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FAA Airplane Pilot Training Kit w/ 2012 FAR AIM

Finally, everything you need for Private Pilot ground school in one place! All documents are Official FAA Publications.
Up to date Free subscription for 1 year
In one place All documents fully indexed
Save time and $$$

Use this library to pass written tests, to prepare for oral and practical tests, to plan flights, to keep current and to pass bi-annual reviews. Covers Sport, Recreation and Private Certifications. Contains almost 100 electronic handbooks, guides, regulations, bulletins, templates and tools. Numerous companies (Jeppesen, King, ASA, Glems, etc) make a living supplying this information in slightly different formats.

The Jeppesen Kit costs over $425:
-Private Pilot Manual (List price: $73.95)
-Private Pilot Maneuvers Manual (List price: $19.49)
-Private Pilot Stage Exam Booklet (List price: $7.49)
-Private Pilot Practical Test Standards (List price: $6.49)
-Private Pilot Practical Test Study Guide(List price: $22.95)
-Private Pilot Airmen Knowledge Study Guide(List price: $18.49)
-GFD Presolo Written Exam (List price: $4.49)
-Private Pilot Airplane Exam Pack (List price: $22.49)
-FAR/AIM Manual (paper) (List price: $19.95)
-Pilot Logbook (List price: $13.49)
-TechStar Electronic Flight Computer (List price: $69.95)
-Private FliteSchool (test preparation software) (List price: $159.95)
-Aviation Weather Services (Paperback) (List price: $16.95)

The fact is you dont need to buy any of these multi hundred dollar guides or even to pay for a ground school. Advisory Circular (AC) No: 61-65D states:

COMPLETION OF GROUND TRAINING OR A HOME STUDY CURRICULUM. Ground training courses to prepare for the aeronautical knowledge test may be offered by pilot schools, colleges, aviation organizations, and individual flight or ground instructors Home study curriculums individually developed by students should be compiled from material described in the applicable FAA knowledge test guide.

This kit puts those materials in one categorized electronic library for your success (see listing of content below). In many cases, these are the same documents sold by the recognized companies. In all cases, the material is the final authority in answering test and regulatory questions and is as good as or better than what is sold. I have also included many time and money saving tools available in the library and reference to online tools to assist with planning, weather, research and training. All are free with this kit. Save your money for flight time.

The material in this kit is compiled from publicly available sources and research and documents created during my pilot training. Using this material, I got a 93 on my test and passed check rides on the first try.

I'll also give you the tools to make all this information portable so you can take it with you on your Palm, etc to study or reference. I paid another company over $15 just to get the regulations. After a cumbersome process of loading their software and data libraries, I found their files were so large I could only fit one section of the FAR on my memory. After much research, creating my own website and removing some of the larger pictures, I got this information much smaller. Now, this is all I carry with me even to flight reviews.

Yes, Get access to free, unlimited, on-line testing

Yes, Contains the latest edition of all Handbooks

Yes, Contains the most current FAR/AIM

Guaranteed Success

We will refund, replace or repair any defective product within six weeks from the date of purchase. After six weeks all sales are final. The material in this library is compiled from publicly available sources and research and documents created during my pilot training. It is far more than a directory of documents like others I've seen without any explanations. I've put many, many hours of research into tracking, creating, cataloging and keeping current the material and tools and making them accessible. Using it, I got a 93 on my written test and passed license check rides on the first try. I continue to reference the library to stay current and plan flights.

Easy to Use

Everything is laid out in a logical order with an explanation of why each document is important for certification and continued piloting success. I have tried to focus on what is most meaningful and explain why. All documents are in the library in the original FAA format. All are indexed and searchable for key terms. The detail, explanations and graphics are outstanding.

Up to Date

Each document is the current version as of the latest releases by the FAA. Other listing I've seen with this type of content are way out of date - one that I looked at has not been updated in over 3 years. You'll also be subscribed to updates of this information by download when it changes for 1 year.


Youll also be subscribed to updates of this information when it changes for 1 year. Please send an email to pilots@https://www.tradebit.com with the subject Private Airplane Subscription if contact information changes. Feedback is also welcome at this email.

This kit contains:

Learning & Study Materials
-Student Pilot Guide: FAA-Handbook
-The Airplane Flying FAA-Handbook
-Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge: FAA-Handbook
-Instrument Flying Handbook
-Medical Handbook for Pilots: FAA-Handbook
-Advisory Circular (AC) 67-2
-Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook
-Aviation Weather Services: AC
-Aviation Weather For Pilots and Flight Operations Personnel
-Hazardous Mountain Winds: AC
-Aviation Instructor's Handbook
-Plane Sense
-FAA Accident Prevention Bulletins: FAA-Pamplets (18 bulletins)

Testing Resources
-Private Pilot Practical Test Standards for Airplane: FAA-Standard
-Recreational Pilot Practical Test Standards for Airplane and Rotorcraft: FAA-Standard
-Pre-Solo Written Test: AC
-Certification Pilots and Flight and Ground Course
-Knowledge Test Guide: FAA-Guide
-Reference Materials and Subject Matter Knowledge Codes for Airman Knowledge Testing
-Airman Knowledge Test Question Bank Private Pilot: Question Bank and Answers
-Computer Test Supplement(all question graphics)
-Test Site List: Where you can take test
-Average Test Scores: Compare yourself to others

-Federal Aviation Regulations FAR/SFAR
FAR / Aviation CFR
-Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)

-Quick reference knowledge sheet for study prep, keeping current, and flight reference
-Cessna 172 Checklists: From Information Manuals in Kit
-Flight Planning Templates:Templates to plan you flight just print them off
-Free Practice Computer Testing
-Access to Practice Test Site
-Weather: How to get current weather on-line
-Airport Directory Information and Diagrams: Where to get current airport directory info online
-Flight Planning: On-line tools for planning
-AOPA: What they offer and how to use it
-Log Book: Get a free log book for your hand held
-E6B calculator: A free on-line calculator and an inexpensive calculator for your hand held
-Airworthiness Directives: Where to get current directives online
-Advisory Circulars: Lists advisory circulars and how to get them online
-Hard Copies: How to get paper copies if you must have them
-Getting Info to your Handheld (Palm or PocketPC): Best ways to make this information portable
-NOTAMS: Get current notices updated every 28 days
-Accident Databases and Synopses: Find out what really happens in accidents online
Tags: aim
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