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Dog Owner's Guide - NO RESALE RIGHTS

Dog Owners Guide

Looking for some information about Man's Best Friend ?

You've sniffed out the right spot !

Hello Friends,

Are you planning to have a dog ?


You already have a dog but having problems teaching him the techniques ?

Pee stains on the carpet. Barking at all hours of the night. That embarrassing thing he does with your leg. It's enough to make you cry out.

And now, thankfully, he does. Through step-by-step instructions

Dog Owner's Mantara explores tons of useful information that you will enjoy

Dogs are social animals. They need the company of other beings in order to develop to their full potential. Man brought dogs into his family circle, and dogs have come to need the company of man to survive.

Dog behavior is governed by hunting style, digestive system, and reproductive needs and is geared towards participation in a social group. Some dog fanciers describe this behavior in terms used by biologists to explain wolf interactions – they toss around terms such as “pack dynamics” and “dominance hierarchy” to explain how dogs see the world.

Some pet owners describe dog behavior in terms of human conduct and emotions. They say that Fluffy acts out of love or concern, that Rascal soiled the rug out of spite, that Ranger barks at the mailman because he hates the mailman, or that Mickey cringes because he is afraid of being smacked.

It doesn’t matter if owners consider their dogs as wolf cousins or furry children if the relationship is smooth and the adaptations made as a matter of course, but if Fido’s natural tendencies are unacceptable in any way, remedies depend on understanding how and why the behavior exists so that it can be modified.

Need an Obedient Dog ?

You want your dog to respect you and obey you. Don't confuse the two.

A dog may obey you out of fear, but not respect you. That is a dangerous situation to be in. Have you ever seen the movie Iron Will? If not, watch it. It gives some great insight.

There's a dog sled driver who beats his dogs into submission and treats them terribly. They respond to his beatings and he has a winning team, but at the first sign of weakness, they turn on him and... well it wasn't pretty.

Of course that's a dramatization and worse case scenario. Frankly, I think anyone who beats dogs has it coming. It's just not necessary to rule with an iron fist.

Most dogs are receptive to attitudes that are as basic and primal as fighting, but are much less violent.

For example, simply giving commands and being consistent goes a long way. If your dog is always made aware of what is and what is not acceptable, you will have a greater chance of success.

When your dog disobeys, scold him and send him to his quarters- whether it be a dog bed, a kennel, going outside or just a specific place in the house.

Don't allow him to beg for food. Doing this gives him the impression that it's okay to whine to get what he wants.

It's not.

Respect Training Instead of Obedience Training

Respect training is MORE than obedience training.

With respect training, your dog learns:

To listen to you

To pay attention to you

To follow your directions

To look at you when you speak to him

To let you do ANYTHING with him
Plain and simple, he learns to respect you. When your dog respects you, he looks up to you.

He will do anything for you, and he trusts you to do anything with HIM.

It is this kind of respect-based relationship that makes a super companion.

Common Sense
The lament is often made that common sense isn't very common these days, but it is still the ticket to dispelling ignorance and solving problems, even dog problems.

The foundation of a good relationship with a dog is the making of a few common sense decisions. Each family that has or wants a dog must determine the position that dog will have in the household and the interaction it will have with family members, neighbors, and strangers. If people and dogs adapt well to the circumstances set up by those decisions, the relationship works. If they do not adapt well, the relationship may need repair. The decisions, adaptations, and amendments in this relationship serve the same purpose as decisions, adaptations, and amendments in any other relationship — to make it work for the benefit of all concerned.

The first and perhaps most important decision is to carefully select a breed or mix of dog that is most likely to fit into the family temperament and lifestyle.

Fortunately, there are many breeds to choose from, and there is at least one to fit every situation. There are breeds that are predisposed to retrieve, to guard, to pull sleds or carts, to snuggle, and to lie by the hearth. There are active breeds and calm breeds. There are breeds to satisfy the desire to comb long strands of silky hair and breeds that require only an occasional rubdown to keep coats healthy.

There are breeds that can withstand cold climates and breeds that can cope with hot, muggy temperatures. There are breeds that love children and can put up with a toddler's teasing, poking, and pulling and a 10-year-old's rough-housing.

Common Sense Results

Each decision should be made with the welfare of the dog and the family relationship in mind. An ill-mannered intact male dog can be a chore to deal with day in and day out, but common sense dictates that neutering and training are a better course than surrendering the dog at the shelter because he is difficult.

An adult dog of an active breed does need daily exercise, but a morning walk is a more practical solution than giving Amber to a rescue group because someone said it is cruel to keep a Golden Retriever in an apartment.

In most cases, the dog is better off in the home he has with the family that wanted him in the first place. Common sense decisions will help owners get past the frustrations and the hurdles so they can develop and nurture the relationship they dreamed of when they brought Yankee home.

If your Dog bites you...

If and when a dog should bite you, and you have had this dog and don't believe him to be wild or sick, then you have to take action to ensure he knows that it will not be accepted. (If there is any indication of disorientation of your dog at this time, call a vet. Dogs can bite if they are sick, hurt or scared. You should seek professional advice.)

Appropriate action would not be to scold or hit the dog but rather to grab his head firmly, not in anger or rage but in calm control, and bite him on the ear. Don't try to break the skin or really hurt the dog. You are just making a point here that you are the leader and he needs to respect you.

"Just say yes! You Can Do It!"

Our Dog Owners Guide offers help to you so that you can successfuly teach your dog all the skills needed, to make him a well behaved animal !

If you're like most dog owners, you were hoping when you got your dog that he would be the smartest, most well-behaved companion you've ever had.

"But what's inside..?" you might be wondering…
Inside this guide, you will:

To sit. And to STAY sitting. Yes, even when you walk away from him. Yes, even when distractions tempt him to move.

To look directly at you when you say his name.
To never run away from you. NEVER.
To play fetch -- to bring his ball or toy back to you after you throw it.
To stop barking when you tell him to.
To accept guests once you've welcomed them into your home. No grumbling or growling.
To stand patiently while you brush his coat.
To lift each paw so you can clip his toenails.
To accept touching on any part of his body. No struggling or fussing!
And much, much more…

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P.S. Don't be left out! Take advantage of our timely research today and join the rest of the people who ARE enjoying well behaved dogs.

P.P.S. Learn more about the Dogs and teach him all the skills.

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