MP3 T.L. Perry - Focused On God
Inspiring the youths with the truth with a hip hop gospel sound.
8 MP3 Songs in this album (27:31) !
Related styles: SPIRITUAL: Christian Rap, HIP-HOP/RAP: Spiritual Rap
Tommie perry (aka) t. L. Perry was born in corpus christi tx, but now resides in amherst, ohio. Influenced by hip hop at an early age he created and preformed with several groups such as superstars, which he made his first television appearance. Thunderjam alliance, a music production out of tacoma, wa. The p-boyz, a reality rap group formed by himself and a relative. X-plosive music entertainment, a production company based right here in ohio. And now he has completed his first gospel rap cd titled focused on god, which consist of positive and inspirational lyrics behind blazing hip-hop beats in hopes to motivate everyone to achieve their dreams and never give up and always keep god first. Raised up one out of the family of six he accepted christ at an early age and would participate as a lead singer in mount pilgrims baptist choir. It was there that he also sang lead vocalist with the pilgrim travelers, a quartet group which traveled thru the texas region preforming at different churches. He was also a choir member of peoples community church out of berea, oh. His talents are music, acting, fishing, and coaching the youths in football. Quote: i have come to realize that god is the reason for true existence in life and i vow to dedicate everything back to him the alpha the omega the beginning and the end. T. L. Perry