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Automatic Website Content

"Discover The Quick, Easy & FREE Way To Automatically Update All Your Websites With Bang-Up-To-Date And High-Quality Content That Keeps The Search Engine Spiders AND Your Visitors Coming Back To You Again And Again..."

NOTE: What I'm Going To Reveal Is The Easiest Way I've Ever Discovered To Get The Search Engine Spiders To Visit Your Websites Again And Again To Help Give Your Google Rankings A Real Shot In The Arm!

IMPORTANT: The Tactics I'm Going To Show You Are FREE To Use. There's No Expensive Software Or Services To Buy, Ever. As Soon As You Get This Product, You Get *Everything* You Need To Start Benefiting Right Away.

PLUS: - If You Order Today You Also Get Full Resale Rights To This Product And Website So You Can Sell It Yourself And Keep Every Single Dollar You Make!

Hi, I'm Louis Allport,

How would you like your websites to very easily rank higher in the Google rankings and bring you a TON more traffic?

And how would you like to automatically give your visitors even more reasons to come back to your sites again and again so that you have even more chances to get your visitors to opt-in, visit your affiliate links, and buy your products?

Well, here's how you can have both, very easily...

You've heard of RSS feeds right? Well, in a nutshell:

RSS feeds are when websites make some of their regularly updated content available as a "feed". And generally, you have the right to republish these feeds as you like.

HUGE online players like Yahoo and the BBC are making RSS feeds available to vast amounts of their content. And if you know how, you can use these feeds to automatically add their regularly updating and high quality content to your website.

This keeps your site fresh and up to date without you having to lift a finger!

BUT - until now, to add RSS feeds to your websites, you either needed to be ultra-technical, or pay out for expensive software.

Well - no more! Today I'm going to show you exactly how to add automatically updating RSS feeds to your website - AND - how you can do so for free. Read on...

How To Add RSS Feeds To Your Websites In A Flash ... For Free!

What I'm going to show you is exactly what I do on my own sites to help get them spidered quickly as well as get a LOT of repeat visits from the search engine spiders (this is a very good thing) to help give my search engine rankings a real BOOST.

Now let me say - you don't have to be ultra technical to use these tactics but you should be familiar with FTP and some HTML. If you're brand new to managing websites, you may find these tactics a little complicated.

You get these powerful and little known tactics in the form of nine videos you view directly at your computer. I've bundled these nine powerful videos into a product called How To Add *Automatically Updating* Content To Your Website -- For Free:

These nine videos come to a total playing time of eighty-nine minutes. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:

Video One (9 Minutes)

In this video I'll talk you through how to recognize RSS feeds and where you can find some of the best ones to use online.

Video Two (11 Minutes)

Here I'll talk you through how to find Amazon and ClickBank RSS product feeds that you can add directly to your web sites.

Some of these feeds can even be automatically set up to include your affiliate link - so you can profit with every click!

Video Three (12 Minutes)

In this video I'll show you the quickest and easiest way to add automatically updating RSS feeds to your websites on a wide range of subjects.

This is a great way to get your feet wet with almost no fiddling around with code needed at all.

Video Four (14 Minutes)

Here I'll talk you through how to create great formatted feeds from any RSS source, without doing any HTML coding at all!

Video Five (6 Minutes)

In this video I'll talk you through an advanced tactic allowing you to use RSS feeds with almost any kind of website.

Video Six (14 Minutes)

Here I'll talk you through how just a couple of lines of code added to any of your web pages can instantly add a fully formatted RSS feed of your choice.

Video Seven (13 Minutes)

In this video I'll talk you through my favorite free RSS feed software (it's incredibly powerful) and how to install it and start benefiting in just a couple of minutes.

Video Eight (5 Minutes)

Here I'll talk you through how to quickly and easily apply formatting to your RSS feeds so that they fit and match the look of your site (or even any other look you may want).

Video Nine (6 Minutes)

In this video I'll talk you through how to fully customize your RSS feeds - how to choose the number of headlines and descriptions that display, how to easily apply advanced formatting to your feeds ... and much more!

For PC's Only - Not For Mac

I must tell you that this eBook only works (to my knowledge) on PC's. If your computer is running Microsoft Windows, you won't have any trouble at all viewing this eBook successfully.

However, if you're on a Mac you'll more than likely have trouble viewing it.

A Great Product + Resale Rights = BIG Profits For YOU

I'm sure you know there's a ton of eBook resale rights around these days. BUT - if you really want to make money selling an eBook you have rights to, you need:

* A very high quality product.

* An effective sales letter.

* A professionally designed website with great looking graphics.

Now - this eBook is brand new. Get a copy now, start promoting it immediately and you'll make the most profits. Wait a day or a week or a month, and literally more and more profits will pass you by.

Now, I'm certainly not saying this to brag, but I wrote this sales copy, and my copy has sold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of products online, if not millions of dollars worth. AND - from very affordable eBooks like this one.

Don't believe me?

Then search Google for "Louis Allport" and see what you find.

Now, the Google index does fluctuate for many reasons. But right now (as I'm writing this), I see up to 804 websites selling my products. And what's more - when I search Yahoo I see up to 2,820 selling my products, and even more on MSN! For whatever reason, Google just gives a small sample of what's actually happening out on the web.

Even if each one of those sites is selling just one copy of a $20 eBook a week that I wrote the copy for, that adds up real quick. My copy and products have made many people a LOT of money over the past two years. They can make YOU money too - all you need to do to get started is grab a copy of this product.

And just by having a copy of this product, you can sell it or present it pretty much any way you choose. You can even turn it into a physical product by putting it onto a data CD or a DVD. This would make it a good way to sell on eBay. It's totally up to you!
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File Size 2 megabytes
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