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Extreme Live Blog Article Automator

Welcome to

Extreme Live Blog Article Automator


By Peter Drew

Please read this entire document.

This is very simple software to operate

simply enter your password

click on Add Article button.

Important, you can add up to 10 Articles Per session

The First Title of your first article will be the account name

and your sub domain name. e.g


So make sure the main keywords for the niche you are

targeting is in the title of the first article you add.

In the body paste your article in, in HTML

You can have images in your article

and video feeds

as seen in this example MSN blog


In the Enter URL: field put one URL e.g https://www.tradebit.com in this field

for each article you create, if you are promoting one site with this session

put the main URL in the first article and then internal page URL's e.g

https://www.tradebit.com in each of the other articles you add.

Then click on Add New Article ( Up to 10 Per session, Unlimited Sessions)

After you have added all your articles

Then click on the Start Button to proceed.

This brings you to this window

This is the only important part to remember

After the You click on the start button, this new window will open below

PLEASE KEEP this software on top off all others, this needs to remain the Active


Scroll down till you see the Capture Image.

Then in the TOP section of the software, enter this capture

then click on the Enter Captcha Button.


The software is now creating your new MSN Spaces Live account and

changing the account for better SEO, plus posting your articles to this blog

Please keep this window on top and active while these process's are being



The software is now presenting you with your account info

Please record this account name. in this instance its

account name = https://www.tradebit.com

password = password you originally entered.

Click on the blue link to see your new MSN Spaces Live Blog

Main site https://www.tradebit.com

blog https://www.tradebit.com

Feed https://www.tradebit.com

Now you have your feeds, you can plug them straight into unlimited

blogger blogs using this software RSS SEO Explosion Generator Get It Here

to create 3 way links to your main site.

These are great to promote your affiliate programs, while at the same

time promoting your own sites via links in the article.

(if you need help ask as many questions as you like on the forum

https://www.tradebit.com register and make sure

you find the confirmation email and click on the link in the email

to confirm your email address)

BONUS Software to Get your New Blogs indexed Fast.

After you have Created your blogs

Just add

https://www.tradebit.com to the end of your blogs URL

To get these blogs indexed in the search engines.

Start the supplied mydiggs.exe software.

Click on the RSS Feeds Sites button.

Then go to https://www.tradebit.com and register for a free account.

Update your user and password, then click on Save.

Then click on the

Post RSS Feed

Button to see this

Add each of your blogs https://www.tradebit.com feeds to this field and press submit, it takes about 5 seconds per feed you enter

Now all your blogs will get spider'd and indexed fast.

This also greatly helps your rankings, with one site pointing to the blogs with your links in your feeds and links within your articles.

Additionally you can manually update your RSS feeds at these sites

https://www.tradebit.com PR 5

https://www.tradebit.com PR 5.

(both Free RSS aggregator sites)

I Strongly suggest you post the feeds to your main RSS feeds to these sites to provide even more Instant Backlinks

to your site. You can then manually update the feeds from your new blogger blogs to these sites to drive your rankings

even higher.

You have now successfully created a great Automated 3 Way Linking Network including

PR 8 PR 5 PR 5 sites to drive your sites rankings through the roof!!

e.g RSS aggregators pointing to your new blogger blogs which are pointing to your own website. Plus the links

pointing to your site via the RSS Aggregators themselves.

Even More Links for Free Here


This is a free Social bookmarking service that allows you to semi automate posting your sites

links to 28 of the Top Social Bookmarking sites on the Internet.

(takes some time to register with all the SB sites, about 20 mins. but once this is done

every time after is much faster, and well worth the effort)

Even MORE Free Links


This is a great little free and Fast Service

You can grab the URL from any related video on Youtube.

then post this video to the top 16 Video sites on the web, including

yahoo. https://www.tradebit.comgle etc.

Tip. put your full url. e.g https://www.tradebit.com in the first line of the description

or better, keywords in your URL. e.g https://www.tradebit.com

Have the URL in the first line of the description by itself

put any supporting text in the lines below it.

Tip2: More tags you use, the more links you achieve. so use a lot of relevant keywords as tags.

In closing.

I suggest you use the software to generate as many keyword rich hyper linked articles

pointing to your site and importantly its internal pages.

After you have done this, please submit the rss feed of these blogs to the RSS aggregators

listed above, to provide you with very nice 3 way links.

Use the free social bookmarker and video submission sites to the site you are promoting

and at least 1 of the MSN blogs you have created (more the better)

In 2 to 4 weeks you will be AMAZED at the backlinks created using the software and advice

given above.

To gain even more quality backlinks from authority sites, I suggest

Geo Authority Link Explosion Generator Get It HERE

More links from authority sites means higher listings in the SERPS.

If you have chosen your niches carefully, you can totally dominate the entire

Front page of Google for your specific niche. Your niche, Your Links

All from different sites. Nobody including your competitors will know

you have captured nearly all the front page for this niche.

Nothing better than competing with yourself.

After feedback from my customers, I do see that there are still a lot of people

that dont fully understand the importance of choosing a niche wisely.

One person was complaining that after using my products they were not getting

traffic. They said there were plenty of backlinks but no traffic

I enquired to which market they were targeting. Answer = Internet marketing !!


Of course the problem with this market is its HUGELY Competitive.

close to 50 MILLION competing pages, not to mention each of those

listings in the top 30 or so, have been extremely optimised and many

people are fighting over these top positions.

I've decided to draft a report on how to find a good niche

how to find products to promote, So please keep an

eye out for it on https://www.tradebit.com make sure

you are on the email list so you get the first emails about

my future WSO's and can get in on the cheaper prices for

my products.


Please feel free to contact me by joining the forum

below and creating a thread with your questions in it.

I cannot answer questions via email, due to the volume

of the sales, though am able to personally reply

to each thread on my forum below. Then everyone

gets the benefits of the answers from questions asked

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This file is sold by annieh, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 2 megabytes
File Type EXE
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