PC Speed Up System Vid Series With MRR
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10 Year Computer Veteran Tells You How To Do Exactly What The Computer Stores Do To Your Computers...Save a Couple Hundred Bucks And Protect and Speed Up Your Computer Today...!
If you rely on your computer to do work, run your business, or complete any project, this must have knowledge can easily be learned by anyone...simply watch these step by step and straightforward videos....
Is your computer slower than it used to be?
When you use your Internet Browser, do you get tons of popups?
Is your Browser being hijacked constantly?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you will want to read on. Computers have an effect on everyone, and this is need to know information for everyone.
If you think your computer is protected, then think again...Most people only have an AntiVirus software, and they think that's all they need...then they wonder why their computer is still slow...!
In fact, did you know that there is a lot more security attackers besides viruses. Some of them are running on your computer right now, w/o you even knowing it. There is spyware, malware, trojans, and lot of things on your computer right now that are slowing your computer down.
Now you may have taken your computer to a computer store or you may know someone that has. Your costs generally run anywhere from $50-200 and guess what? They're likely doing basic stuff to your computer.
But what if you could learn the basics to protect yourself today?
Introducing the PC Speed Up System Video Series...
With PC Speed Up System, you will learn from an experience IT veteran and former programmer who has fixed computers since he was in high school. If you take your computer any computer store, they will likely take the same steps or even less in this video series.
So how can I protect my system? I'll give you a free tip...The first step is to protect your system and by doing that, it can really speed things up. So there are several softwares, many which are free that you will see in this video series. There are other steps on the basic level to speed your computer up.
In this video series, you will have access to 6 content packed videos that show you how to really take charge of protecting and speeding up your computer.
1) Introduction
You'll get an introduction of your computer, how viruses and malware can affect it, and the basic understanding that is necessary before we move onto the rest of the video series.
We'll also talk about different types of security attacks so you know what to expect. It's better to know what to expect than not know at all.
2) Spyware, Malware, Trojan Horses
Have you experienced un-necessary popups that come out of nowhere when you are simply surfing the web? Or has your Internet surfing experience slowed down to a crawl? It's possible it is your connection, but if it used to be fast and now it's slow...the problem is likely to be spyware, malware, or some sort of trojan horse. Now, while you don't need to know those technical terms, these types of security attacks, generally run behind the scenes on your computer, w/o appearing to you. Their job is to spy on your, your important data, and what you type, and send it back to the hacker. So while you can speed up your computer by removing them, you will also protect your personal data.
3) Antivirus and Firewalls
What about protecting from outside attacks? ...and viruses? Like I said earlier. Most people have antivirus softwares, but a lot of people forget about a personal firewall. Especially if you use wifi and you're computer is not protected by your router's firewall, how will you monitor people or programs trying to get onto your computer? This is just the basics levels that everyone must protect themselves with.
4) Speeding it up: How to speed Vista up
If you've used or owned Vista, you know that Vista uses a lot of RAM or memory because the design and way it was created. However did you know that there are small tweaks you can make to Vista that will speed it up? You'll learn just that in this video..
5) Speeding it up: Internet Browsers and Internet Cleaners
The type of Internet Browser you use can make a huge difference in how fast your computer can respond to the Internet. We'll explore how using other types of browsers will allow you to have a faster surfing experience, and yet a more secure one. Did you know that everytime you visit the internet, your computer saves all those pictures and data to your computer? Eventually your computer becomes this huge wasteland of files you don't need. Learn how to remove those unwanted files.
6) Speeding it up: Start Up Programs, Defragging, Buy More RAM
In this last video, we will explore more options for you to speed your computer up faster than ever...
So...with that said, grab a copy of PC SpeedUP System today and take the level of protection for your computer and sensitive data to the next level. You can view this video series immediately after your purchase, so you don't have to wait until I wake up or even if I'm sleeping or out of my office, you can still download it instantly.
Tags: mrr, pc