleneck.
The performance recalls the band''s political origins -- the merch table will double as a voter-registration booth -- but the rare appearance is also another study in the ironic art of metal constraint.
"A lot of bands burn out their following," Murray says. "We get a lot more offers to play than we play. We don''t bludgeon the area to death. Always leave ''em wanting more." | originally published: August 19, 2004
From The Pitch Weekly
The Hard Truth
Whether discussing music or politics, Truth Cell says what it believes.
Truth Cell guitarist Shane Murray plays in one of the Midwest''s most deafening and aggressive bands. He also owns a gas mask. But it''s not what you think. Murray isn''t looking to become a pinch hitter for Slipknot or Mushroomhead; he''s too busy preparing for Armageddon.
"I carry a gas mask everywhere I go now. It''s always in my vehicle," Murray explains. "It''s there when we go on tour; it''s there when I go to the grocery store, ''cause you never know. ''Be prepared'' is my motto."
Murray''s other contingencies include stockpiling food, weapons and anything else that could serve as a buffer against a 9/11-type attack right here in the country''s center. "The Midwest? It''s the heart," Murray says. "If I were leading an army, I''d attack the core. People in the Midwest think they''re safe, but that''s what they want you to think. They will hit the weakest spot."
Weakness -- particularly the musical kind -- is near the top of Murray''s pet-peeve list. You won''t find any wimpy indie rock in his CD player, which tends to be front-loaded with belligerent tones. "If those [groups] don''t get their act together, we''re going to squish their scene," Murray vows. "Back in the days of Stick and Paw and Slackjaw, indie bands were up make creek for attention. I hate that crap. We want to destroy it. Anything weak and obnoxious is a target for us. I don''t want to watch five guys stare at their tennis shoes."
When Truth Cell formed in 1998, its members did anything but shoegaze. Committed to throat-slashing sonics and throttling live shows, the group slowly built a reputation for its take-no-prisoners approach. Booked early on to open for GWAR at the Granada, Murray and company plotted to top the headliner''s elaborate theatrics -- no easy feat. Lacking GWAR''s larger budget, Truth Cell opted for a wake-up call that would be remembered for years to come. Introducing its final song, Murray gave a heated speech about paying attention. Hiding in the wings was a black-clad buddy, who whipped out an AK-47 assault rifle and fired off several rounds as the band dug into its closing number. Though the gun was loaded with blanks, the too-close-for-comfort reality of the moment (occurring just weeks after the Columbine shootings) all but cleared the room. For Murray, this no-holds-barred showmanship is fueled by the desire to be the most unforgettable game in town.
"It''s a competition, dude," he says. "It''s who can be the most brutal, the heaviest, the loudest, the most intense. Our goal as a band is to be the most aggressive we can be. So when we hear another band is doing something aggressive, we gotta top that. We gotta put the beatdown onstage; it''s a personal motivation. And every band is like that. Don''t let anybody tell you any different."
Truth Cell''s competitive spirit spills over into the songwriting arena as well. While most metal lyrics fall into either the mystical or misogynist categories, the Cell''s worldview is steeped in militant politics, libertarian philosophy, conspiracy theories and fight-the-power ideology.
"Everybody in the band has his own political agenda. We all believe in the same concepts and end results, but we''ve all picked our own battles," says Murray, who explains how the group''s name stems from this school of thought. "Not as in a terrorist cell, but an organized group of individuals acting for a goal or a purpose -- a truth cell. We''re gonna talk about things the government doesn''t necessarily want you to know -- things they''re trying to slide underneath your nose without you smelling."
Truth Cell''s worldview is fully realized on Hurajan, the unit''s eight-song debut, due for release on KC label 213 Records. Hurajan -- Sanskrit for "sacrifice the king" -- was mastered by Sterling Winfield, whose work with Pantera is the stuff of legends. But rather than walking in Pantera''s hedonistic footsteps, Hurajan tackles heavy subject matters that wouldn''t sound out of place in a graduate-level poli-sci course. "A Friend of the World (Is an Enemy of the God)" features snippets of Martin Luther King Jr. speeches underscored by Truth Cell''s brutal war cries -- not exactly typical chart-busting metallic shlock.
"There''s a lot of egomaniacs in rock and roll," Murray observes. "You got your Staind-types -- just the whiny angst: I''m so angry; I''m gonna cry. Fuck you! Stand up and do something about it. All our songs are about something important."
Hurajan marks both the recorded debut and swan song of singer Renny Blake, who departed recently to focus on family matters. Blake and covocalist Mark Renfro''s furious tag-teaming is fundamental to the group''s sound, a raging twin-headed monster that''s about as far from Linkin Park''s B-boy posturing as it gets. Blake has already been replaced by former Dislocate frontman James Savage (his real name!), who will celebrate his first onstage performance with Truth Cell this Friday at the Bottleneck.
"This is the tenth member change we''ve had in four years," says Murray, who is the only original Cell-mate besides drummer Dave Melody. "There''s been different singers, different bass players, different guitar players in and out. But I think it''s solid now."
Savage should be fully broken in by August 9, when Truth Cell will appear in Put Up or Shut Up, a two-day festival at Neiner''s featuring the region''s metal royalty. Sixteen molten acts are slated to appear, including Barphyte, Human Ritual and the Esoteric. That the white-belt set tends to scoff at the very mention of Neiner''s aggravates Murray.
"Fuck them; it''s not for them," he seethes. "Neiner''s is for rock and roll, Neiner''s is for people with balls, Neiner''s is for people with attitudes. Neiner''s is for hardcore and metal and hard rock. They''re operating a business on what everybody around here says is impossible."
According to Murray, the success of Neiner''s is proof positive that real metal is returning to the forefront of the local music scene. When it does, Truth Cell will be prepared.
"There''s brutal, beat-you-down aggressive music out there, pumping and gaining attention. Kansas City is finally catching on to the fact that underground music is very viable. The same thing is happening in Lawrence. It''s happening in Topeka. It''s happening in Manhattan -- heavy and hardcore bands are coming up. You can''t deny that aggressive people will eventually take over your scene. It has happened, and it will happen again."