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MP3 Jamie K. Auberg - The Making of A Movie

Original Music from Films that were never released, never finished, or never even started.

47 MP3 Songs
CLASSICAL: Orchestral, EASY LISTENING: Musicals/Broadway

at "THE MUSICIAN''s GIFT" website:

Perhaps the title "The Making of a Movie" is a little misleading, but I liked it so much I couldn''t seem to get away from it. This CD doesn''t have as much to do with making movies as it does with writing music for movies. It started out as the soundtrack to the movie "Honorable Men," a production of the Virginia Film Company under the direction of Gary Sayre. Not heard of it? I really wouldn''t expect you to have. It has never been released (It''s caught up in the courts with a contract dispute). That has left me with a lot of music that is serving no purpose right now. So I decided to gather together all the music I''ve written for movies (Honorable Men is the first "real" movie I''ve written for - the others "The Treasure of Caldron," "Triumph in Space," "Intergalatic Archeology," and "Angels" are all movies I wrote but never finished filming). Before I continue, let me put in a promo for the VA Film Co. Visit the "Honorable Men" website at https://www.tradebit.com. And while I''m doing promos, let me introduce you to local artist and my friend JP Cook. He did the artwork for the cover of the album. Visit his online comic strip at https://www.tradebit.com. Okay I think that takes care of the promos!
This CD is a litle bit unusual in that some of the tracks are only a few seconds long. You see, this isn''t a soundtrack; this is music as it would have been in the movie. Some scenes only require ten seconds of music, others require several minutes. You will also discover that some of the songs are on the CD twice performed by different artists. That''s all part of working on a film score. The first set of recordings I did with Kathryn Key wasn''t the sound the director was looking for (personally, I love her singing!). The director wanted a much higher voice, so I found Lauren and she re-recorded the songs. I like her singing too! There are two songs that we haven''t recorded yet. One is a new version of "Soaked" (the old version is on this disc). The other is a remake of "American Pie." We probably won''t record these until the court battle is over, and we know that the movie is going to happen.
"Original music from films that havne''t been released..." That''s refering to "Honorable Men." "...haven''t been finished..." is refering to two films of my own. The first one is "The Tresure of Caldron." The spelling on "Tresure" is actually not a mistake (though I did use the correct spelling of "treasure" for the track listings). "The Tresure of Caldron" is a silly science fiction movie in which we continually poke fun at how cheap the production is (down to the mispelling of the title). I wrote an entire script and sketched out music for the entire movie. However, we never filmed more than two or three scenes, and I only have completed music for those scenes. Understand that these movies of my own were being made by only two people with no money on a regular home video recorder! The second unfinished film is "Intergalatic Archeology Inc." The title itself is a mouthful. Not necessarily a funny script, but the film ends up being funny because of the extremely low budget and cheapness of the production. This was filmed fairly recently (beginning 2004), but again not past three or four scenes. I have a good reason for not finishing it though. My camera broke! The script is only half written.
Why haven''t I finished any of my own movies? Have you ever tried to produce a feature length film? It takes a lot of time and energy. Gary Sayre can certainly confirm that: Honorable Men was in production for several years.
"...and not ever even started!" This is refering to "Triumph in Space" and "Angels." "Triumph in Space" never was more than an idea. I wrote a little music for it, but I''ve never written a script for it. The same is true of "Angels," which has ended up just being a collection a piano pieces.
So now you''re asking "who is this crazy man writing music for movies that aren''t finished or don''t exist?
I''m a teacher, obviously a music teacher. I teach band at Hampton Christian High School and Denbigh Christian Academy (Virginia, U.S), I teach private lessons on clarinet and piano at Centerstage Academy, and I have just finished writing my own method book on how to play the clarinet. I am also a freelance writer and composer. I graduated from Christopher Newport University in 1999 with a degree in Music Education. I studied composition at CNU under Master Sergent Aldo Forte, resident composer of the Langley Airforce Band. I have two music compositions formally published, "Navigating the Noland Trail" and "Searching for Living Waters." I performed on Clarinet in the Fest Haus Band at Busch Gardens, Williamsburg in 1999. Then, I was the Manager of Music Central (an instrument, supply, and music lesson store), and then I became the owner of EMP Music after Music Central closed. EMP Music was also closed after two years of struggling (neither business had adequate capital). The old website is still there even though it''s been cancelled(https://www.tradebit.com). I''ve been through bankruptcy because of the business, and I''m still paying debts that couldn''t be bankrupted. So along with all the teaching I do, I also drive a catering truck for Farm Fresh, and during the summer I scoop ice cream at a Baskin Robbins that''s operated by the same Farm Fresh. I have actually worked at that Baskin Robbins for over eight years! I worked their the day they opened it, and I know whenever I need work that I''ll find it there. Oh yea, I also write science fiction novels, and yes, I have completed several of them (there''s a preview of one of them on the old https://www.tradebit.com website).
Now you''re thinking, someone who does all that couldn''t possibly have time for a girlfriend. If you want to know about that, visit my other CD "Train Bound for Nowhere" at https://www.tradebit.com

P.S. visit https://www.tradebit.com for a free bible with extensive, and very helpful, footnotes!

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