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Sold by ikrie82 on Tradebit
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Easy Chair Millionaire

“Let Me Virtually Take You By The Hand and Teach You From Scratch How To Create Multiple set-and-forget Passive Income Streams That Will Have You Automatically Earning Over A Million Dollars A Year Without Even Owning A Website!”

From The Modern Mansion of: “The Easy Chair Millionaire”

Dear Entrepreneur,

You Can Actually Start Earning Cash 15 Minutes From Now!

While I am a Multi-Millionaire and make thousands of dollars a day on the internet I shouldn’t be confused with any other jerk online. I’m not obnoxious, I’m not rude and I’m certainly not going to insult your intelligence or belittle you and call you a pathetic loser. However with all that being said, I have to confess to one thing, I am extremely lazy.

You see I thoroughly enjoy sitting in my easy chair and smoking imported Cuban cigars, all while watching my million dollar Internet empire grow on my laptop. And you want to know something?

I don’t even own a website with the exception of the one your reading now.


“I Urge You Not To Be A “Site Scroller”

Okay, It’s no secret that I’m selling something here, but when you see what I’m offering, you will be blown away! I’m going to TRY and keep this short and sweet, because there is nothing worse and I am sure you’ll agree, than a sales letter that goes on and on… But if I don’t have your full attention you may not see all I have to offer you and coming back later may cost you money. So I ask you not to just scrooool down to the P.S. and baaaaaaack up to the Top, and then look for the price, “Yawn.” and close the page.

Here’s what I suggest you do…
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This file is sold by ikrie82, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 3 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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