MP3 Zion Judah - Divine Creation
"Future Roots Reggae"- ZION JUDAH Style, manifesting the Power of Word & Sound into a conscious, urban, roots and culture vibe with modern, Caribbean-savvy rhythms, hooks and melodies that aim to move the masses while urging them to look within...
14 MP3 Songs
WORLD: Reggae, URBAN/R&B: Contemporary urban
ZION JUDAH (b. Angelo D. Singh) is a talented, yet humble, independent, reggae singer/songwriter/producer who best describes his own style as "Future Roots Reggae". His lyrical content, reveals moods of deep thought and conscious rhetoric livicated to dealing with issues and subjects such as social awareness, justice and redemption, peace, love and Inity, truth and rights, spiritual upliftment and righteous living, coupled with a formidable and distinct vocal delivery. Inherent in his sound, is an underlying modern, utopian, Rasta conciousness that is harmoniously fused to create a refreshing, Roots Reggae recipe. ZION JUDAH, who boasts a multi-ethnic, Caribbean background was born in Trinidad and currently resides in Staten Island, New York, where he does his own production at his home studio called "Future Roots Studio", aka "The Volcano" (It gets pretty hot up in there according to his local Idren!). He is determined to participate in the preservation and upfull promotion of the genre by blending the past, present and future into his own positive, unique and timeless contribution, not simply to reggae, but to the art of positive, musical expression the world over while striving to cultivate a clean heart and a fertile mind. He might still be flying under the so called "radar", but this gifted, "self-contained", artist who exhibits the ability to please the ear, soothe the soul, stimulate the mind and make one sing along, will not remain unknown for much longer, Jah Know!
ZION JUDAH is currently gaining exposure in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, California, Missouri, Ohio, Oregon, as well as Toronto, Montreal, Hawaii, Austria, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Sweden, The Netherlands and more. Professor Skank of Skank Productions recently included the title track, "Divine Creation", on the playlist for the "Best of 2004" edition of his radio program, "Positive Vibrations", on KDHX 88.1 FM in St. Louis, MO. The Professor is also including that track on his next cd, "Crucial Reggae from Outside Jamaica Vol. 2", so be on the lookout for that. Check out
Meanwhile Dj Bahilman of the rapidly growing "Creation Steppin'' Radio" (winner of Live 365 Radio''s 2004 Best Professional Website & Best Reggae Station!) has been consistently playing several of Zion Judah''s songs since October of 2004, and in his "Top 30 Albums of 2004" countdown, the album "Divine Creation" came in at NO. 5. Log on to to view album charts, read reviews and to listen to serious roots reggae.
ZION JUDAH has also been featured as "Selector''s Choice", by Miami, FL based Dj/Caribbean music promoter, "Lance-O" on the only internationally syndicated, reggae, radio program called "Reggae Vibes", which can be accessed at
Maximum respect and love has been given to the artist by "Ackee & Saltfish", Austria''s premier reggae show, heard on Orange 94.0 FM and at He received two massive "Spotlights" from this program, touting his songwriting ability, vocal skills and the debut album as a whole, as a standout amongst all the debuts that they have been presenting from late 2004 into early 2005, and on the local, NYC circuit, radio stations such as, 88.9, 99.9 and 95.1 FM, have a number of tracks off the album on regular rotation, so all in all, he has been receiving increasing airplay, support, positive reviews and comments from around the US and all over blessed mother earth. Not too bad for a release late in the year, by a newcomer with only the backing of his own humble, "no-frills" indie label (Mt. Zion Records), a few good Gideon soldiers and guidance from EL ELOHIM!
ZION JUDAH has been heating up venues all over the tri-state area with his passionate vocal wizardry. NYC venues such as The Chocolate Monkey, The Big Easy, Club Pulse, 205Club, Shine, Brown Sugar, Carib, Jamrock, The Rainbow Café, B52''s, Ray Kim''s, La Tropical, Knitting Factory, Wetlands, The Lion''s Den, Le Bar Bat, Square Rigger, Remy''s and the world famous Apollo Theater, just to name a few, can''t wait for ZION JUDAH to bless up the scene with another stellar performance.
For information and to show support, the artist would greatly appreci-love a visit to his website at where he has full music samples, reviews, photos, upcoming gigs, message boards and links to other artical sites. ZION JUDAH''s debut album, titled "Divine Creation", can be purchased via his site, or directly on and at increasing NYC store locations. With the blessings of The Most High Jah, ZION JUDAH is prepared to deliver a musical tour de force of pure niceness and positive vibrations to the people, imploring one and all to "Give Thanks For Life Itinually!"
Blessed Love!... Rastafari!