MP3 David Walburn - Lewis & Clark: West For America
The trek of Lewis and Clark has always been the inspiration for some of America''s most stirring music, singer/songwriter David Walburn has captured in original song, the drama and adventure of this epic American journey
15 MP3 Songs
EASY LISTENING: Soft Rock, FOLK: Modern Folk
After graduating with a fine arts degree in photography from the University of Georgia, David worked as a photojournalist for his hometown newspaper the Marietta Daily Journal. He soon grew tired of "trading time for money...." as one of his songs quips and headed north to Alaska where he and three friends from the city embarked on an extraordinary mission to claim and establish a homestead deep in America''s last frontier. After driving more than 4,000 miles and surveying vast stretches of wilderness for the perfect homestead site, the young men construct a cabin using only the hand tools and hard work they''ve packed into a brilliantly short Alaskan summer. As he looked to nature to simplify life, it was his rich experience in the wilderness that became the inspiration for many of David''s songs. David documented the entire summer through his songs and photography and created his first and most successful multi-media show, Cabin Song.
David left Alaska and moved to Montana working every type of job imaginable to keep a guitar and camera in his hands. In 1996, David scraped enough money to record his first independent album, Chasin'' Moons, a collection of original contemporary folk music that received rave reviews from local critics and opened the folk-singer doors across the Northwest. But touring kept David from his growing family. So in order to work closer to home, he needed to create a unique musical niche.
This niche came to him while watching a PBS documentary based on the Lewis & Clark expedition. History has always been the inspiration for some of American''s most stirring music and David readily accepted the challenge to create an original contemporary album to a nearly 200 year old event. The result was: Lewis & Clark West For America,(1999) an 11 original song CD capturing the drama and emotions of this epic American journey. David blended historic imagery and scenic photography along with his original songs creating his second musical documentary. His timing couldn''t have been more appropriate as the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark expedition rapidly approaching in 2003 and national interest still building . Glacier National Park contracted David to perform his shows at the historic Many Glacier Lodge during the summer seasons and he has received numerous sponsorships for educational assemblies and various bicentennial signature events across the country. The Lewis and Clark National Bicentennial Council has also endorsed the West For America soundtrack as part of their official Traveler''s Collection series.
While performing in Glacier National Park, David was once again inspired to capture the spirit and essence of the characters, events and landscape that surrounded him. In 2000, David produced his third multi-media show and CD, Montana - Life Under The Big Sky a wonderful acoustic and scenic journey that truely embodies the "Made in Montana" experience. His song, Going To The Sun, was featured in special segment on the National Geographic Today Channel.
With a full-time summer gig at Glacier National Park and a busy winter touring schedule,
this "Son of the South" has now successfully combined his passion for songwriting and imagery and is currently working on a new musical project for 2003.
"During the Fall of 2000 and Spring and Fall of 2001, Idaho Dairy Council contracted with David Walburn to perform West For America as a special school assembly program sponsored by our office to celebrate our 25th anniversary. We had a very positive celebration tour. We highly recommend David Walburn and his program. David is dependable, professional and easy to work with."
- Laura F. Thomas, Director of Nuturition Education Program - Idaho Dairy Council
"No summer at Camp Mak-A-Dream would be complete without the fun and excitement of the many different programs offered. I do believe you have become a staple item. Your unique and wonderful gifts dazzle our community every time. We can''t wait to see you again!"
- Karen McNenny, Assistant Camp Director - Children''s Oncology Camp Foundation
"Writing a musical anthology of Lewis and Clark''s journey must have, at time, felt as challenging as the actual trek itself must have been. I am glad you persevered; I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your results. While most music is based upon the personal experiences of songwriters, the task of interpreting historical events into songs that can inspire listeners is a true gift."
- Marc Racicot - Former Governor State of Montana
"Your performance was extraordinary! I have never enjoyed one more. You have captured the essence of the Lewis and Clark expedition. I don''t know how you managed to put the words of that story in to such incredible music, but you have. You are a treasure for the state of Montana and this country."
- Carol VanSchoorl - Freeman School - Spokane, Washington
"I hope you will be a yearly event here in our community. I could watch and listen to "Cabin Song" over and over again. Thank you again for your excellent performance."
