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How To Create Professional PDF´s For FREE

"Here's How To Quickly & Easily Create Professional PDF's ... For FREE!"

AND - Discover How To Get The Amazingly Powerful And Never-Before-Released "Viral PDF Generator" Script For FREE That Allows You To Create Viral PDF's From Any HTML Document!

Want to create great-looking and fully featured PDF's for FREE?

Here's how...

There's fantastic and very powerful software available that allows you to take any Microsoft Word document, HTML document, and most other formats too, and turn them into fully fledged PDF.

However, it's not quite that simple...

Often great quality free software isn't widely known, since of course they don't have the advertising budget. And often, the support of free software can be almost non existent making it very difficult for you to use.

But - I've found solutions to both of those problems for you ...

How To Create Fully Featured And Professional PDF's For Free ...

After much trial and error, and a lot of "rejects", I've found the four pieces of free software that work fantastically if you're looking to create PDF's.

AND - I'll show you exactly how to use them and start benefiting with them, so you can literally be creating great looking PDF's within the hour.

I'll show you how to turn any existing documents you have (in almost any format) into PDF's quickly and easily. I'll also show you what to bear in mind when creating new documents that you want to convert into PDF.

These four powerful pieces of software are fully detailed in thirty coaching videos coming to a total of 161 minutes. However, you can pick and choose which videos interest you so you can be up and running very quickly. This is all bundled together for you in my latest coaching product:

And here's a quick rundown of exactly what you'll discover in these thirty detailed coaching videos:


PDF Creation Software 1:

The "Viral PDF Generator" Script


Video One (5 Minutes)

In this video I reveal exactly how to get the Viral PDF Generator script for free.


Video Two (6 Minutes)

Here I'll show you how you can install the Viral PDF Generator script in less than five minutes so you can be up and running almost instantly.


Video Three (9 Minutes)

In this video I'll show you how to quickly configure the Viral PDF Generator script with your own unique settings.


Video Four (2 Minutes)

Here I'll show you an important "spring cleaning" task to keep the Viral PDF Generator script running smoothly on your website.


Video Five (9 Minutes)

In this video I'll show you how to create a "Customize This PDF" page to place on your website.


Video Six (14 Minutes)

Here I'll show you how to create the ebook source that you'll quickly and easily convert into a PDF with the Viral PDF Generator script.


Video Seven (4 Minutes)

In this video I'll show you how to add graphics to all the PDF's that you create with the Viral PDF Generator script.


PDF Creation Software 2:

An Amazing Free Alternative To Microsoft Office


Video Eight (2 Minutes)

Here I'll show you how to get a very powerful piece of software for free that allows you to quickly and easily create PDF's from practically any type of document.


Video Nine (3 Minutes)

In this video you'll discover how to use the free and incredibly powerful alternative to Microsoft Office to create working documents and PDF's in multiple formats.


Video Ten (6 Minutes)

Here I'll show you how to import your existing documents into this software so that you can easily convert them into PDF.


PDF Creation Software 3:

This Software Can Convert Almost All Document
Formats You Work With Into PDF


Video Eleven (4 Minutes)

In this video I'll show you where to download for free very powerful software that allows you to create great looking PDF's from almost any software you have installed.


Video Twelve (13 Minutes)

Here I'll show you how to quickly and easily create PDF's in less than a minute.


Video Thirteen (7 Minutes)

In this video I'll show you two fast ways to number your PDF pages automatically.


Video Fourteen (4 Minutes)

Here I'll show you how and why to add bookmarks to your PDF's to make them a lot more usable.


Video Fifteen (7 Minutes)

In this video I'll show you how to make your PDF's clickable so you can bring in more website traffic and affiliate commissions.


Video Sixteen (3 Minutes)

Here I'll show you how to personalize your PDF's even more to help make sure no one steals your work.


Video Seventeen (6 Minutes)

In this video I'll show you how to use the comment feature to make your PDF's more interactive.


Video Eighteen (3 Minutes)

Here I'll show you how to "stamp" your PDF's.


Video Nineteen (6 Minutes)

In this video I'll talk you through how to turn your PDF's into images, how to automatically extract all the text from them, how to rotate your PDF's ... and many more advanced features.


Video Twenty (6 Minutes)

Here I'll show you a very quick and easy way to greatly boost your PDF security.


PDF Creation Software 4:

Amazingly Powerful Yet Little Known Software That Turns
Any HTML Document Of Yours Info Fully-Fledged PDF


Video Twenty-One (3 Minutes)

In this video I'll introduce you to software that can turn any HTML document of yours into great looking PDF in less than a minute.


Video Twenty-Two (3 Minutes)

Here I'll show you how to quickly install this software so that you can be up and running within a couple of minutes.


Video Twenty-Three (7 Minutes)

In this video I'll walk you through step-by-step how to create your own PDF's with this software.


Video Twenty-Four (5 Minutes)

Here I'll talk you through how to choose the correct "Output Options" when working with this software.


Video Twenty-Five (4 Minutes)

In this video I'll show you how to specify your page sizes and settings for your PDF.


Video Twenty-Six (2 Minutes)

Here I'll show you how to specify the colors in your PDF document including default text color, background color and links color.


Video Twenty-Seven (3 Minutes)

In this video I'll show you how to set up the fonts of your PDF document.


Video Twenty-Eight (3 Minutes)

Here I'll show you how to set up in depth PDF settings.


Video Twenty-Nine (3 Minutes)

In this video I'll show you how to increase your PDF security by disabling/enabling printing or copying, and applying passwords to the document.


Video Thirty (7 Minutes)

Here I'll show you how to easily add page breaks to your PDF so that it looks exactly as you want it to.


For PC's Only - Not For Mac

I must tell you that this eBook only works (to my knowledge) on PC's. If your computer is running Microsoft Windows, you won't have any trouble at all viewing this eBook successfully.

However, if you're on a Mac you'll more than likely have trouble viewing it.
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This file is sold by kasu, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 1 megabytes
File Type EXE
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