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Universal Studio Tours

"Are You Ready to Take that Much Needed Vacation? How About A Vacation to Universal Studios? There is so Much to See and Do There, It Will Be One of the Best Vacations You Have EVER Taken.....Especially if You Like a Little Excitement!"

My Universal Studio Tours Guide will show you how to
make the most of your Universal Studio Tour Vacation!

Dear "Universal Studio" Vacation Seeker,
Universal Studios began offering tours in 1964. Today, Universal Studios still offers tours, and they still make movies but it has also become one of the largest amusement parks in the world. In fact, Universal Studios has mixed movie making with shows and a theme park full of rides to become one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world.

The Studio tour is a one hour guided tour. Those on the tour ride around the studios 420 acres on a tram, and see many stars dressing rooms, production offices, and often famous Hollywood stars. Where else can you see a western town and a New York City street all in the same hour? The tour includes sets from Back to the Future, Curse of the Mummys Tomb, Jurassic Park III, and The Grinch. This is more than just your boring tour with a boring monotone tour guide! As the tour progresses, tourists encounter many disasters!

Once youve finished your tour of the studios, you can move on to the theme park. All of the rides have a movie oriented theme, such as Revenge of the Mummy, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, Terminator 2, and Shrek. There is also entertainment. Waterworld is a theater presentation which features many stunts and special effects. Other shows that include terrific stage effects are Backdraft, Animal Planet Live, and Spider Man Rocks.

If all of this wasnt enough, you can also visit the TV Audience Ticket Booth. Here you will get free tickets that will allow you to be part of the audience for television shows that are being taped during your visit. This is almost like being on TV! When you visit Universal Studios, you will have several days of fun, and you probably still wont see everything that is offered.

Outside of Universal Studios you will find the Universal City Walk. This is Universal Studios very own Downtown. This is three blocks of stores, clubs, and restaurants for you to enjoy. There are no cars or motorized traffic allowed in this area, but there are hundreds, and sometimes thousands of pedestrians milling about enjoying all of the sights and sounds.

Universal Studio Tours is a great place to spend your vacation or it is perfect as an add on to a Disneyland Vacation. Even if you dont have time for the theme park, the Universal Studios Tour itself is not to be missed!

Presenting....."Universal Studio Tours - Making the Most of Your Universal Studio Tour!"

Make the Most of Your Universal Studios Tour.....
If you will be visiting Universal Studios, you need to be prepared. Arriving at the park unprepared can literally ruin your vacation! Follow these tips to help you get the most out of your Universal Studios Tour adventure.

It will be very hot. Make sure that you dress in cotton clothing that is cool. You should strongly consider bringing a change of clothing, so you can change into dry clothes after the rides that soak you, or if your clothes get too sweaty. If you will be there during the evening hours, bring warmer clothes to change into. Do not wear new shoes! There is a lot of walking involved, and you wont last one hour in brand new shoes. Wear an old pair that are well broken in. Bring an extra pair of shoes to change into if yours get wet.

Make sure that you bring earplugs. There is a lot of noise at Universal Studios, and some of the attractions are deafening. Also bring sunscreen, sunglasses, and hats to help protect you from the sun. Use a backpack or a fanny pack to carry your belongings in there are also lockers available through guest services if you need a safe dry place to store your things.

And more.....
How to Get the Most Out of Your Universal Studios Tour Experience.....
Universal Studios is a huge place, with lots to see and do. If you want to experience as much as possible in one day, it is important to plan your day. By planning your day, you will be able to get more in than you would if you went in without a viable plan.

Start the day with the Universal Studios Tour. It takes one hour, and you need to be there before the gates open. It is important to be on that very first tour, so you can avoid some of the long lines at the theme park.

Universal Studios is divided into two lots the upper lot and the lower lot. When you are ready for the theme park attractions, start on one lot or the other, and visit all of the attractions on that lot before moving to the other one. This will cut down a lot of walking time. The upper lot usually opens before the lower lot, so start at the top if possible.

After a day at the theme park, be sure to visit Universal City Walk right outside the gates of the park. The City Walk is three blocks of shops, restaurants, bars, and entertainment. This is a great way to end a perfect day at Universal Studios Tours.

And more.....
A Little Planning Can Save a Lot of Walking.....
Many of us dream for most of our lives about that one family vacation of a lifetime. We cant wait to take our children to this awesome place where movie magic is made each and every day. We look forward to sharing with them things that held us so spellbound as children, you know, back in the day when special effects were new and awesome. Then the day arrives and we find that we spend most of our time walking back and forth and waiting in long lines with cranky children who are bored, hot, and tired of standing in line after long line.

One thing you can do to avoid some of the tired crankiness as well as maximizing your time effectiveness (I understand most people only have one day in which to cram as many attractions as possible and we all want it all), is to have a plan of action before you enter the gates. Dont get me wrong; you dont want to over plan to the point that there is no room for impromptu sightseeing or potty breaks but if you have a general plan of action it helps avoid wasting hours of time going from one area of the park to another and missing several attractions in between that you will be once again heading in search of later on. What you will need to do is get a schedule of events for the day and a map of the park. Chose the attractions that are in one area of the park and plan those for the same general time period, plan morning activities for the lower lot and try to go in order of the next closest attraction that operates within the time line and plan afternoon activities for the upper lot.

And more.....
Here are just a FEW of the other things you will find out in-
"Universal Studio Tours- Making the Most of Your Universal Studio Tour!"

2 More Steps to Maximizing Your Fun at Universal
Studios Hollywood

Dont Bring Enough Supplies for the Calvary

Universal Studios Makes an Offer you May Not Want
to Refuse

Allowing Everyone to Have a Special Event Makes
Everyone a Special Contributor

Line Time is a Premium You Shouldnt Have to Pay at
Universal Hollywood

Sometimes the Surprise Attractions Offer the Most

The Special Effects Stages are Absolute Musts for Your
Universal Studios Tour

Fear Factors Greatly at Universal

Nickelodeon Blast Zone is a Blast of Refreshing
Coolness in the Southern California Sun

Hollywood Animal Actors Steal the Show at Universal

And soo much more.....
So, if you are really ready to take that MUCH NEEDED vacation and want a little excitement, then a vacation to Universal Studios is just the answer for you!
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"Universal Studio Tours- Making the Most of Your Universal Studio Tour" TODAY!
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