- Debra Bullington - White Sulphur Springs Arts Council
"Absolutely outstanding and truly educational! David Walburn''s multi-faceted presentation was a validation of the strength and effectiveness that the integration of the arts has on learning. He definitely rates a 10+!!"
- Educator - Morning Star School, Bozeman, Montana
"Students, teachers, staff and parents alike were awestruck by your Cabin Song presentation. Most meaningful were the words you spoke of commitment to a goal; striving for the development and completion of a dream. Complementing these values with the joy conveyed in your music and photography resulted in a powerful presentation for all audiences."
-Deb Yerkes, Principal Lincoln School - Great Falls, Montana
It is artists such as yourself that will continue to lay a cornerstone in young people''s lives for an interest and love of the history and fabric of our West. I thank you for your work and I felt privileged to experience your original, entertaining and thought-provoking show in Glacier National Park."
- Janice Gingerich- Vista, California
"Greetings from Seattle! We were fortunate enough to see your Montana show. For each of us, your music and pictures were the ideal culmination of all we saw and did in Montana. Throughout the return drive back to Seattle and since our return, the CD has been played early and often."
- Trent Erickson - Seattle, Washington
"My wife and I spent a week in Glacier N.P. this summer and caught your show West for America at Many Glacier Hotel. We both thoroughly enjoyed it. Since I''ve been home, I''ve listened to your CD many times, and continue to be more impressed with your music the more I listen to it. You captured the essence of the story of the Corps of Discovery in a unique way. The ending, "Never Seen Anything Like It," is the perfect close to the story."
-Richard Welch, Falls Church, Virginia
"My mother and two daughters and I were at your performances at Glacier Park in July. We bought your CD on Lewis and Clark, and listened to it during our trip as far east as Rapid City and then west to San Francisco. I am moved to write you because your music and the story you tell has inspired me in a significant way...You have brought this incredible chapter in American history alive for me and I am grateful. I find your words of the journey have messages to a middle-aged women living in California today."
-Deborah Nikkel - dnikkel@
"I tried to talk my friends into seeing you in Glacier, we were dog tired from hiking all day, and slightly hammered from rehydrating at the hotel bar. Two went back to the campsite, while a few of us came to the show. Well it wasn''t long before we were all in tears from the beautiful stories, amazing music, and spectacular slide presentation. Thank you so much for such a moving show."
-Paul Rudd - vicnpaul@
"I just wanted to let you know that I was listening to your CD, Montana, Life Under the Big Sky in the car on a trip the other day and I was immediately taken back to the beautiful Montana countryside, got tears in my eyes over the great memories of our vacation, and just wanted you to know what a wonderful job your melodies, lyrics and guitar playing do to rekindle warm memories. On behalf of my wife and myself, thank you for sharing your talent and energy and creativity and story with us."
-Tom and Nancy Dankowski - Dankowski@
"We sang your music (accompanying the discs) all the way to the airport in Kalispell, all the way home from the airport in Boston, and continue singing on a daily basis with everyone who has come to review our Glacier NP journey via photos! We all thank you for sharing your great talents, energy, love of friends, family, Montana, and U.S. history - it made our trip all the more spectacular!"
-Dawn, Jeff & Nigel Pearson - josephandpearson@
"I''ve been on a lifelong search for just such an authentic, heartfelt, spirited and pure dreamer such as yourself. The frosting was you also have the courage to stay true to the pursuit of those dreams. It was very powerful for me to witness your dreams so clearly and cleanly in the song and spirit of your programs. I will continue to revisit that power, joy, and beauty by listening to your excellent music."
-Ken Goetsch - Whitefish, Montana
"Our family took a trip to Yellowstone and Montana and Canada. Our favorite experience was at Many Glacier Hotel, specifically your shows. My kids were captivated by your shows. Then the world changed. We witnessed live from 1/4 mile away the horrific events of 9/11. We have your music always in our car and we all have a favorite song that gives us courage. Mine is obviously Sacagawea''s Prayer. Thank you for the comfort your music has given our family."
-Debra, Jonathan, Nell, & JT Lanman - Millbrook, NY