Sold by music on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,278,714 satisfied buyers
MP3 Verbal Tek Productions. - Verbal Tek We Hot!!!
We here at Verbal Tek Productions just would like to thank god and thank you the people our fans that help and support us. The music we make is for all people around the world because we are promoting conscious rap not that hard core gangsta rap.
5 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: Hip Hop, HIP HOP/RAP: East Coast
I would like for you to please take a little time to really get to know what Verbal Tek is about. And what we are doing with our music, basically we are trying to bring the love and fun back into the music business with our own unique sound. And lyrical delivery of rhymes, Because the music we make is poundling funky and warm, with singalong chorouses, plenty of blistering funkadelic inspired rhythms that are guaranteed to touch you in many different ways. We don''t only make our music for ourselves we make our music for the whole world to enjoy and so that everyone can relate to.
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This file is sold by music, an independent seller on Tradebit.