MP3 Gang of Tolstoy - No Place Like Happy
Manufacturing Music for the Savant-Garde.
14 MP3 Songs in this album (59:46) !
Related styles: AVANT GARDE: Classical Avant-Garde, ELECTRONIC: Ambient
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We are Gang of Tolstoy, manufacturers of fine classical, electronic and ambient music. Members are: Boris, Tatiana, Ivan, Mikhail, and 123. We are Celtic balladeer, physicist, cousin of cosmonaut, weightlifter, chemist. We meet in New York City many days ago. We come together in laboratory and sometimes garage of underground parking of uncle of chemist who is manager there. We do this because sound is special. Ambiance, not very. We love New York City too much. Help us stay by supporting us. Listen to our music. To buy, you must not wait. We burn frequencies. Turn on. Tune in. Enjoy the music we manufacture for MIR. That signifies the world. If you do not visit us in concert, that is okay. We do not like very much live concert. Glenn Gould, also, don''t like to play in direct. We hope you forgive us this mistake. Now, please, sit down, relax and join Tatiana and Boris and the rest of the gang for a musical journey to No Place Like Happy.
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How we came to America?
Tatiana, she is the smart cookie, so she get herself married to professor. She is also professor. And when she visit it was for exchange. Then she have baby. And everything was fine until she was not happy anymore. She loves her family and her family say to her: your home is your home, Tatiana. The problem is the Tatiana who go away before is no more the same female. And when every time she scream: you drive me crazy, her brother or the other brother, they say each time: yes, Tati, we drive you. Where you wish to go? And so on and on.
Ivan is athlete. Weights he lifts so we like him to put down and put up into van our personal computers and cello and keyboards. We have van, yes. It is black outside and inside there is red fur and velvet with gold. It is good to sleep when you travel from state to state. The police officers stop us each time. They ask documents, passport. We are honest persons, Officer Brady. The law is the law. No two ways. You have a nice day with yourself, too, sir.
I say Ivan. He is depressive. The cause: he applied for Important International Competition I do not publicize and the judges say no to him. He is friendly with staff in ever locale we go. A man of the people.
123 admits nothing. He speaks not. He reads every time. From night to morning. Morning to night. Books, books, and more books. I see that his favorite is the Master and he has same hair and beard. A funny guy to bring to party, yes?
Mikhail is an amateur astronomer. And astrologer. We met him in the subway tunnel at home when he put table and sat behind a ball of glass to tell the destiny of people running into subway train. He say: an opportunity will pass you by. And then after much time, he added: but another opportunity, more bigger, will come. He say: you will a voice, and the voice will speak to you, and you will understand nothing, and then you will understand, and the decision you must choose will be clear. Why he never becomes cosmonaut? I am afraid to fly, he said to me one afternoon during a mismatch of vodka and song.
I am Boris.