MP3 X-Rated Cowboys - Honor Among Thieves
Guitar driven rock with hints of Dylan, Cash, and ''70s roadhouse rock, a dash of the Replacements, and even an accordion thrown in for good measure.
13 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Americana, ROCK: Roots Rock
With the X-Rated Cowboys it''s all about striking a balance. Well, actually, it''s about making noise, downing a beer, and making the ladies swoon. But the sound of the X-Rated Cowboys is all about balance.
It''s about being able to shift from songs about lost love and stolen cars to those about porno movies and car washing rock stars. It''s about the interplay between accordions and mandolins as well as snapping snares and buzzing Stratocasters. And it''s about a bunch of drinking buddies recording in their kitchens and still making a record that sounds like it came out of one of those fancy studios with leather couches and bottled water.
The X-Rated Cowboys are Quinn Fallon (acoustic guitars / vocals), Andy Harrison (guitars / backing vocals), Bob Hite (keyboards / accordion / trumpet), Ben Lamb (bass), and C. Douglas Wells (drums). Honor Among Thieves is their debut disc.
Their plan is to round up a posse of fans lured by catchy tunes as well as a live show known to feature a twanged-up version of "Waitress In the Sky," as well as "Pinball Wizard" sung to the tune of "Folsom County Prison Blues," and a Frankenstein-monster of a song called "Sweet Leaf Alabama." Yes, it sounds exactly like you''re imagining it.
On their record, produced by Harrison (who played guitar with Columbia recording artists Howlin'' Maggie), the X-Rated Cowboys offer up 13 tracks of solid rock. Some tunes may twang a bit. Others may rock harder.
And we''re not really sure how to describe what "She''s Got a Gun" does, but it''s worth sticking around until the end to hear it. But at its core Honor Among Thieves is a rock album that grew out of years of digesting Westerberg, Dylan, Springsteen, and Cash.
The journey through the world of Honor Among Thieves is an interesting stroll... Falling somewhere between Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, and ''70s road country, The X-Rated Cowboys succeed in modernizing Americana much in the same way Wilco set out to do with Summerteeth.
- Columbus Alive
Workin'' a familiar country-pop strut, the Cowboys veer between really serious and really goofy on Thieves...
"Cowboy Song" will win you over... as will "Trans Am." As will ''Misfortune'' a steady well-put barroom whiner...
It will stick with you, ain''t no doubt about that." - The Other Paper
On an effort that careens from heartfelt to humorous, the X-Rated Cowboys have definitely delivered a nifty batch of songs. And hey, what''s not to like about a band that sings tunes about goth girls that hide in basements and listen to the Replacements? -
Honor Among Thieves is a road record that unfurls most clearly when one listens to it with a view through a truck windshied and glimpses of that town you used to live in.
- Columbus Dispatch 1
Trudging through 13 songs of Americana roots-rock, X-Rated Cowboys'' first collection of songs rise with pure, heartfelt country emotion, stopping on Wilco''s Summerteeth pop gems and lassoing around quirky plots. With Honor Among Thieves it''s not all straight-up business, complete with tried and true-d alt-county songs; it''s a sidestep around lyrical jokes and Hank Williams'' attitude... The X-Rated Cowboys are having fun and getting their country rocks off. - Real Detroit Weekly 01.02.02