*NEW!* ABC Practical Guide to Dog Training: Steven Appelbaum
ABC Practical Guide to Dog Training
"ABC Practical Guide to Dog Training is very user-friendly. It focuses on what you, a dog owner, can do starting the very first day you bring your dog home. The book explains what commonly used behavioral terms really mean, explains pack theory in a way that makes sense, delves into ways you can humanely and effectively address behavior problems such as jumping, nipping, chewing, house soiling, digging, barking and much more. The book also teaches you how to train your dog off leash, and where and how you can find the best dog trainers. It ends with an Internet guide to numerous sites devoted to all things doggy, including sites about canine behavior, pet supplies, locating trainers, dog parks, boarding kennels, pet-friendly locations of every conceivable type, schools for dog trainers, veterinarians, dog books and magazines, and more. Theres even a dog law site and resource guide for those readers who, after reading this book, are so inspired that they wish to become trainers themselves."
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